For the next two days, Lin Yi was woken up by the same voice almost every day.

“Dad… Dad, it’s time to get up! ”

“Daddy, Daddy, it’s time for the exam.”

Lin Yi, who was sleeping, felt something heavy pressing on his chest, and when he opened his eyes, sure enough, the stars were lying on his body as always, telling him to get up.

Lin Yi, who was sleepy-eyed, got up from the bed with difficulty and prepared breakfast again.

The stars followed behind Lin Yi upside down, wherever he went, she went, like a little tail.

After breakfast, Lin Yi repeatedly told Fanxing not to cause trouble, and then rushed to the examination room, and Fanxing seemed to have learned his lesson and obediently waited for Lin Yi to go home.

She doesn’t go to the motive armor anymore, just plays with her little toys.

Each of these toys is made by Lin Yi himself, which is definitely much more advanced than the toys on the market.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a black technology toy.

So the little stars are not boring either.


Time flies.

This date, June 10, 2018.

The three-day college entrance examination finally came to an end, and in the eyes of college entrance examination students, the whole summer seemed to become much refresher.

The sun is like a fire, baking people’s hearts impetuous, but everyone’s mood is exceptionally relaxed.

Under the shade of the tree at the school gate, Lin Yi could finally breathe a sigh of relief after drinking a bottle of ice soda.

Looking at the endless stream of students, everyone’s faces were filled with relaxed smiles and the hope of graduating from high school.

Lin Yi couldn’t help but feel good.

First, the college entrance examination is finally over, and the other is that during the college entrance examination, I really gained a lot of top student points.

“Finally, it’s time to redeem a second drawing!”

Without saying a word, while taking advantage of the cool, Lin Yi excitedly opened the system mall.

The items inside are dazzling, with all kinds of knowledge, as well as various drawing techniques.

The mall is divided into many sections, such as fighters, aircraft carriers, starships, strike weapons, and many more. And the mecha is exclusive to a section.

After clicking on the deck block, the mecha inside are also varied, divided into three levels: junior high school and high school.

The mecha made by Lin Yi is only at the junior level, which belongs to the scope that humans can still recognize and accept at present, but this is shocking enough.

The intermediate and advanced mecha are extremely exaggerated, and in Lin Yi’s opinion, it is completely future technology.

At this moment, looking at the second ‘core’ drawing, there was a faint golden light, which meant that the Xueba points were enough to exchange.

“With this second drawing, we can continue to advance the progress of mecha research and achieve the standard of tactical operation and low-altitude flight!”

Although the exchange of this drawing required up to eight thousand Xueba points, Lin Yi still gritted his teeth and chose to exchange.

A huge flow of information hit his mind, and then Lin Yi’s hand had an extra drawing with dense and complex data.

It took Lin Yi half an hour to digest the flow of information in his mind that involved multiple complex fields, and when he looked at the drawings in his hand, he could fully understand the role and production method.

“Good! With this drawing, I believe that soon, the mecha will be able to take off and fly! ”

“And the mecha will not be too far into battle!”

Lin Yi’s eyes were full of fighting spirit, although this exchange left only two thousand points for the originally rich Xueba, Lin Yi still felt that it was worth it.

That’s right, these three days of exams have allowed Lin Yi’s top student points to accumulate to eight thousand!

It’s a pity that the more the college entrance examination goes, the fewer the top students will give, otherwise it will stop at eight thousand, but Lin Yi is also content.

There are still 2,000 left.

As for the third drawing, these two thousand masters can only be a fraction of it….

Because the number of mastery points required for the third drawing is already tens of thousands!

This is no way, after all, mecha is an epoch-making scientific research product, far beyond the current level of technology, and it is not comparable to the number of mastery points consumed by various primary fighters and submarines.

However, Lin Yi is not panicked, because he is about to go to college, and there are too many opportunities to get top student points at that time, just tens of thousands of points, and he can get it soon!

Mecha is getting closer and closer to coming out!

“Go home, build a mecha!”

Lin Yi threw the soda bottle into the trash, smiled slightly at a female classmate with a slightly red face who happened to be in a good mood, and then left dashingly.


Just arrived home, not waiting to change shoes.

“Dad… Dad…”

At this moment, Fanxing walked out of the bedroom step by step with a grievance on his face, tears rolling in his eyes:

“Dad, can I not go to kindergarten…”

Lin Yi looked at the stars helplessly, this was the seventeenth time she had proposed this idea in the past few days.

Since yesterday morning, Lin Yi told Fanxing that he was going to kindergarten, Fanxing began to constantly grievance and sell misery, begging for an offensive, and Lin Yi almost relented several times.

“Stars, I told you several times, you must go to kindergarten, where you will meet new friends, you can play games with new friends, and learn knowledge together.”

“You don’t have to wait until your brother goes to school and you’re bored at home alone!”

However, Fanxing was still reluctant: “I don’t want new friends, I want my father, I can go to school with my father…”

Lin Yi touched Fanxing’s head helplessly, he almost said everything he needed to say on this day, but Fanxing had a bitter feud with the kindergarten, and he just didn’t want to go.

It seems that it is impossible to do without a killer app.

Immediately, Lin Yi looked at the stars very seriously and said

“Stars, in this way, as long as you promise your father to go to kindergarten, I will personally make you some new toys, the kind of black technology toys that I made for you before, how about it?”


[Chapter 8, data plus, thank you for your support! ] 】


PS: It’s not easy to write a book, if you readers think the book is good, please give the little author a little motivation! Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for all support, even if it is a comment, the little author is grateful! Thank you all, thank you!!!


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