Chapter 228 : Take it easy and play steadily

“Too strong, is this Kunimitsu, the number one hand in junior high school?”

On Shitenhouji’s side, Kintarou Tooyama also looked at the court with shock, “Echizen has no ability to resist!”

“You are right, Xiaojin.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke propped his head with one hand, looking at the player area of ​​the two teams, “In the junior high school world, the strength of the hand Kunimitsu is definitely No.1, and he has reached the professional level.”

“Professional level?!” Kintarou Tooyama sounded grandmother Sugi, who heard that she was also a professional player.

Chitose Senri on the side said with a faint smile: “After all, it is a player who has been personally instructed by the Faun, and it lasts for two years!”

“To be precise, it’s two years and eight months.” Jin Xiaochun pushed his glasses. “As early as the sixth grade of Kunimitsu, he had already received the guidance of the Faun.”

“Although I am envious, but the talent of the hand is beyond doubt.”

Shiraishi Kuranosuke said with a wry smile, “Let’s not think too much, can we meet Hyotei?”

“Well, our current enemy is Rikkai!”

During the short break in the odd games, the audience all had their own discussions. In this atmosphere, the time passed quickly and the referee’s voice sounded on time.

“The break is over, the match continues

The 26 players Kunimitsu and Echizen Ryoma played again, and in the second round it was the player’s serve round.

There was a sudden silence in the audience, and they looked at the court intently.


The “zero serve” that the audience was looking forward to appeared again. The tennis ball did not rebound after landing, but rolled back towards the net.

Although Echizen Ryoma had been prepared after Qian Zhenzhi’s reminder, when he swung back, he did not succeed.

“15:0! Hand Kunimitsu scored!”

There was thunderous applause from the audience!

They have seen this “zero serve” trick many, many times, and there are many players who fight back, but the only successful player is Mushen Yi!

Shoujia started to serve again, still zero-type serve.

Echizen Ryoma naturally did not give up and tried one after another, but the result was either out or hanging out.

“Zero serve” is a true rolling back against the ground.

Atobe’s “Tang Huai Se serve” and Fuji’s “Phoenix Return” abilities such as return attack have a slight rebound, and they can also take advantage of the challenge.

In the serve game, this is almost equal to no solution, unless you have the technical value of Mushen Yi, obviously, Echizen Ryoma does not have this!

Shoujia quickly won the game with “zero serve”.

“2:0! Kunimitsu won this round!”

In the third round, it was Echizen Ryoma’s serve round again.

Looking at the smile on Echizen Ryoma’s face, there was no look of frustration, and the audience had to admire his spirit and psychological quality.

“Echizen hasn’t given up yet, everyone cheers for him.” Oishi encouraged Seigaku’s teammates and cheered for Echizen Ryoma.

“That’s right.” Momoshiro Takeshi shouted hoarsely, “Echizen, come on!”

Hearing the cheers of his teammates, Echizen Ryoma chuckled, his body shining again: “This time, I will score the 9th goal!”

Listening to Echizen Ryoma’s voice, many people present were shocked!

“Is this the limit of aura?” Tachibana kippei was stunned.

Not long ago, Fudomine met Shitenhouji, and Tachibana kippei also met Chitose. The two went all out, Chitose directly broke out “the limit of talent” and shined the audience!

The audience was excited and looked forward to Echizen Ryoma’s performance.


Echizen Ryoma started to serve directly, this time it was his own external spin serve.

Shoujia easily caught up, intercepted the return attack, and quickly drew in the opposite direction.

The tennis ball flew across the net again.

Echizen Ryoma chased him quickly, and while running, the light of “Selfless State” burst out of his body, and then the light converged on his legs.

Thousands of hard work to comprehend the limit!

And it is to gather “thousands of tempers” on the legs and feet. This ability to move freely can avoid the influence of the decline in the reaction ability of various parts of the body.


After catching up, Echizen Ryoma mobilized “threatening hard work” to his left hand, and directly blasted down at the tennis ball.

The tennis ball flew back like a cannonball, but the player was still unmoved, quickly caught up to the interception, and cut diagonally down at the tennis ball.

When the tennis ball flew back again, Echizen Ryoma mobilized his legs to move quickly, catching up with the ball and slamming hard.

Echizen didn’t use “Movement as Thunder” because that trick was too much physical consumption.

When the tennis ball flew back again, the players still used the “fast and slow ball” to dissolve the above power, avoiding the “hard-worked” double return attack.

Of course, the handist can also explode “threatening and tempering” back to “threatening and tempering”, but he is obviously not a player of this rough style.

Bang! bang! bang one

The two had a fierce and exciting duel. The teammates in the Seigaku player area counted and suddenly found that something was wrong.

“Does this seem to have more than 9 balls? Or am I counting wrong?”

“No wrong count, I also counted the 9th ball!”

“It’s already exceeded!” Fuji nodded, “Echizen’s absolute prediction is wrong, or Kunimitsu made him wrong!

Everyone in Seigaku was silent!

The power of Kunimitsu, so they can’t see the hope of winning at all!

“0:15! Hand Kunimitsu scores!”

In successive games, Echizen Ryoma quickly revealed his flaws. The player did not let it go, and directly scored with a quick smash.

The match continues, and before Echizen Ryoma serve, the unbelievers will continue to be an absolute preview!

“12 balls this time!”

The fierce and exciting battle broke out again, but this time it did not reach 12 goals. Before that, the hand grasped the opportunity and directly scored the dead corner!

“0:30! Hand Kunimitsu scores!”

The strength of Kunimitsu740 is the overall strength. His physical fitness, tennis skills, tactical layout, vision level, etc. are all top levels.

As long as Echizen Ryoma is careless and reveals a trace of flaws, he will be fatally hit by his hand!

“It’s so merciless!”

Atobe Keigo said faintly: “I can only say that the kid is too arrogant, and he is full of radiance. Isn’t there a handicraft?”

“This is the style of the hand.”

Oshitari Yuushi pushed his glasses, “It can only be said that between “absolute preview” and “absolute preview”, the more capable people have more accurate predictions!’

Everyone at Hyotei is absolutely convinced by the hand!

During the discussion, the match quickly came to an end.

“0:40! Handie Kunimitsu scored!”

Then soon.

“0:3! Tezuka Kunimitsu won this round!’

Echizen Ryoma was really energetic and full of firepower at first.

It’s just that as time passed and the game progressed, he continued to explode the side effects of “Selfless State” and “through the ability to imitate without self”, which gradually manifested.

Echizen Ryoma’s physical strength can’t keep up with the rhythm.

The handist Kunimitsu is still calm and unhurried, playing steadily.

One can imagine how the game will be under the circumstances.

“4:0! Kunimitsu won this round!”

“0:5! Kunimitsu won this round!”.

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