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Lotz succeeded. He used the thunderous method to attack the old nobles within half a month after Luther left.

The early mastery of the dark history allowed Lotz to continuously get the support of public opinion when eradicating the old noble industry.

The mouthpiece of public opinion held by the old nobles was completely dumb in front of the Rage of the people of the Calel Region. The old method of fooling the people was only silent in the face of the turbulent public opinion.

Pieces of ugly past were drawn from the shadowy corners of the newly formed Alliance to the sun, and there was nowhere to hide the sins of the old nobles.

Smuggling networks are all over the regions.

The underground casinos are gaining money every day, and countless people have fallen into it.

Deathmatch, let Pokemon riddled with scars, countless crippled Pokemon were abandoned in the wilderness.

It is planned to control some of the players in the Gallel Championship to achieve a trader, so that both ends can be eaten.

It’s hard to believe that this group of aristocrats who once controlled many rights in the Alliance are so corrupt.

Various cases have even alarmed the Alliance in the surrounding regions, as well as the Interpol, who is worried about nothing to do after the recent expansion.

“Why are the alliances of other regions strong, and there won’t be any aristocratic Royal Family’s messy group intervention?”

When someone asks such a question, this question cannot be stopped.

The call for the abolition of the rights of the nobles in the Alliance is rising, and Lotz, who stands on the top of the wave, does not have any softness when facing the nobles who have been beaten by the group.

The decent aristocrat who understands chose to dismiss on his own, in exchange for Lotz’s light treatment.

Don’t understand decent nobles… They really underestimated Lotz’s determination.

Directly after declaring that a certain family had violated the law, Lotz sent Embargo to all the properties and residences of the nobleman.

saw that the situation was far from good The old aristocrats formed a group to attack Lotz and attacked the dissidents without evidence. It was dictatorship!

Evidence? What it is?

For Lotz, no, there can be!

Lotz didn’t intend to make sense, he was determined to do it thoroughly after confessing to Luther.

He wants to accomplish something that couldn’t be done when the Calel Region Alliance was founded.

The image and influence of the nobleman was chopped to the aorta by Lotz, and the blood flow continued.

After hearing this, Adu and Steven unanimously expressed their admiration for Lotz.

“Heavenly Man” is the evaluation they gave to Lotz.

Even Adu and Steven, who knew the inside story of Misaki, applauded Lotz, not to mention the people from Calel Region.

It would be okay if only to purge the influence of the old nobles and start a brand new era for Calel.

What Lotz wanted to do was to eat a bite into a fatty.

Not only did he want the old nobles to die, but also the people from the Royal Family to get out of the historical stage of Gallel together.

Luther didn’t know if it was Lotz’s preparations or a temporary intention. In short, he clearly intended to give himself money and honor to Zinnia, but the actual purpose was to urge Luther.

“Give me that document.”

At first, Luther said that he would give it to him if he found the document.

However, after discovering the truth in the literature about the rewriting of history by the Royal Family of Gallel, Luther was afraid that this thing would cause Gallel to get out of control when it was in Lotz’s hands, so he chose to hold it in his hand temporarily.

The attitude before and after is enough for Lotz to draw a vague judgment.

This is something that will make Luther feel that it will set off a heaven overflowing giant wave when it is in his own hands!

Giving or not giving has become a problem.

Lotz’s cleanup of the nobility in the Galar Region is almost over. Now he has a huge popularity, and the people of the Garal Region have high hopes for him.

Civil surveys show that a large number of Calel people believe that Lotz will allow Calel to rise and solve various problems that Alliance has never really solved before.

In the past few decades in Gallel, Lotz may be the only Alliance leader with unprecedented appeal.

Although he is by fair means or foul, he is a doer.

He likes to play Nasty Plot, but all he does is out of his love for Calel Region.

He is a complicated person and cannot be simply described as good or bad.

Luther’s choice is likely to affect the future direction of Gallel. This is the biggest problem Luther has faced since he came to this World.

In the past, he was able to make many excellent decisions by virtue of his identity as a transmigrator, which seemed amazing to outsiders.

As for other small decisions, it only affects me and a small group of people around me. I am wrong or have confidence in Luther to make up for it.

But…this time he has to decide the future of a Region.


Luther felt that it should be revealed that the Royal Family borrowed the feat of the legendary Pokemon to add chips to its rule is very ugly.

In order to prevent this incident from being discovered, they even strengthened the idea of ​​”Royal Family Save Calel” from generation to generation.

But now Lotz is really radical.

I used to be dormant when I was not in power. Now that I have the power and the popularity, I might want to do all the step by step things in one go.

“Hold it.”

Acerola and Miya analyzed a lot for Luther, Cynthia and the others also thought for a long time, and finally everyone came to the conclusion of these three words.

The truth will always come to light, the Royal Family and the nobles will eventually leave the historical stage of Gallel together.

But Lotz can’t be allowed to speed up like this.

I heard that Lotz also promoted to the people of Calel not long ago that the energy of Calel Region will be exhausted after a millennium, and encourages energy companies in Calel Region to work hard to find new energy alternatives.

This is too ridiculous.

Not to mention anything else, thousands of years ago, humans were still living a farming life with Pokemon. The technology hasn’t risen much, and there are some weird black technologies.

At that time, some human concerns about the future were also passed down in the literature.

For example, if you feel that the fruit on the tree is too little or too small, the land will not be fertile enough in the future, and the entire Region will perish.

For example, when the coal mines where I live is exhausted, I exclaim that the Region is about to end.

Even when a certain king saw that the sea was high tide one day, a large part of his coastal territory was submerged, and he shouted in his diary that the country would be destroyed.

This is the limitation of the times. It is difficult for a person to think about the future beyond the times.

The scientific and technological achievements that you expect people to imagine thousands of years ago are fundamentally impossible.

The things they worry about have long been solved by modern people, and they have been solved very lightly.

Lotz has not dealt with Calel’s affairs, and began to plan for Calel after a thousand years.

This magical scene really made Perch Isle afraid to hand over the literature to Lotz.

Lotz is now like a frantically accelerating train, smashing through obstacles along the way fast as lightning.

They really want to know if this macho, will he play himself directly because of crazy acceleration in the end…

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