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Luther understood an interesting thing. Even Cynthia does not personally prepare food for Pokemon every time.

According to Cynthia, she handed over the deployment list to Day Care, which she is familiar with, and they will help to prepare it by herself. If necessary, she only needs to fine-tune Pokemon’s appetite that day.

“There are so many Pokemon in a courtyard, even if I leave the deployment work to Blissey, they will have to be busy for a long time, so this method is the most efficient. Diantha and Adu also have their own partners. As for Steven, he The family is his best backing.”

I think so, if Cynthia wants to do everything by himself, his energy is not allowed. With so many Pokemons, just preparing three meals a day is busy enough.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, Espurr rolled head-on and flew over, and Luther quickly reached out and fished her into his arms.

Garchomp maintains the posture of the move, which makes Luther and Cynthia understood the actual combat training for Ability conversion.

Garchomp’s strength is very good, Espurr just shakes his head and can continue to float over to participate in training.

The sound of footsteps in the corridor attracted Luther, and Miya took a piece of paper full of words and threw it into Luther’s hand excitedly.

“this is…”

“Dating guide is definitely useful, don’t you guys want to lie about fake dating? Follow this to make sure it’s realistic!”

Miya seemed confident.

This is the so-called Miya product must be a boutique? That has to be seen carefully.

Luther opened the folded paper curiously. The close and numerous handwriting on it made Luther sigh with Miya’s carefulness and earnestness.

The time, the project, and the content are written so carefully and fully, for the convenience of understanding, a table is specially drawn.

Just…how do I do the above things!

“Let me see, I see.”

Cynthia took the dating guide in Luther’s hand and looked at it seriously.

While watching, Cynthia glanced at Miya a few times and saw that Miya was also looking at herself. Cynthia laughed, folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

“Luther, there is Gastrodon’s favorite dessert in the kitchen. Take him to eat and help me get the dessert from the refrigerator by the way.”

Gastrodon, who was named, was a little dazed. How could there be a snack at this time?

Seeing the look in Cynthia’s eyes, Gastrodon immediately understood, and went over to push Luther, leading Luther to the house.

Luther naturally knows that Cynthia is pushing himself away, but he is really curious what Cynthia wants to do.

When Luther walked away, Cynthia pointed to the stone bench beside him and motioned for Miya to sit down.

“How do you want to deal with the relationship between you and your father?”

Cynthia’s first words made Miya not knowing what to do.

Miya lowered his head and played with his fingers for a long time before sighed: “He rarely gives in, and he rarely compromises. Since he said, I can get Breeder qualification as I please. This time I won’t break my promise anymore. .”

Cynthia touched Togekiss who was approaching, as if thinking about something.

“Then what are you going to do with your relationship with Luther?”

Miya body trembled, look away, not looking at Cynthia’s eyes.

“You like him very much, don’t you?” Cynthia took out the dating guide written by Miya. “Everything written on this is what you want to do with him, right?”

“Why do you want to take it out? This is the treasure you keep for yourself, right, the most precious thing only this.”

Miya clenched his fists, lowered his head, and slowly released his fists for a long time.

“I can’t help him.”

“I was aware of what he was doing when I was in Diantha’s villa. He is always in danger, but he always solves problems by himself.”

“All I can do is help him arrange things that he doesn’t care about. This is the only thing I can do for him.”

“At least in this kind of thing, I don’t want to hold him back, because you are his biggest Help right now.”

Cynthia suddenly remembered A’du. As a search officer, he had never had a partner, because all the partners were a drag on him.

Cynthia folded the paper and said, “Don’t worry, I’m just borrowing Luther, and I don’t have to make it seem like I’m going to take him away.”

Miya hesitated, but couldn’t help but teased.

“You want to grab, I can’t stop it…”

Hearing this sentence, Cynthia was really amused.

“Are you confident in me or too distrustful of yourself?”

“But you are right. Diantha said before that if it is someone I like, even if that person Diantha also likes people, I will try to get him over.

Looking at Miya, who was frustrated, Cynthia was quite happy with the success of the prank.

Just like the sense of crisis Evergreen created for Luther, which made Luther continue to push himself forward and make continuous progress, Cynthia also sent a sense of crisis to Miya.

Luther had protected her too well. Perhaps it was also related to his inner sense of belonging. He was too afraid that Miya would be in danger, which gave Miya the illusion that he was not helpful at all.

“Girls in love need to cheer, or I will show Luther the different laws of the Alora Islands.”

Cynthia hummed a song and found Luther in the kitchen who was feeding each other cake with Gastrodon.

One person, one Pokemon, the same sickness?

Gastrodon knew that he was distracted because of Luther. Although he had some snacks, he still wanted to ask why he was the first place when he was beaten, and I was always named…

Luther was bored, so Gastrodon simply asked Gastrodon to lean back and perform a Vice Grip spoon with a soft body.

Gastrodon gave Luther a bite in an unskilled posture, and Luther also had one. The picture was so beautiful that Cynthia felt that he shouldn’t come in, so let these two fools continue to play like this.

“After the talk, the training continues.”

Cynthia’s voice gave Gastrodon and Luther a sense of relief, and didn’t care about being seen. Luther stuffed Gastrodon’s leftover cake into Cynthia’s hand and walked straight into the courtyard.

Darkrai, who had been meditating and could not get the answer, jumped out anxiously and attracted the attention of Cynthia Pokemon in the courtyard.

Cynthia learned from Professor Rowan that Luther was following a Darkrai, but after arriving at the villa, Darkrai basically did not show up. This made Cynthia think that Luther hadn’t been tamed yet, so she simply didn’t ask for a look.

Darkrai has entered a dead end. He uses his own way of thinking and his accumulated experience to think and understand, but there are too many things he can’t understand.

He just wanted to release his emotions, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

Luther said that this is the courtyard of the champion trainer, and he has always praised Garchomp’s ability…

Darkrai came to Garchomp. The guy who had been taciturn spoke extremely fast and didn’t know what he said. Garchomp showed an expression that didn’t bother to care about you.

“Promise him.”

Cynthia’s words caused Garchomp to put Milcery down on his shoulders and face Darkrai in front of him.

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