Shen Xu depressed back to the table, looking at the pen and ink on the table, but in front of them are fuduoduo angry.


Shen Xu helplessly shakes his head, picks up a pen and writes down a line on the paper with tears: lady is a little irritable, what can I do?

After locking Shen Xu, Fuduo quickly returns to the bottom of the shed and continues to make friends with sang.

Seeing that Westinghouse's door was firmly closed, Sang was embarrassed and said, "the moon is not very accurate. It's always seven or eight days ahead of time, but the doctors said it's OK."

"No problem?" Fudo rolled his eyes.

Thirty days in a month, seven or eight days in advance, that is, 22 days in advance. This is special!

Seeing that fuduoduo looked serious, sang wiped the sweat on his forehead anxiously, "is there a problem..."

"There must be!" Fuduo scratched his chin and asked, "how long does it take? How much? "

Frightened by Fuduo's serious look, sang replied honestly, "time My mother and I are all four or five days old. Mine is a little longer... "

"How long is a little longer?"

"Eight, eight, nine days..."

"Lying trough!"

Fudo was shocked.

Sangshi's fuduoduo was so scared that his legs softened. He leaned against the kitchen table and trembled. "You're from the second family. I can't help you if you look like this..."

"Ah, Pooh!" Fuduo found that he was overreacting and spat on the ground, "what are you talking about! I just feel that you are very strong, menstrual period 20 days Don't you shed blood every ten days? "

Sang nodded.

Fuduoduo helps her forehead. She bleeds every ten days and can work every day. Women are really the strongest creatures!

"Have you been like this since parturition?"

Hearing fuduoduo mention the miscarriage, Sang's face appeared lost and nodded, "yes It's been like this since parturition, and it's getting fatter. It's hard to stop without eating. "

"It's not about eating or not..." Fuduo quickly looked for information in his brain and asked, "do you sometimes feel abdominal pain? In particular, I can't do heavy work, and when it comes, it's very painful. "

Sangshi nodded repeatedly, as if he saw hope and said happily, "yes! How do you know? Do you really know how to see a doctor? "

Fuduo squeezed out a smile.

If she said that there were too many patients in her cousin's place, would anyone believe that she had cheated teachers and learned arts during her treatment?

General gynecological diseases are entangled in marriage, especially the flow of labor, some of them are not clean during the operation, some of them are not well conditioned in the follow-up, all aspects of the pressure and work and rest, leading to endocrine disorders, that is, sang's.

For example, isn't she a child with excessive stress and endocrine disorder?

In my last life, I drank more than half a year of traditional Chinese medicine, ran for half an hour every day, and then Before enjoying the good days once a month, I'll die here.

It seems that there is no moon yet.

Pooh! Far away!

Fuduo took Sonny's hand and whispered, "I'll tell you, in terms of our conditions, you can ask our mother if she has black beans. If so, you can soak them every night and bring water to boil the next day. That's good for you."

In addition to black beans, black sesame and pueraria are also very helpful for Sangshi's disease. However, depending on the conditions of the Shen family, it is impossible to want better herbs.

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