Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 144: Into the blood pool (2 in 1)

"Last time Yaoling entered the middle-level blood pool, this time she will not participate, let's see who can enter with you and me!"

Wednesday said with a smile, his expression full of fighting intent and a slightly provocative tone, he looked at Zhong Ye, who was wearing a purple robe with a long sword on his back.

The blood pool in the middle layer stipulates that people under the age of 100 participate in the competition.

It is worth mentioning that those who have entered the blood pool once, if they enter again in the next five or six years, the effect of blood energy will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, there is also an express provision that the same entrant cannot enter continuously, wasting this precious opportunity.

After removing the previous winners, they can be said to be the strongest competitors in this blood pool.

Not surprisingly, this year's blood pool quota will only be selected from these two people.

And this has little to do with Wang Yu.

His goal has never been the middle and upper blood pools, he wants to compete for the lower blood pool.

Those under fifty years of age are required to participate in the competition.

The last entrant to this blood pool was the Law in front of him.

Therefore, he will not participate this time, and probably will not have the opportunity to participate in the lower blood pool competition in the future.

Next year, he will be over fifty years old and can only compete in the middle-level blood pool.

As a result, there are actually only two competitors in the lower blood pool this time.

He and a disciple named Song Qi.

For this Senior Brother Song, he can only say that he has a little impression.

This is a man with a slightly withdrawn temperament, about the same age as the lawful phase, with water spirit roots, and practicing the same Yuanshui method as Wang Yu.

It is said that the cultivation base had already entered the middle stage of Qi Qi realm ten years ago.

A few years ago, the strength was only half weaker than that of Law.

"Lawful, let's keep it informed as usual, we'll start picking places in a few days," said Wednesday.

"Okay, Senior Brother Zhou." Lawful nodded.

There is nothing to procrastinate in this competition. Except for Wang Yu, everyone else is well versed and knows the rules.

"Come on." Before leaving lawfully, he patted Wang Yu's shoulder and encouraged.

He originally thought that Wang Yu would not be competitive in the blood pool competition in the first few years.

However, with the continuous understanding, he knows that this new little junior brother is very strong.

He easily defeated He Duo'er in the competition two years ago.

Even if Song Qixiu is higher, he may not be able to win Wang Yu steadily.

three days later.

The exit that should go out, the return that should come back.

Everyone gathered in front of the Magic Wall.

Qinggang said calmly: "There is nothing to say, as always, go to the stone steps where the blood pool you want to enter is located, and the winner can enter."

"Yeah." The crowd responded.

"Let's go, Zhong Ye." Wednesday was quite excited and geared up.

"What's the hurry?" Zhong Ye snorted softly and walked towards the stone steps.

The two have similar strengths and are of the same age, and even the time when they were chosen by the old man Baihe to bring them in was similar.

Coupled with each other's temperament, the two have never been obedient to the other in cultivation since the first meeting.

There are probably thousands of heads-up competitions against each other, and in general there will be winners and losers.

This time the blood pool competition, the two have such a relationship, naturally they are going to be on the bar again.

"Then I'll take down the upper blood pool this time." Lei Dao sang wildly, bare upper body, carrying a large knife on his shoulder, and said with his head held high.

Then he looked aside again, playing with his taste: "Fang Fatty, shouldn't you want to rob me?"

Fang Fatty patted his bulging belly, like a Maitreya Buddha, and said with a smile, "I ate very well in the land of West Messance recently, so I should digest it."

Lei Dao sang with great joy, "Okay, you and I haven't learned from each other for more than 20 years, and I just tried it today."

"I gave up. When Kuangge and Qinggang are unable to participate, I will fight again." Xiao Shengmu shook his head.

He wears a wooden crown on his head, and stands with his hands behind his back like a pine tree.

Perhaps it is the cultivation method to raise people, he has always given people an indisputable old-fashioned personality.

Of course, this time, the blood pool is also his opponent who believes that he is not Thunder Blade Mad Song, so he simply does not try.

The rest also chose to give up wisely, and came here simply to watch the excitement.

Apart from those who cannot enter, the actual number of people competing this time is not large.

But only ** people.

After waiting for the upper and middle-level blood pool contenders to go up, Wang Yu did not delay, and stepped onto the stone steps, all the way up.

The dead bones at the bottom, illusions such as warriors, etc., did not pose any threat to him.

Song Qi, who was silent beside him, glanced at Wang Yu sullenly, and then followed up slowly.

"Oh? Is Junior Brother Xiaoyu also participating this time, or to compete with Junior Brother Song." Xiao Shengmu said in surprise when he noticed Wang Yu and Song Qi walking out.

"Junior brother is superb in swordsmanship, and his physical strength is incomparable to martial artists of the realm. There is still some chance to face junior brother Song." Lawful said with a smile on the side.

"It's true that you said that." Xiao Shengmu agreed with the law with a smile, obviously thinking of Wang Yu's previous performance.

He Duoer's beautiful eyes flickered, staring at Wang Yu's figure, her inner emotions were complicated.

There is admiration, envy and unwilling fighting spirit in his eyes.

After being defeated by Wang Yu, she was hit a lot, and she silently made Wang Yu the target of her pursuit.

It's a pity that this time, let alone competing with Wang Yu, she can't even step on the thirty-three stone steps where the blood pool is located.

As for Wang Yu, she knew that a year ago, he had already condensed his mind on the thirty-three stone steps.

In practice, the difference between the two is quite large.

Wang Yu didn't draw his sword, just his fingertips, the energy of Dan Lan's Yuan Shui shot out, shattering the illusion of the stone steps.

Two years later, although his current cultivation level has not yet entered the middle stage of Qi, his strength has grown more than several times.

With Fanxing Dao and Liu Xinjian's monthly training supplies, his training speed has always been super fast.

Proficiency is skyrocketing every day, and it has never slackened.

Now, he is not far away from entering the middle stage of the Qi realm, but it is not too far away.

Qi Xing practice is not easy, whether it is Lawful or Song Qi, it took nearly ten years to step into the middle stage of Qi Xing.

You must know that they are all carefully selected by Baihe. Among the imperial warriors, the cultivation aptitude is the best choice.

Ordinarily less talented warriors may not be able to go further for decades after qi.

In comparison, Wang Yu was quite satisfied with the progress achieved by Wang Yu's two years of deep cultivation.

Even when there is no shortage of training materials, the proficiency panel in my mind is still powerful.

On the other side, when He Duo'er was in a thousand thoughts, Wang Yu had successfully stepped through the layers of those war generals' illusions.

After that, in the face of those illusions like sword fairy, Wang Yu needs to draw his sword.

The foot did not stop, and the knife continued to be released.

Before that, Sword Immortal may still need his attention and wait for it.

But now, these sword fairy phantoms are not enough to see.

Knife and knife crit, knife and knife insta-kill, all the way to pass.

"What a mighty sword!" Xiao Shengmu's eyes lit up. He was always warm and jade-like, but his expression rarely changed drastically.

He also watched the new challenge at the dinner two years ago.

At that time, Wang Yu had already shown enough superb swordsmanship.

But compared to now, Wang Yu's power of the sword is obviously much stronger!

The speed of such progress is simply breathtaking.

He is very clear that the more you dig and study in a certain field, the more you achieve, the more difficult it is to go further after you reach a certain level.

This also shows Wang Yu's improvement in swordsmanship, which is even more valuable.

"In such a realm of swordsmanship, even if it is a mad song, purely on the attainment of swordsmanship, I'm afraid it can't stabilize him..."

Xiao Shengmu muttered to himself, and the lawful eyelids jumped when he heard it.

He didn't doubt what the eldest old man said, it's just like this.

Wang Yu is only in his twenties. It is impossible to start practicing swordsmanship from his mother's womb...

"As well as this power of mind, it's no wonder that his mind-guarded sword is so proficient and powerful, and when combined with this type of sword technique, he can indeed achieve such power.

Originally, I thought Junior Brother Song had a better chance of winning, but now it seems..."

Xiao Shengmu didn't say any more, but Lawful had already heard that the eldest elder was more optimistic about Wang Yu.

Wang Yu was just like this, with one knife on the first floor, all the way to the thirty-third floor quickly.

On each previous floor, he did not delay too much time.

For his current sword skills, he has become accustomed to it.

This is the result of his two years.

He integrated the body forging method and the burning blood method in the entire Tibetan palace.

The final masterpiece, of course, is that difficult to practice body training method.

This body refining method is also included in the previous four integrated masterpieces.

The basic punching technique, basic leg technique, basic defense technique, and magic reformation have optimized countless blood-burning and indestructible techniques.

Take the essence and remove the dross. On this incomparably thick and huge foundation, the proficiency panel is free to play, and based on this, the tall building is built.

In addition to these four sets of integration exercises that focus on body training, the remaining one major integration masterpiece, the basic knife technique is still stripped out by him.

After all, the idea behind the creation of this basic sword technique was to attack and attack, not to train the body.

Different ideas, naturally there is no need to integrate them.

Instead, it exists alone, and continues to absorb the true meaning of the swordsmanship in the Tibetan Palace, further deepening and reforming.

Even some of the exquisite swordsmanship and other weapon skills were integrated into it by him.

Although this basic sword technique is still at the eighth level, the power of the technique has indeed been greatly enhanced.

What Xiao Shengmu saw was what Xiao Shengmu saw, and the terrifying power of the sword was continuously superimposed.

As for mental power, it was the result of his two years of sitting **** the Illusory Wall Rock Steps, which brought his already condensed mind to a higher level.

In general, Wang Yu is indeed much stronger now than he was two years ago.

And once the blood pool can help him get started with the body-refinement method and reach the first level, his strength will definitely undergo an earth-shaking change.

He had high hopes for the blood pool in front of him.

Compared with Wang Yu's easy and freehand climb to the thirty-three stone steps, Senior Brother Song Qi was not so fast.

Especially at the last thirty-third floor, it took a long time to kill the unidentified phantom with a deformed shape.

"Senior brother, why don't you rest for a while and fight again later." Wang Yu suggested Song Qi, who was sweaty and exhausted.

Song Qi was not hypocritical, nodded and thanked him, and then he recovered silently with his knees crossed.

The Yuanshui method also has a good positive effect on returning Qi and restoring physical strength.

After a while, Song Qi finished meditating, recovered seven, seven, eight, eight, got up and said, "It's alright, junior brother."

Wang Yu nodded, and the breath of the two began to grow stronger.

Song Qi is superior in the realm of cultivation, but he will never underestimate Wang Yu.

Being able to climb the thirty-three stone steps with the cultivation base in the early stage of Qi formation is enough to explain everything.



Song Qi drew his sword and cut out a wave of sword energy.

He knows his strengths well, and he compares his strength with cultivation.

Facing this sword qi, Wang Yu looked as usual.

He even killed the emperor's general in the first place.

However, the strength of this brother Song in front of him is more than one grade stronger than that of the dead emperor's family, Dongfang Hu.

Wang Yu also slashed out a knife, but Dan Lan's knife qi condensed on the blade and did not let go.


When the opponent's sword qi approached, he was forcibly chopped to pieces.

The body was hit by the smashing sword energy, but it was fine, but it was not hurt.

"If I didn't practice hard for the past two years, it would be really difficult to win this time." Wang Yu felt the opponent's sword power and secretly said in his heart.

In the cave, there is no real weak person.

Even an unreliable senior brother like Bai Jinxiu is a top-level cultivator who is highly anticipated outside.

At most, it can only be said that there is something wrong with his xinxing and style, but his cultivation aptitude cannot be ignored.

With a flick of the blade, Wang Yu's figure moved, and he rushed forward.

"It's so fast!" Song Qi's eyes widened slightly, and he immediately stabbed out a piece of sword energy, whistling in all directions like a thunderous wave hitting the shore, sweeping the entire stone steps in front of him.

Wang Yu was approaching at this time, and he also cut out the layers of Yuan Shui Dao Qi. He did not seek to win against the waves, but only needed to weaken the opponent's sword qi power.

The rest of the sword might hit his body, and it was painless under the action of the defensive method, leaving some shallow sword marks.

"I've given up my brother."

Just as Song Qi was about to take two steps back to open the distance, Wang Yu's voice was already floating in his ears, his heart suddenly tightened, and his whole body became tense.

Swordsmanship · A sword against the waves!


I saw that the strength of his sword was condensed to the extreme, causing the sword's body to flash blue light, and the strong sword turned around and stabbed at Wang Yu.

The response was really fast, but when he turned around, he saw an unstoppable blade of light, engulfing him and the sword in his hand.

"I lost."

Let Wang Yu cut out the sword of heart and mind, and the outcome of the victory has already been declared.

Wang Yu didn't mean to procrastinate at all, the battle between the two sides only lasted for a few seconds.

There is no situation to say, Wang Yu's last knife hit Song Qijian and directly swept the opponent down the steps.

After Song Qi landed, he didn't say anything, Chong Wang Yu cupped his hands and silently retreated into the crowd.

He knew very well that if Wang Yu had slashed at his neck with the knife just now, he would be dead now.

Pure skill is inferior to others, and he is not wronged at all to lose.

"Junior Brother Song is not bad, but Junior Brother Wang Yu's mind and imperial saber has already been used in perfection.

"Well, it's not wrong to lose."

"It's not wrong to lose."

Song Qi: "..."

This group of people seemed to want to comfort him, but soon only the sigh of Wang Yu's swordsmanship was left.

Wang Yu looked at Law.

"Little Junior Brother, you can enter directly when you are ready." Lawful said thoughtfully.

Wang Yu nodded, and without waiting for the winners to be decided, he could not wait to walk to the blood pool platform on the side.

This blood pool platform is on the edge of the thirty-three stone steps, and you can step on it in one step.

Seeing this blood pool at close range, you can see the blood energy lingering around, and the coagulation will not disperse.

The pool is not really full of blood.

In fact, there is nothing inside, except that there is a layer of viscous blood-red moisture attached to the inner wall.

It is said that blood and water can only be seen in the middle and upper blood pools, and the corresponding strong body, the effect of increasing the cultivation base is also more significant.


Wang Yu thought in his heart and stepped directly into the blood pool.

The blood pool is not big, and it is enough for one person to sit cross-legged underneath.

For a moment, there was a blush in front of him, and he was heavily wrapped in a lot of blood.

From the outside, he seemed to be enveloped by a blood-colored sphere.

There is no **** smell, and these blood energy are not violent, but more like pure and high-level energy.

There are some similarities with the star energy in the star knife.

"Try it."

What Wang Yu closed his eyes and started to operate was not the Yuanshui method, but his new set of exercises.

The surging qi and blood all over the body began to agitate, impacting all parts of the body according to the specific venation diagram.

The next moment, the surrounding blood energy immediately seemed to be drawn, injected into his body, and quickly refined by this body refining method.


A hidden acupuncture point was suddenly washed causing a burst of pain all over his body.

But soon the pain disappeared and became numb and sour.

"So fast!"

Wang Yu was overjoyed, and finally saw hope.

Sure enough, the supply standard required for cultivating this new exercise is more than just treasures and meat.

The blood energy in this blood pool can also be used, and the effect is immediate.

The energy and nutrients contained in the blood gas are much more than the treasure meat meat in the late stage of the Qi realm, and even to an incalculable level, far beyond Wang Yu's imagination!

It's like the essence and blood of a higher-level life is preserved.

If it is cultivated for the blood burning realm martial artist, this is also an absolute treasure.

However, the physical strength of ordinary blood-burning warriors is mostly unable to withstand the huge energy in this blood, and it is given for nothing.


Another hidden hole was successfully opened.

Above his head, the beating speed of the skill proficiency value was almost as fast as an afterimage.

Stacks of numbers jumped simultaneously every second.

There is no so-called energy endurance limit, nor is there a bottleneck in cultivation techniques.

As the proficiency value kept jumping like a wind, the progress of Wang Yu's new exercises also skyrocketed.

He didn't notice the blood energy in this blood pool, and it would be drained by him soon.

This can directly increase the blood energy of the Qi-Xing Realm martial artist for several years at a time, and it will be gone in a moment.

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