Poor Family Laity

Chapter 69: , let's see who can beat who

  Chapter 69, see who can hang who

   "What?! Li Changsen's family is unwilling to go to the capital with Shi Nian and Madam Xu?"

  Jiang Antai looked at Mrs. Jiang with a face full of surprise, whose anger had not dissipated.

   Mrs. Jiang sneered: "It's not only that she doesn't want to go to the capital, it seems that the family doesn't want to recognize the Shi family."

  Jiang Antai was surprised, and couldn't figure it out: "What's going on? The Shi family is the Earl's Mansion. For the Li Changsen family, it's a noble family that they have never had access to in their entire lives. What can they not want?"

   Mrs. Jiang snorted and said, "Normal people are like this, but that family has brain problems, and they are not normal people."

   "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about, Changsen is my younger sister's son, do you ever say that about your nephew?"

  Jiang Anbang walked in dissatisfied, followed by Shi Nian and Madam Xu.

   Seeing the person coming, Mrs. Jiang became angry again: "Second brother, we were kicked out of the house by others. As long as they treat us as their elders, they can't do such a rude thing."

  After hearing this, Jiang Antai became even more confused: "Okay, don't talk about anything else, just tell me everything that happened after you arrived at Li's house."

   Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Jiang recounted what she had said to the Li family in anger, and Jiang Anbang added a sentence or two from time to time.

  After listening, Jiang Antai frowned: "I don't know what is good."

  Jiang Anbang immediately retorted: "I don't think the Changsen family is wrong. It is unfair to him to say that Changsen was raised outside."

  Jiang Antai snorted coldly: "Fair? How can there be absolute fairness in the world? This Li Changsen, who is in his thirties, why doesn't he even understand this point?"

   "Don't he know what's going on with their family?"

   As he spoke, he showed Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Anbang the investigation of the Li family that was placed on the table.

   "Li Sanlang is sixteen years old, and he is tall and tall. I heard that he learned boxing and kicking kung fu from Li Changsen since he was a child, but he went to the martial arts school where he was admitted to the government, but he was directly rejected."

   "Due to the shortage of soldiers on the front line in the past two years, the admission standards of the Martial Arts Academy have dropped a lot, so he hasn't passed the exam. What kind of future can such a person have?"

   "There is also Li Qilang, after entering the government school, he didn't study well in class. He wanted to learn how to play the flute. He was caught by the master every three days and deserted in class."

   "You say, what can he learn like this?"

   "As for the two girls, the older one is just getting by. He knows his lack of knowledge and knows how to work hard, but the younger one."

   "I don't even bother to talk about it. She and Li Qilang are really twins. One plays the flute and the other learns to play the piano. What are they thinking? Do they want to enter the Beijing Liyuan?"

   "Four children, none of them can do it."

   "There is also the Jin family, just a country woman, who also knows how to wash things."

   "With a family like this, he, Li Changsen, is still here to play tricks on us, but as long as he has a brighter mind, he will know how great it will be for their family to recognize the Shi family."

   "The Shi family is willing to recognize their family, they should be thankful."

   "Hmph, they still don't want to? The whole family is short-sighted, and they don't even think about it. After returning to Shi's house, wouldn't their lives be much more comfortable than they are now?"

   "He cares about what he has and what he doesn't have here, and he wants to be compared with Zheng Kun. Don't they think they have that ability?"

   "I used to feel sorry for Li Changsen, thinking that he has suffered so much for so many years, I will inevitably need to help him a little bit more in the future, but now."

   "Let's forget it, the whole family are selfish people who only think about themselves, and don't understand other people's difficulties at all."

Jiang Anbang immediately helped to defend and said: "Brother, I think you are too serious. The four children of the Li family are still very good. Sanlang is steady, Erya is quiet, and Wuya and Qilang are a little bit off, but the children It’s not that big of a deal.”

   "As for the Jin family, I think it's okay. He puts Nagamori first in everything. He keeps the whole house clean. He's a capable person."

  Jiang Antai glanced at Jiang Anbang, hummed and did not speak.

Mrs. Jiang's anger also calmed down a little at the moment, she thought for a while and said: "Changsen grew up in Li's family, went to the guard at the age of thirteen, and was never well-educated. It's understandable if you don't understand these principles .”

  Jiang Anbang nodded hastily: "That's right, he doesn't understand us, just tell him."

  Jiang Antai snorted coldly: "You were all kicked out by him, how can you tell him nicely? Doesn't he not want to recognize Shi's family?"

   "Okay, let him do it, I want to see if he really doesn't want to admit it, or is he holding it there on purpose?"

   As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Anbang.

   "You are not allowed to go to Li's house again in the future."

  Jiang Anbang quit: "How can this work? Younger sister is still waiting for Changsen to come home. Big brother, we can't have the same knowledge as the younger generation. If he says he doesn't recognize it, can we still take it seriously?"

   Mrs. Jiang looked at her husband, smiled and said to Jiang Anbang: "Second brother, don't worry, your elder brother didn't say he didn't recognize Chang Sen, what he meant was to take it easy."

   "We went in a bit too hasty this time. The Changsen family is probably not ready yet. Let's not bother them."

   "Let their family think about it, maybe they will understand how beneficial it will be to go back home. At that time, they will all be willing to go to the capital without us going over to persuade them."

  Jiang Anbang was very pessimistic: "Can they think clearly?"

Jiang Antai: "If they can't figure it out by themselves, can you persuade them to make them figure it out? Hmph, that family is clearly holding on to it now. If we push too hard, believe it or not, their arrogance will blow away." More arrogant."

  Jiang Anbang thought for a while: "That's fine, I won't go for now, but how long will I have to wait? The Shi family should be in a hurry."

  Jiang Antai looked at Shi Nian and Madam Xu: "What happened today, you two go down and write a letter to Shifu." As he spoke, he looked at Mrs. Jiang.

   "You also write a letter to my younger sister, telling her about Li Changsen's family, so that she can be mentally prepared to know that her son's family is not worry-free."

   After Shi Nian and Nanny Xu took orders, they withdrew.

  On the way back to the guest house, both of them couldn't help sighing.

   Shi Nian smiled wryly and said, "I thought our errand would be easy, but I didn't expect it. We're afraid we'll have to stay here for a while."

   As she spoke, she looked at Aunt Xu.

   "Why do you think Li Chang and Master Changsen's family are making such a fuss? I really don't want to recognize Shi's family? I can't see it. Since we all have to go back in the end, why bother to annoy Uncle Jiang and the others?"

   "It's all right now. My uncle made it clear that he wants to make Master Changsen's family take the initiative to give in. How aggressive they are to drive people away today will be so embarrassing when they come to the door in the future."

  Nurse Xu glanced at him and lowered her voice: "I think Master Changsen's family are the real smart people."

   Shi Nian froze for a moment: "How do you say?"

Mother Xu: "The child was wrongly held. In the final analysis, it is Master Changsen who has been wronged, and the fourth master who has benefited. If you go back in such an unclear way, unless you don't interact with relatives and friends, you will definitely be accused by others." pointing."

   "I have been wronged in the first place, and I have to suffer criticism when I go back. If it were me, I would not want to."

   "Although the life at the border was a bit bitter, I felt at ease. When I returned to the Shifu, I might not have to worry about food and clothing, but my heart was not going well. How could I say it was a good day?"

   "Master Uncle wants to hang Master Changsen's family so that they don't hold it like that. It's a good idea, but I'm afraid... the result will not be as good as he wants."

   Shi Nian disagreed a little: "Will it? If it's really like what you said, could it be that they really want the Shi family to abandon the fourth master?"

  Nurse Xu shook her head: "I don't know, now it depends on who can beat the other. If Master Changsen's family doesn't go back to Shi's house, we will definitely come to the door again."

   "Hey, this matter is not something we can discuss, let's go, I will write to the old lady, and you will also write a letter to the old lady."

  (end of this chapter)

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