Li directly roared: "eat! You know how to eat! Eat as much as you've done! Don't you know how to chop wood! Go and chop up all the firewood in the kitchen

Fuduoduo's hand holding steamed bread suddenly froze in the air, and he was trained to smoke the corners of his mouth.


Fuduo didn't eat any more. He threw his hand and went into the kitchen. He picked up an axe on one side of the kitchen, put the root of firewood on the wooden pier, waved the axe and chopped it down.

With a click, the whole firewood is divided into two!

Although she is thin and weak, she still has strength. She should be trained by working in the Fu family.

Seeing that fuduoduo didn't eat, Shen Xu was not in the mood to eat. He put the bowl on his face and went back to the room.

After Li finished this and that, he yelled, "Shen Er, what are you doing? Why do you go back to your house without eating any dry food? "

What to eat?

Make money early to improve food for daughter-in-law!

After Shen Xu returned to his room, he immediately took out a pile of calligraphy and paintings, took a look at Fuduo, who was busy in the kitchen, and called Shen Xiaohua, "Xiaohua, let's go."

"Ah! Here we are Shen Xiaohua jumped out of the hall.

Fuduoduo knew that Shen Xu went to sell paintings in the town every morning, so he cheered him on with a smile and told him, "come back early at noon! Don't sun it! "

Shen Xu's face was slightly red, and he nodded firmly, and took Shen Xiaohua out of the door.

Looking at Shen Xu's back, Li murmured, "isn't that the most precious painting of Erzi? How did you sell it today? "


There was plenty of firewood left in the kitchen. After chopping for half an hour, fuduoduo was panting and sitting on the wooden pier for a rest.

At this time, the east door opened, Sang's smile toward fuduoduo stretched out his hand, "the old two, you come here."

Fuduo looked at Sang's in surprise. He lost his axe and walked over obediently.

After Sonny came into the room, fuduoduo saw that her house was old but clean. Then he saw a pile of neat clothes on her Kang, almost all of them were white blue cloth washed with patches.

"You don't have anything. You're all dressed in this suit. I was as thin as you when I got married. This is what I wore when I got married. You can take it back if you don't like it." Sang patted the clothes on the Kang.

Fuduo was flattered and said, "what's the point?"

"Just take it. You and I are both daughters-in-law. Our mother won't give you any clothes before the Spring Festival. Besides, I can't wear these clothes any more." Sang's smile is kind.

Fuduo was a little embarrassed, but when he thought of wearing it from the hot summer to the new year, he shivered and said gratefully, "I'll take it."

Sangshi nodded and urged, "take it back to your house quickly, be careful not to let the third sister-in-law see it, or she will complain in front of our mother."

Fuduo a think of Tian's face and heart, cold not Ding hit a shiver.

Listen to the words of Sangshi, fuduoduo quickly took the clothes back to the house, and when he went out, he just met Tian Shi who also went out.

Fuduoduo and Shen Xu's rooms are in the west, and the kitchen shed is also in the West. Li's house is chaonantang, while Shen Da and Shen San live in two rooms in the East. Now fuduoduo goes out and just meets Tian's in the East.

"Yo? The second sister-in-law is furtive. What is this for? " Tian is uneasy and kind-hearted, aiming at Fuduo.

Fuduo smiles politely, "what else can I do? Go back and steal lazy!"

Anyway, it's just clothes.

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