Inside the bedroom.

Bijigu leaned against the wall and held Himeno Xue in his arms, his chin on her shoulder and watching her play.

Since Himeno Yuki came, this handheld has been out of reach for him.

I feel the need to reapply to the student union for a few white.

But thinking that now the student union is the head of Nagumo Ya, Biqigu still thinks about it.

After all.

He didn’t even reapply to the student council for a heater.

I just don’t want to be involved with Nanyunya.

Although Nagumo Ya ordered the battle book, she has not yet made a move against him, most of them are tripped by Ayakoji.

There is also no evidence of Biqigu.

But it felt like everything was pushing Ayakoji.

Definitely can be right eight or nine.

After all.

I’m afraid the whole school is the weirdest guy Ayakoji.

Anything can come together with him.

Just let Nagumo Ya and Ayakoji dog bite dog.

As long as it takes a long time.

I believe that Nanyunya will also forget about the war book.


Bijiya is still more supportive of Ayakoji.

After all, although the guy in Ayakoji is not harmless to humans and animals, he doesn’t seem to be aggressive,

Although he didn’t know what Ayakoji wanted to do, he was at least much better than Nagumo Ya’s fun person.

“Speaking of which.”

Bijigu touched Himeno Xue’s flat lower abdomen, and said with some curiosity:

“What happened to that first grade?”

Himeno Xue let go of the handheld, looked back at him, and frowned:

“I said, it’s better if you don’t be too gentle with people you don’t know.”

These days.

Himeno Yuki also followed Ichinose and accompanied Tsubaki Sakurako for a few days.

It is already clear.

That guy just found a team up with Biqigu, and there really was no extra idea.

Ji Ye Xue let down her guard at this time, and it was a lot easier to see Tsubaki Sakurako.

That first grade was really worrying.

Compare Qiya is so kind.

Even if you see something irrelevant, you will reach out to help as soon as you see someone in need.

Such central air conditioning is undesirable.

Just being gentle with the two of them is enough!

“Uh oh.”

Biqigu nodded.

I couldn’t help but think of what Karuizawa said that day, and I felt that it would become a psychological shadow for a lifetime.

That doesn’t seem good.

Comparable Enterprises believes that it has fully learned its lessons.

“No, I didn’t give her to Ichinose.”

“Well, it is.”

Himeno Xue nodded, and when it came to Tsubaki Sakurako, she couldn’t help but feel a little helpless:

“I don’t know what that guy has experienced in the past, it’s really worrying, obviously a girl is not interested in makeup and shopping.”

“Are you talking about Sakurako-chan?”

At this time, Ichinose, who was carrying the dinner plate, walked out of the kitchen and asked with some concern.

“Oh, it’s time to eat~ It’s great that everyone can eat Fanbo’s dishes.”

“Sorry to be bothering you all the time.”

The two rotten fish and shrimp quickly got up and sat down in front of the low table, as if waiting for the chicks to be fed.

Himeno Xue did occasionally help at first.

But it seems that I really don’t like to cook, and I chose to put it on after helping a few times.

I don’t have a right to accuse her.

Hichiya also enjoyed Ichinose’s service with guilt.

No way.

The meal made by Ichinose’s mother was so delicious.


“There’s no need to be in such a hurry.”

With a joyful smile on her face, Ichinose happily placed her lunch in the middle of the table, preferring everyone to sharing it with her.

Of course, you will share meals with people who are not familiar with them.

“Let’s get started.”

“I’m moving!”

The three of them clasped their hands together before picking up the bowl and chopsticks.

“Sakurako-chan is really worrying.”

Ichinose put a small ball of rice into his mouth before returning to the topic just now, and said with some concern:

“I feel like she’s a little bit like a small business at the beginning of school.”

“Ahhh… Indeed…”

Himeno Xue was stunned for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Tsubaki Sakurako does give people the feeling that she is not good at communicating with people, does not care about the evaluation of the people around her, and speaks very directly.


Biqigu was a little unconvinced: “No matter how I say it, I won’t be as decadent as her.” ”

Feeling a little less afraid of mourning, Bi Qigu quickly changed his words.


Then again.

Biqigu ate rice with some emotion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I have been able to talk normally with the people in my class, and now I am still with my two girlfriends, and Xiaoqiao Yume, who can be called friends.

Maybe I will also participate in a large number study meeting with Ichinose and others, go shopping with them, and enter a café together.

Completely different from the past life.


He has also changed a lot.

But no matter what, it is not as mournful as Tsubaki Sakurako.

“Half a pound and eight taels.”

Ji Ye Xue ate his meal with some contempt: “When you started school, you didn’t always stay in the club, you only liked to drink MAX and didn’t go anywhere, not much better than Tsubaki.” ”


Biqigu’s face froze, as if he couldn’t refute it.

Except for ramen and MAX coffee, I really didn’t dare to be interested in everything around me when I started school.

Now I want to run to my dormitory as soon as school is over.

It’s all because Ichinose and Himeno are here, and they will come back even if they are not.

Such words.

Biqigu frowned and tried to think about it for a moment.

If he receives a student who withdraws from school at the beginning of the school year, he will receive an exam with 20 million points.

How he will act.

I guess I will choose to participate like Tsubaki Sakurako.

After all.

At that time, it seemed that he wanted to quit school quickly and return to Chiba.

It doesn’t matter if you drop out.

Tsubaki Sakurako is probably in a similar state.

But after figuring out Ayakoji’s background, he will most likely choose to give up.


Ichinose couldn’t help but smile: “~ But now the small business is completely different from the beginning of school, which is really good.” ”

“Oh, that’s good.”

Biqigu couldn’t help but smile.

Even if his reputation seems to be worse, at least in the eyes of Ichinose and Himeno Yuki, he is changing in a better direction.

It is clear that he is talking about Tsubaki Sakurako.

But for some reason, the topic turned to Biqigu.


Since Ichinose is paying attention, there must be no need to worry.

Ichinose is a treasure for the lone ranger.

Dedicated to the Lone Ranger!

I believe that Tsubaki Sakurako should make changes like him.

At least Ichinose is there.

That mourned Tsubaki Sakurako should not do anything stupid.


Another week begins.

After school.

Ichinose held a study session with Himeno Yuki, Tsubaki Sakurako, and others, and Hijiya really felt uncomfortable and went back to the bedroom to study on his own.

After all.

Although I can speak, my relationship with Sayo Ando and others is really not very good, and twitter really affects learning efficiency too much.

Speaking up.

Although only for a month or so.

But Bijiya felt like he hadn’t been to the wool department for a long time, and he hadn’t eaten ramen.

Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a late-night snack.

Ichinose has completely taken care of all aspects of his life, and even daily necessities are replenished regularly.

What an excellent wife.


Let’s eat ramen after a long absence.


Biqigu walked in the direction of the bowling alley.

Since discovering the tiger’s den, he has only eaten it once, which is simply disrespectful to the god of ramen.

Disrespect to the gods, but you will pay a price!

Leave school.

Not far behind.

See Biqigu walking alone to the Zelkova Shopping Center.

The god room was really clear.


Finally let the old lady wait for the opportunity.

… Handsome…

PS: There will be some depression in the back, maybe it will be cool for some people.

in a word

I don’t think anyone wants to see it too much.

I tried to compress it to about ten chapters.

Less pen and ink, there will definitely be some emotional fragmentation.

I don’t really know how to write emotional dramas anyway.

It doesn’t matter.

It will completely destroy the mentality that Biqigu has just adjusted, and then repeatedly torture to complete nirvana, and it is possible for the sports festival to become a leader in the true sense.

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