
You can search for “Pokémon No. 5 Elite (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

On the way back to Aether Paradise, Zaobo had a headache.

He was blackmailed.

The escaped Bull Beauty notified Guzma. The first thing the latter did when he came to Melemele Island was to find the contact information left by Zaobo and pry out the information he knew from the middle client.

“Ten times the commission, settled in person.”

Although Guzma didn’t say anything cruel, Zaobo was very clear about, this rogue leader could not get what he wanted, and he would probably come to the door himself.

There is something to offer, and Zaobo keeps comforting himself.

Although Zaobo despises people like Guzma in his heart and despise his strength, he has few choices.

The two failures have made Zaobo vaguely aware that the person who protects Susan may be a great Trainer, but the level of the Skeleton team’s uneven makes Zaobo still denied the opponent’s specific strength.

“Guzma is a good cannon fodder.” Thinking of this, Zaobo felt a lot more relaxed.

“Zaobo is also a high-level executive of the Aether Foundation anyhow. He is so anxious that he will give it ten times.” Guzma grabbed the bank card in his hand and was amused. Waste, nothing is great except a little money.”

After evaluating Zaobo, Guzma looked at the beauty of Burr beside him and suddenly got angry.

“Isn’t it just a Trainer from another region? A little bit of strength, you can describe him as a region champion.”

“Be harder, you are the person next to this Uncle, don’t be scared by this kind of street goods, this time I will take you to find the place.”

Guzma is like this. I look down on all opponents who are weaker than him. They always devalue opponent before the battle.

Bull Meili wanted to speak again, but she, who was familiar with Guzma’s temper, resisted it.

As a member of the Skeleton Team, she can’t dismantle her boss’s station before the fight.

The scene of Luther’s Pokemon crushing them like mowing grass that day unconsciously appeared in her mind. She doesn’t know if the other Pokemon are serious, but Hei Lujia is definitely fighting seriously.

That kind of horrible oppression made her think that Guzma might suffer.

Luther, who returned to the camp, was surprised to find that Nidoran♂ of Zinnia had evolved.

The Bewear and Gardevoir volleyball competition lasted for a long time, and even Espurr and Heluga also participated.

But Bewear’s quasi-head suddenly had a problem, and he slapped Graveler to the resting position of Nidoran♂.

Nidoran, who was frightened, couldn’t hide, and shook Graveler hard with his head, and then white light burst out all over his body.

Bewear stood tall when Zinnia described the situation to Luther, and seemed to want to tell everyone that he contributed to this.

However, after Luther patted Nidorino and praised him for his good performance, he immediately banned any ball games using Graveler. Tomorrow he will go to the residents of the island to buy a Sturdy ball and play together. Point normal.

Graveler realized that he was laid off as soon as he started, and he showed a disappointed expression, which made Luther stupid.

young man, are you serious? Is it really so interesting to fly around as a ball?

You have a big problem.

Each Pokemon has different hobby and interests. For example, Swablu likes soft bauble, and Rest always hugs the cotton twigs that Miya made for him.

Also, for example, Silver likes to rub her head against Charm, and after contact with Manaphy, she likes to lick Luther.

It doesn’t seem strange that there is a Graveler who likes to be thrown around?

Pokemon is true, so are people.

Susan will silently check the gains of the day after the students have rested, and then use the fire of the campfire to record the daily occurrence of the Alola Region.

After finishing this, she will look up at the night sky for nearly half an hour before getting into the tent to rest.

Since coming to the island, it has been like this.

A highly self-disciplined person and Luther are always in trouble. Just like Nerium before, Luther would think that Luther is a minute insect.

However, Susan is different. She doesn’t think there is a problem with Luther’s lifestyle.

“It’s better to say that people like me are weird.” Susan smiled and commented on herself.

“You seem to look at the night sky in a daze every night. Is the night sky here more attractive than Kalos?”

Susan leaned on her Trevenant and shook her head: “Kalos is my hometown. In my eyes, the most beautiful is always my hometown.”

“Luther, I’m very scared.” Susan faced the sky full of stars and stretched out his hand that was wrinkled because of his age. “I’m afraid this time will be the same as before, without gain.”

“I’m afraid that when I close my eyes, Ultra Wormhole will open it secretly, and then close it silently.”

“Actually, I know that the Aether Foundation is secretly studying the way to open Ultra Wormhole…”

Luther listened quietly, without speaking.

“It stands to reason that we don’t need to spend time and effort to come to Alora, just wait for the Aether Foundation to perfect our count, wait for the Alola Alliance to be established, wait for the Aether Foundation to start sharing…”

“But you are here,” Luther said.

Susan smiled: “Because everyone else can wait, we don’t have time to wait.”

“Do you know who pays your commission?”

Luther has never understood this problem. He has never been acquainted with academia. The only people he knows are Professor Rowan, Diana, and Professor Oak.

“A total of 15 Scholars, from four regions, each of them is over 15 years old.”

“Five of them are terminally ill.” Susan looked at Luther and said softly, “Including me.”

Luther looked at Susan in disbelief. It was hard to imagine that an old man who had been in his seventies had so clear eyes and was so calm when talking about terminal illness, as if it was not death waiting for her at the end of this illness.


“Shhh. It didn’t take long for them to find out. Don’t worry about it.” Susan smiled and pointed to the students in the tent. Strict people take over.”

“Why are you telling me this now?” Luther couldn’t help but follow Susan’s gaze, looking at sky.

Tonight’s starlight is shining, and there seems to be a silver river flowing in the dark night sky.

“Even Senior, there will be things that I want to talk about. Only you and I are still awake. I can’t help it…”

“There are some things I want to say to you again without success. Since they have all started, then I will say them all in one go.”

Susan smiled at the corner of his mouth: “If you return without success this time, I hope you can directly place our commission in the future… The money may not be as generous as this time. After all, we are not everyone who has family property very generous… “

“If the person you are working with in the future has a bad temper, you should bear it more, do research, do academic work, and there are many people who have bad tempers, but most of them are good people.”

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