You can search for “Pokémon No. 100 Elite Magic Pen Pavilion” in 5 degrees to find the latest chapter!

At the end of the meeting, no one else in the chat room had the desire to play games online, and they said goodnight and left the room hastily.

Instead, Adu made a special call to Luther.

“I really doubted you in the first place, and worried that you were taking the wrong path. I didn’t understand your difficulties until I became familiar with you continuously.”

“I am sorry.”

Luther is very calm: “Miya and I said when we first became friends, it’s a good idea to say sorry between friends.”

Cynthia sat in the corner of the courtyard, watching Miya put Togekiss in his arms and sleeping soundly, and looked at Luther who was laughing heartily with Adu.

“I really became confident.”

Cynthia murmured, giving Togekiss a more careful gesture.

Togekiss looked at Miya who used him as a pillow with a distressed look. When Cynthia asked so, he had no choice but to lie down and continue the Role Play pillow.

Cynthia carefully bypassed the sleeping Pokemon and went to the corner of the courtyard, waiting for Luther and Adu to confess to each other.

Hanging up the phone, Luther stretched fiercely.

“nailed it?”

Luther nodded: “Actually he doesn’t need to tell me this. If I mind, I won’t say it.”

Cynthia motioned to Luther to walk with her.

“It’s better to say it. A’du just wants to eliminate the grievances in his heart. Since he recognized you as his friend, he had suspected that you were a hurdle for him in the past. Even if it is a friend, you should say it clearly, you say right?”

Luther nodded, he feels at ease at the moment. It is more important than anything to completely decide his attitude towards Mob tonight.

“Next, how do you think you can find a breakthrough?” Cynthia asked.


Cynthia tilted her head: “Wait?”

“Nerium just sent a message to me, saying that she found something amazing in the Interpol. A strange person sent her some information and asked her to follow through, and she would have a result soon.”

“In addition, I think after Sunday, we can also get some information from Evergreen’s action this time.”

Speaking of Sunday, Cynthia is very upset.

“But I’ve never dated, I won’t. Shall we go out and fool around for a while?”

Luther smiled bitterly: “I think so too, but if Evergreen is playing mystery, just to know if I played a role, what should I do if I send someone to watch?”

Two people who have no experience at all naturally couldn’t discuss a good way. Luther just sluggishly proposed one to go to the movie, even he himself felt that the routine was old.

Fortunately, during breakfast, Miya Detected Luther’s embarrassment and asked Luther and Cynthia to wait for her.

Seeing Miya, who suddenly left the restaurant, Luther was a little confused.

Gastrodon is also puzzled.

Now he had Espurr, Milcery, Chikorita, and Jumpluff hanging on his body. When Chansey wanted to come, Gastrodon shook his head frantically.

Because Milotic sleeps at the bottom of the large pool in the courtyard, Gastrodon, who was not so big, has now become a Pokemon ship.

Gastrodon, who was splashing in the pool with Luther Pokemon, was very tired. Chikorita was very active, and Milcery always wanted to touch the water. He was trembling in fear. If it weren’t for Espurr, he would always be able to control them 2…

Hey, why not go to Garchomp, bully honest Pokemon?

In fact, Garchomp was also very aggrieved. Marill ate half of the food in his food bowl.

Cynthia always educates herself that the visitors are the guests, and you have to give them a bit, but Marill has no intention of being a guest at all.

After eating the food in the food bowl, it was not enough. He asked himself where to put the food. He went to eat it by himself, so he didn’t bother Garchomp to take another trip.

These thoughtful words made Garchomp want a Dragon Rush to beat him, but he endured it.

Although Marill can eat, there are that many in the small warehouse where the food is stored, and how much she can eat, as long as she doesn’t bother herself.

Pointing Marill a direction, Garchomp can finally take a nap with peace of mind.

Togekiss has heavy eyelids, and when Miya was asleep last night while calling Luther’s name, he tugged at himself.

She was awake twice after sleeping in a daze. Now she is in a bad mood and wants to make up for a rest. However, Pachirisu and Corsola happened to be playing by the side.

It is impossible to fall asleep naturally. Togekiss simply uses Sleep Ability to fall asleep actively.

Chansey is following Blissey to listen to her teaching Pokemon experience.

Cynthia takes care of half of the Pokemon in the entire villa. She is an old nanny. Her experience is extremely important to Chansey.

Since she learned new knowledge from Delibird, she obviously felt that she could help more.

Passing by the two Pokemon who were in close communication, Cynthia took Luther into the courtyard and came to Garchomp.

Garchomp, who was about to fall asleep, raised his head and glanced at Cynthia, and stood up reluctantly.

“The last time you talked about the conversion of Ability, Garchomp has mastered many combinations. I recall that he has little effect in actual combat and can only fight his face. If he is trained properly, his practicality is very high.”

Blissey is called by Cynthia to serve as a sandbag for Garchomp to test Ability.

“Let me show you Dragon Rush for Giga Impact.”

Luther’s eyes are wide. Although he has been letting Pokemon practice in his spare time, they are all abilities that don’t need to mobilize too much power.

Moreover, in his opinion, the conversion of Ability requires a higher power for the first Ability, and a lower power for the second Ability, so that it is easy to succeed.

But Dragon Rush needs less power than the second Giga Impact.

But Garchomp really did it. In midair, Dragon Rush, who was clearly a dragon, had become Giga Impact when he was about to hit Blissey.

Dumbfounded, really don’t know what to say.

He just put forward an idea, Cynthia also said that the practicality is very poor, but what is it now?

This is forcibly driving a new Sect.

If an ability can be said to be a specialized exercise, the result of repeatedly accumulating experience where water flows, a canal is formed, but Cynthia’s demonstration is not over.

Dragon Claw for Shadow Claw, Rock Slide for Bulldoze, Brick Break for Metal Claw…

Every time you try a Luther, you feel more sweaty. This ability to infer 3 inferences, this ability to practice theory…

This means that Cynthia is really beyond the Alliance rules.

There is no match rule that restricts this move.

It has become a thing of the past to want to restrict Cynthia through reading and even defense in the future. Cynthia can change tricks, so how can you target it in time…

For example, Dragon Rush changed to Giga Impact, and Giga Impact finally took effect. If it is an unlimited game, it is okay. If it is the new Limit Four format, which Ability is actually used?

Or are 2 counts?

Luther can foresee that the first demonstration of Cynthia’s skill will definitely make Alliance officials in charge of the competition system headshot, and wrangling is absolutely indispensable.

Who makes their champion so good at breaking the ceiling…

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