Chapter 260 : Different-dimensional mental power

In the fourth round, it was the second army Atobe’s serve round.

But to the surprise of the junior high school students in the audience, Atobe Keigo, who has always rarely turned over, served Turnover one after another.


“Hang the net! Turnover!”


“Hang the net! second service Turnover!”

After the Atobe double fault, the referee’s judgment sounded: “0:15! The more intelligent the army, the gross profit combination score!”

“Atobe, what’s the matter with you? There is a double fault? It’s too rare!” Niou Masaharu asked a little surprised.

“Feel sorry.”

Atobe was also a little confused, frowning, feeling that his strength had not reached the normal level at all.

Among the discussions among the surrounding junior high school students and high school students, Atobe started serving again. But the result did not change at all.


“Hang the net! Turnover!”


“Out! second service Turnover!”

Referee’s judgment sounded loudly: “0:30! The more intelligent the army, the gross 760 profit combination score!”

This seems to be just the beginning.

Next, Atobe lost points for double fault again until he lost the match.

“3:1! In this round, the wiser the army, the Maori combination wins!”

After serving four times in a row, all double faults lost points. No matter how careless Atobe Keigo was, there would never be such a low-level Turnover.

All the junior high school students have seen it, this is obviously a problem!

“It’s not like Atobe’s style.” Sanada Genichiro said solemnly: “I think it should be the two seniors on the opposite side, exerting certain abilities?”

“Similar to the influence of mental ability!” Seiichi Yukimura nodded faintly, “Remember the nickname of Otsuchi-senpai?”

“Spirit assassin!” Yanagi Renji said lightly: “Unconsciously, it exerted such a powerful spiritual influence on Atobe!”

Many junior high school students gradually guessed the inside story through intelligence.

Tsukimitsu Ochi obviously became the focus of everyone’s discussion, but he didn’t pay any attention to it and concentrated on starting the serve game of the fifth game.



Mach serve swept the audience again, Atobe and Nioh couldn’t even react, let alone fight back.

“15:0! The more intelligent the army, the gross profit combination scores!



“30:0! The more intelligent the army, the gross profit combination scores!”



“40:0! The more intelligent the army, the gross profit combination scores!”

Then soon.

“4:1! In this round, the wiser the army, and the gross profit combination wins!”

Tsukimitsu Ochi’s powerful “Mach serve” directly scored four consecutive ACEs to win and secure his serve game.

The audience was amazed, and applause rang out!

In the sixth game, it was the serve game of the first army of Nioh. The audience expected Atobe to return to normal and cooperate with Nioh to get back the score of the first game.

What they didn’t expect was–


“Hang the net! Turnover!”

The voice of referee amazed the junior high school students again!

“How is it possible?! Even King Ren is affected?!”

“Senior Yuezhi’s mental influence is so terrifying? Is it so difficult to prevent?!”


“Hang the net! second service Turnover!”

The judgment of the cgbg judgment sounded loudly: “0:15! The more intelligent the army, the gross profit combination score!”

Nioh did not escape the fate of being’spiritually assassinated’!

This result amazed the junior high school students and was full of frustration at the same time!

“Nioh, can you simulate “seamlessly”?

Atobe Keigo asked seriously: “We have to fight back, otherwise, we will always be at a disadvantage and at a disadvantage, which will deepen the impact of mental stress!”

“Atobe, what are you kidding?” Niou Masaharu said with a wry smile: “I am an analog “handsman”, not the hands himself!

Atobe Keigo sighed helplessly.

Niou Masaharu didn’t turn on’Selfless State,’ but he broke out of’Selfless State’. This move can be simulated and it can also stimulate the body’s potential.

The junior high school students are looking forward to it again and want to see Nioh’s counterattack.

It just turned out to be frustrating again!


“Hang the net! Turnover!”


“Out! second service Turnover!

Referee’s voice resounded ruthlessly throughout the audience, leaving the junior high school students completely devoid of energy: “0:30! The more intelligent the army, the more profitable combination of scores!

Nioh tried one after another, but serve was either on the Internet or out.

Even if he can simulate the abilities of zero-serve, handymanship, etc., tennis can’t make it through the net, and it won’t help at all!

“Different dimension! Senior Yuezhi has definitely reached the realm of different dimension!”

Kintarou Tooyama pointed to the court and said affirmatively: “This kind of mental pressure and influence feel very similar to Uncle Ghost!”

“I feel the same.”

Chitose Senri nodded, “Only by reaching the mental power of a different dimension can Atobe and Nioh be affected one after another!”

The junior high school students were amazed, this is the strength of the first army!

What makes them most desperate is that Tsukimitsu Ochi is ranked No.11 in the first army. Does this mean that the top ten of the first army have reached the different dimension level?!

“1:5! In this round, the wiser the army, and the Maori combination wins!”

After successive Turnovers, Nioh also lost this round of serve.

Amidst the exclamation and shock of the audience, in the seventh round it was the turn of the first army’s serve round, which will determine the direction of the match.

Whether the first army won directly or the second army turned defeat into victory, everyone looked forward to the match and waited for the final result.

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