Chapter 355 : Belongs to the era of Mushen Yi

After a fierce battle, the match came to an end.

It’s just that when the audience looked at the score panel, they were speechless for a long time, and each of them was in shock and couldn’t help themselves.

Referee’s voice was in this atmosphere, resounding in the quiet audience:

“Odalia Tennis Open, Division 2/4, the fifth round of the quarter-final (8 into 4) duel, Mushen Yi VS Novak’s match result is–”

“Mushen Yi defeated Novak with a score of 6:0, 6:0, 6:0, 3 wins and 0 losses standings, and won the match!”

“Congratulations to Mushen Yi for his successful promotion to semi-final!”

The referee’s voice fell, and the audience was still silent. The audience still looked at the score board in a daze, but didn’t react for a while.

Even the fans and fans of Mushen Yi seemed a little shocked!

Until I don’t know which audience applauded, like a chain reaction, the applause gradually resounded through the audience, and then resounded through Yunxiao.


The shocking voice of the audience finally broke out.

“Novak, all three losing streak ended?!”

“It’s really unbelievable 813! Is Mushen Yi’s strength so terrifying?! That’s Novak, that’s one of the four heavenly kings!”

“13 Grand Slam championships, 25 Masters championships, 3 year-end final championships, and a total of 60 ATP singles championships. Such a king-level player unexpectedly ended in a disastrous defeat?!”

“If it weren’t for the applause at the scene so real, I thought it was just a dream, and this dream is really illogical!”

“It’s more than illogical, it’s simply unscientific!”

“To be honest, even if I am a fan and a fan of Mu Shen, I seem to be a little shocked! The ATP world rankings are ranked in the forefront of the Heavenly Kings player, can’t even score a point from Mu Shen?!”

“Is this really Novak himself?! Surely it wasn’t his twin brother who came up to fight?!”

“Even Novak ended in a disastrous defeat. For Raphael, for James, for Robert and other kings, the result is not much different!”

“In this battle, Mushen Yi not only advanced to the semi-finals, but also proved his surpassing cgbg!”

For the result of the match, everyone seemed a little unbelievable, very shocking!

Whether it is ordinary players, fans of Mushen Yi, or professional players, professionals, etc., they are all caught in a deep shock.

This standings, this result, is really ridiculous!

“Even Novak ended in a disastrous defeat?!”

James looked at the result of the match and was shocked, but then, he was suddenly relieved:

“In such a comparison, even if I fail miserably, there is no shame at all!”


Morrison nodded beside him, and a smile of relief appeared on his originally gloomy face:

“In the past few days, I have been unable to escape the psychological shadow of a fiasco, but with the fiasco of you and Novak, I suddenly felt a little relieved.

Even a master like you is defeated miserably, so what if I can’t get a score?

James said with a bitter smile: “Although I am sorry Novak, but my current psychology is exactly the same as you think!”

They are ranked 9th in the ATP world ranking and 15th in the ATP world ranking.

Originally because of the miserable defeat in the hands of Mushen Yi, he couldn’t get a score. It also seemed a bit embarrassing and a bit of a psychological shadow.

But seeing Novak, who is ranked 3rd in the ATP world ranking, was so miserable, they instantly relieved and once again restored the confidence that a top player should have!

It’s not that they are too weak, but Mushen Yi is too enchanting!

In the shock of the audience.

Mushen Yi shook hands with Novak.

The faces of the two looked different.

Novak’s face was full of wry smiles, listening to the shock of the audience, even a little ashamed and blushing.

Although Mushen Yi won the victory, he was neither arrogant nor impetuous. He didn’t look like a villain at all.

“I lost!”

Novak thought for a while, sighed and said:

“If it’s just a physical match, I have the confidence to score from your hands. But mental power, I am not your opponent!

“You are also very strong, I feel the pressure I have never had before.” Mushen Yi replied with a faint smile, giving Novak great affirmation.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, your mental power has surpassed the limit of human beings. This is also a kind of talent, an enviable talent.”

Novak said with a wry smile.

Mushen Yi nodded and said, “You guessed it right. The strength of mental power and psychological quality is my true talent.”

“Finally realize the power of your many “world” abilities.”

Novak recalled the match just now, but he still had lingering fears, “I really don’t want to meet you again!”

“Maybe it’s unlikely.”

Mushen Yi smiled, “Professional tennis says the big is not big and the small is not small, come and go there are so many matches, we will always meet.

“Oh, it seems that your time is coming.

Novak sighed without being discouraged: “Then let’s compete next time! I will definitely think of a solution!”

“Well, I’m looking forward to it.” Mushen Yi smiled.

Amidst the applause of the audience, the two returned to the contest area respectively, and after a brief cleaning, they left the match venue.

The audience looked at the backs of the two leaving, still full of lingering vibrations!

Netizens have already exploded on the Internet live broadcast through cameras.

Mushen Yi defeated Novak!

After the news spread, it caused a sensation among fans all over the world!

Even if it is not in the tennis world, even if it is just a passerby, they are deeply moved by this news!

Novak belongs to the king of heaven and is definitely a star in the sports world. He has a high degree of attention. Even if he does not watch a tennis match, he has heard of his legend.

And it is such a well-known king of the world who faced Mushen Yi, a newcomer who was only fifteen years old, and ended up miserably!

It still ended in a disastrous defeat!

Everyone understands what this means!

As Novak said-the era of Mushen Yi is coming soon!.

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