Ash and his party rested comfortably in the castle for a night, and left the castle in the company of Erin early the next morning.

"Xiao Zhi, what happened before is our fault, I'm really sorry."

Irene said sincerely, "Our Queen of Orudelang City, although still considered neutral, welcomes the brave warriors of Bird to come back and rest at any time.

We will always guard the tree of dreams and the beginning of the world, and protect the peace of this land."

"Well, that's enough.

In fact, thank you too... Without you, I would not have known the... stories from hundreds of years ago, and I would not have met Lucario, let alone.. ."

Xiaozhi glanced at Xiaoyao, who was a little absent-minded, and continued after a pause, "I wouldn't face my destiny so squarely... Anyway, thank you very much."

"By the way, I'll give this to you, Xiaozhi."

Irene took out a quaint booklet, the paper was slightly yellowed, "This is an important item that Lord Yalang gave to Queen Lynn, about the training of the waveguide... You have the same as Lord Yalang. A powerful waveguide, but it has a completely different way of using it. If you can learn from each other's strengths, it will be more useful for your improvement. 0... This book is written in ancient characters, Lucario should know it, you bring it with you Travel with it and study together."

"Thank you then."

Xiao Zhi took it over solemnly, "Hey...!!!, Lucario, I'm going to trouble you to be my teacher in the next period of time."

"Yes, my lord!"

Lucario replied solemnly.

"Um... ugh, it seems that this time I recruited a boring guy..."

"Pickup! But, Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao!"

Pikachu only said half a sentence, but Yue Ban had already revealed a sly smile.

Crack! The powerful spiritual power around Xiao Zhi disappeared in a flash, and where Shanaido walked, small pits appeared on the ground.

Pokkis, on the other hand, was thinking hard... What happened here, should I tell Xiaoxia? Om! At this time, the Pokémon egg that Xiao Zhi had obtained from the foster family and had been judged to be dead suddenly radiated. The light came out! "Is this... is it about to hatch"

Xiaogang exclaimed in surprise, "It's incredible!"

A group of people surrounded this Pokémon egg that kept glowing... But in the end, after the white light flickered, the egg suddenly disappeared.

"It's gone"

Xiaoyao was stunned at first, and then asked sadly, "I still can't..."

"No! It's been done!"

Xiao Zhi said in surprise and firmness, "I can see it, it's already a miracle of life! For it, I have to go to Ziyuan Town!"

In front of Ash, a purple and black "Ibrahimovic"

Suspended there quietly, its pair of sapphire-like eyes looked at Xiao Zhi with admiration, and a soft cry came out of its mouth.


Is it because of the previous hand of God that you, who only had the last bit of strength, were born in the form of a soul? I will take good care of you, and we will find your way together! 3.

5Xiao Zhi took out an empty baby ball, and under everyone's unexplained gazes, put a ball of "air"

Take it in.


After the group said goodbye to the castle, the pink petite Pokémon seemed to be long overdue. It wandered around the castle but couldn't find anyone it wanted to meet, and finally flew to the room where Ash slept last night.


In the flowerpot in the room, there was a spiral-shaped flower bud, and the pink little cutie floated over curiously, and a ball of light jumped out when they touched it.

At night... the boy who had been fighting all day slept soundly... The girl gently pushed the door and entered the boy's room, shyly moved her face closer, getting closer... Then, in the girl's room, After he left the room as if he had escaped, the young man opened his bright eyes, and a small smile crept up the corner of his mouth.


The picture came to an abrupt end, and the pink cutie suddenly lost her head, flew around the room for a while, and finally flew out of the window, towards the towering giant tree in the distance.

Chapter [-]

Xiao Zhi and his party who left Orudlang City continued to walk towards Ziyuan Town. Along the way, Xiao Zhi was always depressed.

First, the ghost Ibrahimovic who was born suddenly before, no one except...... Ash could see it. As a result, others thought that Ash was schizophrenic because of the previous stimulation, and was once taken for granted. Neuropathy for a long time.

And then the new brainwashing... No, it's Lucario, the holy persuasion, although this guy keeps calling Ash a sire, but what he says can't be heard at all.

"I didn't expect that although Lord Ash has a waveguide that is far stronger than Lord Yalang, it is so rough to use. After training these days, the distance of external perception is still [-] meters, no more, no less... This aptitude is truly astonishing.”

Xiao Zhi can't wait to strangle this guy who teased himself seriously.

So it's my fault for being limited by the hero's vision. I say that my broadcast range is lower at night! Moreover, I can't learn the booklet that Irene gave him, so I say that my so-called waveguide and the original waveguide of this world, There are two kinds of things at all, isn't it? It's Lucario.

Then one morning, while a group of people were grooming in a certain forest, Ash received a special letter.

This letter says that I haven't seen Xiaozhi for a long time. Xiaozhi has grown into an excellent researcher and a well-known excellent trainer. Therefore, Xiaozhi is specially invited to challenge the new battle system that has just been developed... The letter is signed by Yang Dr. Greg.

Xiaozhi has some impressions of this person. He started 04 research on this Pokémon battle system seven years ago, during which Dr. Damu also provided him with a lot of help.

At that time, it was not long before Xiao Zhi officially became a researcher at the Damu Research Institute, so he only heard the name, but did not have any deep friendship.

But later, Xiao Zhi heard that there seemed to be some problems with his research, and he had been expelled from academia.

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