Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 446: It turned out to be Xia Wanyuan for the strong face.

   Chapter 446 Strong Face Slap turned out to be Xia Wanyuan

The angle of the cameraman of CBB TV station is very good. He was on the balcony on the second floor of the bridge. In the lens, a woman in a long skirt came gracefully in the light of the drizzle. Suddenly, the umbrella eaves moved away, like a frosty one. Xue's face appeared, and the whole person was full of cold connotations.

  When countless people were watching this news, they were amazed by this scene. The audiences of CBB TV station were about to be blown up, and they all came to ask who this oriental girl was.

  The bewildered photographer certainly doesn't know who she is, because he took the photo casually on the road.

Netizens from the Eagle Country intercepted this shot and put it on the fins website. The fins website brought together netizens from all over the world. Facts have proved that the faces and dogs all over the world are connected. This shot quickly aroused many people. Follow and forward.

  The Internet in China is not connected with foreign countries. On the domestic side, a bunch of people are chasing Bai Lian, all kinds of confession written for her "Rain Lane Girl",

  In foreign countries, many netizens are fascinated by the raising of the head of this mysterious oriental woman.

  Netizens found out the account of the photographer who took this video, and countless private messages flew over and asked him to post a few more photos.

  This photographer is really there, and he was also amazed at the time. The camera clicked and clicked on and on.

   So at the request of netizens, he posted a few more photos on his account.

  Soon, a topic named "whoisshe" was on the hot search list on the Internet.

  At this time, some international students discovered this topic, clicked in and took a look, the female star of China!

  Everyone returned to Weibo proudly to see who it was, and prepared to find out for themselves before spreading science to foreign friends, but when they returned to the domestic website,

Huh? ? ? ? its not right? ? ? ? ? ? These two are not the same at all! !

  There was a gap in the matter, and more truths began to pour out. Some netizens moved news videos from external networks to Weibo, and soon, it attracted everyone’s attention.

  In the news, the host praised the mysterious oriental woman who has been popular on the fins network these days, calling her the Venus of the East.

  Then the camera switched, a woman in Tsing Yi was walking in the rain holding an umbrella,

  At this time, the Chinese netizens hadn't realized what was wrong, and thought, this white pity is quite arrogant, this time it can be regarded as winning glory for the country.

  But when the woman under the umbrella raised her head, a graceful and picturesque face appeared in the camera, mingled with the mist and rain of Jiangnan behind her, with a hazy painting scene all over her body.

  Foreign netizens don’t know, but all Weibo netizens know,

  Where is this white pity! ! ! !

  This is Xia Wanyuan! ! !

  Now, everyone exploded,

  So that "lilac girl" is actually Xia Wanyuan instead of Bai Lian! ! !

  Netizens went over the wall and found the fins account of the photographer from Yingguo, and then moved the pictures he posted back to Weibo.

  【Fuck! This time I feel right. I said that Bai Lian's photos give me weird feelings. The coolness in Xia Wanyuan's bones is the charm in "Hua Guo Ge Magazine". 】

  [Sun, I was actually cheated, Bai Lian Studio is too shameless, right,]

  【Wow, disgusting. How embarrassed to come out and take it. 】

[You are sick, I madly said the other day that Bai Lian is a lilac girl, and it is also you who praised others for being beautiful. Now the truth has been exposed. It is you who stepped on the fastest. You have no ability to distinguish right from wrong, but the keyboard is used. First class. 】

  Once netizens caught the handle, they dig into the dead. Someone soon found out that the dress styles worn by Xia Wanyuan and Bai Lian are the same, but they are not at the same level.

  The one on Xia Wanyuan is beautifully sewn with the highest-grade embroidery fabric from Jiangnan Embroidery Workshop. Dresses like this are very complicated and handmade, so there is only one in the world.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible to make such a beautiful skirt. Therefore, the one on Bai Lian's body was specially made overnight after the Bai Lian team knew about the "lilac girl", so the work was done. It's very rough. If you zoom in on the picture, you can even see some threads.

  At this time, Bai Lian pretended not to succeed, but suffered a violent backlash and was mocked by the entire network.

The Bai Lian studio later issued a statement saying that he didn’t say anything, but thought that the photo looked good, so he took a set of his own artist. I didn’t think that netizens had over-interpreted it. The studio never said anything about it. Lian is the woman in the picture of "Hua Guo Ge Magazine".

This time I was so angry with netizens that I directly gave Bai Lian Studio and Bai Lian the title of "Bai Lian", and it was very regular every day. Once Bai Lian Studio posted a Weibo, everyone would follow Weibo consistently. The expression of Bai Lianhua was full of mockery.

It didn’t take long for Bai Lian Studio to close the comments altogether. As a star, Bai Lian needed to be commented, and there was no way to close the comments. So when you opened Bai Lian’s Weibo, a piece of white lotus came to your face. It's a grand scene.

  Those endorsements swarming in, swayed in front of Bai Lian, and they ran away before they even warmed up.

  The protagonist of all these disputes, Xia Wanyuan, did not pay attention to the disturbances on the Internet. She felt that the photos taken by those photographers were really good-looking, captured some inspiration, painted two paintings and put them on the Internet.

  (End of this chapter)

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