"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing."

Uluti didn't appreciate it.

"Hahaha, take the trick, stinky girl, hell, tons of Baiz!"

With a mountain-like weight, Mahabais, the ton of fruit crusher, pressed Uluti, who was in the form of a dragon-headed iron dragon.

"Head Gun!!!"

Uluti did not hesitate to attach her strongest weapon color to her forehead and attacked head-on!

boom! ! !

Uluti's head gun collided with the fat on Mahabaith's body.

A terrifying atmosphere ripples in circles.

The fat on Mahabaith's body also swayed like waves in the sea under the impact of the iron head.


Screaming loudly.

Mahabaith's proud ton-pressing ultimate was crushed by Uluti's iron-headed skills.

The huge body flew upside down like a broken kite.

Blood spilled out from the corner of his mouth like he didn't want money.

"Damn bastards, how dare you treat Dellinger... unforgivable!"

"Go to hell! Destructive art!"

Art old woman Jorah activates the superhuman art fruit ability.

A large amount of transparent smoke like a cloud of bubbles spewed out of her palm.

Like a fire extinguisher erupting, it swept away indiscriminately.

Anything touched by her artistic smoke.

Both living and non-living things have undergone tremendous changes.

Become a Picasso-like abstract painting style.

"Ahhhh, my knife..."

"My weapon is also out of order!"

People who were affected by the art smog couldn't help but scream.

"Lord Jorah, you have affected us!"

"Hurry up and help us get rid of the art!"

"Otherwise, in ten minutes, we will be dead!"

The members of Don Quixote who were unfortunately affected by it all shouted in horror.


It sounds like there's only ten minutes to live.

Pejiwan, who was still indifferent at first, finally calmed down.

Because he is the center of being affected by Jorah's abilities.

At this moment, the entire Ridgeback body is artistic, and even running is difficult.

"Sister, save me!"

Peggy Wan screamed in panic.

"Old woman over there, what have you done to my little Pepe!"

Wuluti's eyebrows stood upright, and she was about to attack.

at this time.

The solid ground suddenly swayed like water waves.

A tough guy wearing a baby clothes perverted and rushed out of the ground without warning.

"Cat Ear Fist!"

Senor, the superhuman-type water fruit power user, made a cute gesture with hot eyes.

Puss like cat ears hit Uluti's head.


Uluti, who was caught off guard, stumbled.

There was blood oozing from under the mask.

"Sorry, little Pepe, just hold on for a moment!"

"I'll take care of this perverted bastard first!"

Uluti said fiercely.


Peggy wailed hopelessly.

Compared to Don Quixote's sword and gun attack.

Peggy Wan was even more afraid of the lethal effect of the bug in Art Fruit.

"Oh ho ho ho, you will slowly die in despair, dinosaur!"

Art woman Jorah exclaimed triumphantly.

"Roddy, Black Buck"

Pedro, the head of the Fur tribe knight group, greeted him.

The buffalo and the chimpanzee of the Knights Group nodded in unison, and they were about to deal with the old lady of art.

"Your opponent is me, fur tribe!"

"The Ultimate Secret Technique of Diweng Quan, Fighting and Protecting Fist"

The bald-headed old man in tights with blue veins on his head, Laog, went all out to activate the ultimate meaning of Diweng Quan.

His originally hunched body swelled in an instant, and his muscles and strength returned to the peak state of his youth.

In this state, even Pedro, the head of the powerful Knights Group, was instantly suppressed.

Buffalo Roddy and Chimpanzee Black Buck and other members of the Knights had to return to help.

"Pedro, leave that old woman to us!"

The little bunny Garrot flickered with static electricity all over his body.

He jumped dozens of meters into the air, tossed and turned to escape the dense rain of bullets, and rushed towards the artistic old woman Jorah.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Jorah clapped her hands.

The artistic smoke of bug spreads a barrier in front of her.

If you want to reach her, you have to go through this artistic smoke.

And once it falls into it, it will be turned into art again.

"Wow ah ah ah"

Garrot screamed anxiously, wanting to change direction.

However, he still plunged into the colorful smoke.


Wanda screamed in panic.

"I-I'm fine!"

"Wanda, don't worry!"

Garrett came out with a suspicious voice.

The colorful smoke dissipated.

Art woman Jorah collapsed at the feet of the bewildered Garrett.

A group of slap-sized little human warriors also appeared, as well as a one-legged toy soldier.

"Miss Rabbit, we are uniting against the Don Quixote rebels, please allow us to join the battle together!"

Cyrus, the one-legged toy soldier, spoke earnestly.

"Wow oh oh oh oh"

"Wanda, everyone, look, look, there are so many cute little people here!"

"And this toy soldier can talk!"

For the first time, Garret, who saw the villains and the talking toys, gleamed in his eyes and cried out in surprise.

"Captain, can we really trust these people?"

The little human warrior leader Leo asked quietly.

"This is our last chance, Leo!"

The one-legged toy soldier Cyrus nodded solemnly.

I'm sorry, Rebecca, please wait a moment, Papa will be back soon - Cyrus thought firmly.

With the addition of the little human warrior and Cyrus.

The battlefield on the west coast suddenly became more and more chaotic.

According to the original plan.

The little human warrior team headed by Leo quietly crossed the battlefield and sneaked away towards the abrupt stone tower not far away.

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