Chapter 722 My wife can't borrow it

  The two fought for more than two quarters of an hour.

  It is really not long to say that it is long, especially when you look at the thrilling one, it feels like it really passed in the blink of an eye.

   Then Zou Buqun jumped up and said with a smile, "Good! Good! Good!"

He put the sword back into the scabbard, and said: "This sword technique, have you changed it? I think you have changed it well! It is hard and easy to break. With this change, the sharpness is restrained, but it is even more powerful. I am far from being an opponent. "

  Yuan Shen Jue clasped his hands and said, "I'm sorry. Accept!"

   At the same time, he also retracted the sword, came over and tapped the small head of the dumpling lightly: "It's getting late, go wash and eat."

  Xinbao let out an oh, then went back to wash his face, and several of them went back to the living room for dinner.

  Zou Buqun came early, but he came after breakfast, so he sat by and watched them eat.

  The third elder brother went over with a bowl, chatting with him in full swing, and stood up from time to time to compare, mainly: "How did you do that trick..."

  Zou Buqun explained slowly, and then the third brother asked again: "Oh, then your trick..."

  Xinbao couldn't understand anything, so he finished his breakfast silently, and then Zou Buqun came over excitedly: "Finish? Let's talk about medicine?"

   "No way," Hao Huashi said with a smile, "My master still needs to practice calligraphy and lightness kung fu, so he basically doesn't have time in the morning..."

  Zou Buqun: "..."

  The old man looked at Xinbao with resentment on his face, meaning you didn't have time all morning, yet you asked me to come over early in the morning?

   Tuanzi looked away guiltily, didn't I forget it at the time!

Then Zou Buqun walked back and forth at the gate of Chengqian Palace with a depressed face, watching Xinbao practice lightness kung fu, after running over a few times, Hao Huashi was very happy, and said with a smile: "If not, I will take you first Go to my elder brother's place and watch him concoct alchemy?"

  Zou Buqun immediately became happier, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said calmly, "That's fine."

  Hao Huashi led him there.

  Anyway, he offered medicine and wanted to learn alchemy.

  Bai Gusheng does alchemy every day, and he doesn't mind others watching, but he never explains it to others.

  But now there are a lot of people around Bai Gusheng to help, Hao Huashi confessed to others to take care of him, and then came out.

   After Xinbao finished practicing lightness kung fu and changed her clothes, she went to Qianqing Palace to practice calligraphy.

  Just finished practicing and was having tea and snacks when Yan Shirong came in.

   Then he smiled and said to Tuanzi: "Xinbao, brother wants to ask you one thing."

  Xinbao nodded while eating: "Good!"

  Yan Shirong said with a smile: "Brother wants to invite those literati to dinner tonight, and he has already asked Brother Cheng to be with him. My brother wants to make an appointment with another person, a very powerful literati..."

  Xinbao stopped eating, looked at him with big eyes, very vigilant, "Do you want to borrow Xinbao's wife?"

  Yan Shirong said: "Well, is it possible?"

  Xinbao thought about it seriously: "Why don't Xinbao lend you Mr. Gan, so that Mr. Gan can write articles."

  In fact, Yan Shirong originally wanted to borrow Gan Baibi, but when he heard what his sister said, his wife could not borrow it, the second brother immediately became upset, and said, "But brother wants to borrow Xiaojue."

Xinbao thought for a while in a dilemma: "Why don't Xinbao lend you Lord Wang as well, Lord Wang is capable of both civil and military skills, one can outweigh two, and he can also protect you, plus Gan Baibi, there are three people, more than one. "

  She is as attentive as a peddler, with big eyes and buling buling, as sincere as she wants: "Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. There is great strength in numbers, and unity is strength...

  Yan Shirong deliberately said: "But Xiaojue..."

  Xinbao put down the dim sum, jumped off the chair and ran to him, opened his hand for him to hug, and then he got a kiss with dim sum and slobber.

  Yan Shirong said silently: "Xiao Jue..."

   Duanzi is in a hurry.

   She stared at him with **** eyes, and he frowned and nodded at her, expressing that he really wanted to borrow it.

  After looking at each other for a while, she made up her mind: "Xinbao will show you Yaya!"

  She decisively slapped her little hand, revealing her budding fangs, trying to pass the test.

  Yan Shirong: "..."

   It can be said that the sacrifice was great.

  Anyway, apart from Ming Pei Di Neng staring at the matter of changing teeth, everyone else has never seen it, except for peeking.

  Yan Shirong smiled and said, "Why can't I lend Xiaojue to my brother?"

   "Of course not," Tuanzi said resolutely, "Heads can be broken, blood can flow, my wife, Yeye, Daddy, Aniang, brother, apprentice, Uncle Shen, can't borrow any of them!"

  Yan Shirong: "..."

   Not really, really not.

   I was wrong, really wrong.

  So Yan Shirong said with a smile, that's fine, let's borrow Gan Baibi.

  The two brothers and sisters reconciled and sat down to eat snacks together.

   When it was noon, Emperor Ming Pei came over and said as soon as he came in, "Are you running here to hide?"

"Grandson doesn't dare," Yan Shirong hugged his sister to salute, and said with a coquettish smile: "Recently, grandson hasn't brought Xinbao to play, and Xinbao doesn't like me anymore, so I'll just find an excuse to chat with Xinbao for a while .”

  Emperor Ming Pei sat down before the case without asking any further questions.

Xinbao practiced calligraphy standing up, but there was also a chair in front of the desk, which was made to fit her size, and it was a small one. For an emperor as big as Emperor Mingpei, when he sat down, he would become shorter. The indescribable contrast is cute.

   Then Fang Wuyou handed the ink pen familiarly, Ming Peidi corrected Xinbao's homework, and said to Xinbao: "Xinbao is not allowed to eat any more snacks, go wash your hands, and prepare for lunch."

  Xinbao let out a cry, and jumped off Yan Shirong's lap to wash his hands.

  Then Emperor Ming Pei whispered to Yan Shirong: "Xinbao has gradually developed a unique 'body' now."

   Seeing Yeye very proud, Yan Shirong stood up and glanced at the table.

  Xinbao is practicing calligraphy now, and there is still Wei Guogong’s copybook in front of her, but her writing is not exactly the same as Wei Guogong’s, it can only be said that it has nothing to do with it.

  Duke Wei's characters, although lacking in structure, are also drawn with iron hooks and silver strokes, full of momentum.

  But the characters written by can I put it, they are round and waxy, like fat geese, dumb and crooked.

  This kind of word, even Yan Shirong, as his own brother, dare not say it well, but Yeye actually said... You have developed your body? what body? Is it a milk dumpling?

  But on the surface, Yan Shirong smiled and said: "Yes, it's so cute."

  Ming Pei let out a groan, obviously deeply convinced, and then circled one, circled one, circled one... basically all the words can be circled once.

   Tuanzi ran back after washing her hands, and Emperor Ming Pei even praised her: "Xinbao has made great progress now! The writing is getting better every day."

   "That's right," Tuanzi also thought it was right: "Because it's great, so the heart treasure is also so good!"

  Emperor Ming Pei laughed, and kissed his granddaughter on the forehead: "Xin Baoer is right."

  Yan Shirong looked at it with a smile, it's good to brag about each other like this every day, and the key to the so-called Cheng Huan is the word "Huan".

   After a few people had lunch together, Xinbao went back to the palace to talk to Zou Buqun.

   As a result, Zou Buqun was addicted to alchemy, and refused to come out, and said directly: "Go and see the old man's medicine box, if there is anything suitable."

  Xinbao came back and asked someone to open his big medicine box.

  (end of this chapter)

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