Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 91: Return

The heavy snow will indeed cause trouble to the hunters, but the wild beasts are also not immune.

Originally relying on strong physical fitness and strong instinct, the brutal beasts had the upper hand in the fight against the hunters.

In many cases, hunters just found their tracks, it is difficult to catch up with them, they can only watch them escape.

Encountered by their siege, the hunters were unable to leave quickly, and often fell into hard fights, wounded, and even lost their lives.

This is also the main reason Wu He Bao is so worried about hunters trapped in heavy snow.

As for the general problem of getting lost, they are not very concerned.

Those hunting grounds weren't the first time they went to them. They were all familiar with it. In addition, there were grass signs to show the way, which was the grass signs they saw when Fengyun lost their way. There was no big problem in returning to the tribe.

What they are really worried about is another kind of getting lost, being attacked by brutal beasts and getting lost while running away.

In this case, most of them will panic and can't identify where they are running, let alone leave a grass mark.

This kind of lost, in most cases, will evolve into a real lost.

At this time they are very dangerous.

Not to mention, they may be attacked by brutal beasts, hunger is also a big challenge to them, and the most deadly is cold.

According to the law, after a heavy snowfall, the temperature will drop sharply, dripping into ice, and the cold has a strong penetrating power, drilling straight into the bones and internal organs, and you can't hide it.

Over time, even totem warriors will freeze to death alive.

Now because of the advent of skis, everything is different.

Hunters have largely overcome the negative effects of heavy snow on them with the help of snowboards, especially the speed, which is not even worse than before it snowed.

With speed, it's the beasts' turn to be unlucky.

When they were chased by hunters, they couldn't run fast in the thick snow.

Even if they escaped by chance, they are generally very large, leaving very clear tracks in the snow.

Even if the snow in the sky does not stop, they will not be completely covered up for a while. Following them, hunters can easily catch their whereabouts.

But these are not the biggest benefits that snowboards bring to hunters.

The biggest advantage is that their safety is greatly guaranteed.

Thanks to the help of snowboards, their speed can be maintained at a high level. After mastering the skiing skills, this is not difficult for hunters with strong control, and they can also have extremely high flexibility. Sex.

With both speed and flexibility, they can take safer and more efficient hunting methods when dealing with wild beasts.

First, use high-speed approach to the target, launch an attack, and close the distance. Both the accuracy of the attack and the damage caused will be greatly improved, and the hunting success rate and efficiency will naturally increase a lot.

If the savage beasts are not killed immediately under their attack, they can choose to retreat, keep a distance, and avoid the danger they bring when they are rage.

The high speed and flexibility given to them by snowboards can ensure that they can safely evacuate before being counterattacked by the brutal beasts, which greatly reduces the danger they face.

At the beginning of the winter hunting ceremony, the witch divined a lucky gift. Although the hunters were very happy, their hearts were not completely let go.

Many of them are veterans of hunting and know the dangers of wild beasts. In the process of hunting, it is too difficult to avoid harm during the hunting process.

Until the appearance of the skis, they were finally completely convinced of the divination results of the witch.

With the help of skis, it is entirely possible that there will be no death or even injury during the hunt.

The results of winter hunting also proved this.

After the twelve-day winter hunting ended, none of the hunters died. As for the injured, only less than ten people were injured. Most of them were injured for other reasons. Only three people were actually injured by the brutal beasts.

The injuries of these three people are not serious, at least they will not be disabled, and after recuperating for a period of time, they will be a vigorous man again.

This heavy snow, which was rarely seen in previous winter hunts, also gave face to face. It lasted three days.

Although the snow became smaller later, it never stopped.

The hunters are very happy.

Of course, they will feel happy because of the presence of snowboards, otherwise they will have the heart to cry after so long snowing.

With God's help, the thick snow on the ground made the brutal beasts nowhere to escape. As long as they were caught by hunters, they were almost immune.

Later, some high-level brutal beasts that they didn't dare to easily provoke them in ordinary days also became their targets and achieved quite good results.

With the help of the huge advantages that snowboards brought to hunters, in this unequal winter hunting, an unprecedented harvest was obtained.

There were so many wild beasts hunted that they couldn't fit in each house, and they needed to be stacked outside the door.

When it was three days before the end of the hunt, the witch had to give an order to stop hunting the brutal beasts, otherwise it would very likely affect the reproduction of the brutal beasts in the coming year.

So the hunters turned to hunting ordinary beasts.

Savage beasts are not their opponents, let alone beasts. As long as they are eyed by them, they will almost certainly die.

The hunters who had a good harvest became very generous.

The ordinary beasts that were hunted, except for a part of their own family, were handed over to the witches, as the common property of the tribe, and the rest were distributed to the orphans or lost the hunter's family.

This winter, everyone in the tribe will be able to eat meat, and they don’t have to be too restrained and can eat it often because the harvest is so rich.

As the source of all of this, Fengyun not only had a great promotion in the hearts of hunters, but also regarded him as being second only to witches in the minds of ordinary people in the tribe.

Although they were attacked by monsters while fishing in the Blue Lagoon, they lost a lot of soldiers, but they weren't the ones who played gratitude, knowing that they couldn't blame him.

It is impossible for him to know the existence of the monster in advance.

Besides, he didn't let them go fishing in the Blue Lagoon. It was they who wanted to go. It was even harder to blame him.

Therefore, before that, his status among ordinary people in the tribe was quite high.

Of course, this increase in status is not only because he invented fishing gear, but also because of the fire kang, cellar and loom.

The fire kang can prevent them from being frozen to death, and the cellar can prevent the food they collect from being frozen, and can ensure that they have food in winter and will not starve to death.

The loom gives them the ability to support themselves.

The linen cloth won the love of everyone in the tribe as soon as it appeared, but weaving it takes time.

Hunters need to go out hunting from time to time. Time is tight, but they want to get linen. What should they do? The only way to do this is to exchange.

The loom has no requirements for the operator, it can be used by ordinary people, and it can be used very well.

The linen they woven can be exchanged with hunters, not only for fur, but also for fresh meat and even a whole beast, which greatly improves their quality of life.

They all knew very well who gave all these changes, so they kept the situation in mind and wanted to repay him.

Through this winter hunt, this kind of gratitude reached a critical point, and they asked the witch for orders to make Fengyun the leader of the tribe that had been vacant for fifty years.

The leader is an extremely important existence in every tribe, second only to the witch.

Under normal circumstances, there are three main tasks for the leader. One is to train warriors, to guard the tribe, and to fight with other tribes, the other is to communicate with other tribes, and the third is to assist the witch in dealing with specific affairs in the tribe.

The Flame Snake Tribe originally had a leader, but since its defeat 50 years ago and the death of the leader, the witch has never chosen a new leader.

His original intention was to prevent people from being blinded by hatred and to encourage leaders to lead them to revenge.

Although there were many reasons for their defeat at the beginning, not even because the enemy was stronger than the Flame Snake Tribe, the tribe was hit hard after all, and now to take revenge, it is completely self-defeating by hitting the rocks with pebbles.

Later, because the tribe returned to the ancestral land, there was no need to fight and communicate with other tribes, and the need for leaders was greatly reduced, and no new leaders were elected.

The hunters did not oppose the proposal to make Fengyun the leader, and some even expressed their support.

However, most of them think that Fengyun's abilities are indeed very strong, but after all, he is too young and his mind is still immature.

To become a leader, you need to deal with many things, some of which are even related to the life and death of the tribe. It requires careful consideration, which requires a mature mind and rich experience.

Obviously, in their eyes, this is precisely what Fengyun lacks most.

But the appearance of a person dispelled their doubts.

He is violent. He stands up to the situation, saying that he is indeed a little younger now, but it is not that he can't grow up, he will have a mature mind and rich experience.

What's more, now the tribe is in the ancestral land, and there is no need to fight or communicate with other tribes. There is no need to worry about the situation bringing the tribe into danger.

The remaining hunters thought for a while and felt that what he said was very reasonable, so they agreed, and together with others proposed to Wu, let Fengyun become the new leader.

To everyone's surprise, Wu readily agreed to their proposal.

They originally thought that Yi Wu was cautious, even if they agreed, they should have asked for a postponement, and when Feng Yun was getting older, he would become the official leader.

In the end, Feng Yun still failed to become the leader of the Flame Snake Tribe. It was not that something happened, but that he refused.

After becoming a leader, the power is indeed great, but the responsibilities that need to be assumed are also great, and even responsible for the life and death of the entire tribe.

That was an extremely important burden. Once it was carried, the happy days he longed for would have to say goodbye to him.

This is not what he wants to see.

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