The river in the mountain is very clean. It can't be said that it's clear to the bottom, but you can definitely see the fish swimming in the water. Fudo tried it with a branch. It's only more than one meter deep on the side, so there's no need to be afraid to eat her.

On both sides are dense groves. Few people come here. Fuduo says to wash and then take off his clothes.

The ferocity of San's Cup pouring Fuduo was startled. There was no shelter in the wilderness. How could she take off her clothes so neatly?

Fuduo saw that Sangshi was still in a daze and asked: "don't you wash it?"

"No, No." Sangshi is not as open and conservative as Fuduo.

Fuduo didn't persuade her any more. She took off her clothes and jumped into the river. Sang was a little worried about her safety. Fuduo said with a smile: "it's OK! Since you don't come down, help me to watch people! "

Sang nodded.

Fuduo jumped into the water that moment, the whole person is comfortable, feel the pores of the whole body are open, feel the temperature of the water, this long lost bath feeling!


Sangshi helps fuduoduo on the shore to watch the wind. Seeing fuduoduo enjoying himself in the river, he also wants to go down a little, but he doesn't dare to take off his clothes.

After half a quarter of an hour, Fuduo took a bath and went ashore reluctantly. He threw the clothes soaked in sweat into the water, washed the smell of sweat and wrung them dry.

It's windy in the mountains. It's warm on a hot day. It can blow dry soon.

"Sister-in-law, why don't you go down and wash it too? It's very important to pay attention to hygiene. I'll help you watch it from above." Fuduo tied his belt and spoke to sang again.

Sangshi had already wanted to go down to wash, but because it was not safe, fuduoduo said so, she immediately began to undress.

After Sonny got out of the water, Fuduo washed out her clothes and hung them on the twigs to dry. When Sonny got ashore, she was almost dry.

At this time, not far away came a horse cry, vaguely rough man voice came: "everyone hurry up! Ambush early! We don't have to worry about robbing grain for half a year! "

"Rob! Rob

Then there was the harmony of a group of men, which was deafening with the sound of horse's hooves.

Fuduoduolian is busy lying in the grass. Seeing a group of horsemen galloping by not far away, she is shocked. Did she meet the legendary mountain robber?

The Sangshi in the river panicked and did not dare to go ashore without clothes. He hid himself in the grass by the river.

Fortunately, the robbers had business to do. They passed by the river without finding fuduoduo. They rode out a long way.

"It's safe."

Fuduoduo even hurriedly took down the clothes from the branches of the tree, but he didn't dare to wash them. After a few handfuls of water, fuduoduo went ashore, put on his clothes and went back with fuduoduo.

"Brother and sister, let's not go over the mountain. Let's take the official road. Although the official road is far away, it's safe. The gang just now are the robbers on the nearby mountain. If we meet again, we will be in great trouble." Sangshi anxiously took Fuduo's hand.

Fuduo trembled, thinking of the robbers in ancient times who killed and set fire, robbed people's women, and did all kinds of evil. In an instant, Fuduo pulled the Sangshi to go, "go! Go official

Two people stormed down the mountain.

The so-called official road is a road built around the mountain. Walking around the mountain for half a circle, of course, is not as fast as going over the mountain directly. But for safety, fuduoduo and Sangshi put up with it.

After walking for a while, a dark line suddenly appeared in the distance.

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