"That said, but..."

Xiaoxia is still a little tangled. A group of people have come all the way to challenge the gym. If all of them are wiped out by Xiaozhi... that would be a shame.

"It's nothing, I have to let them know that you are the only one who can flirt with me!"

Xiaozhi pouted and said, "By the way, I have to contact Xiaojian to replace some thugs... Fighting in the water, just use red and water arrow turtles..."

Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng, Xiaogang looked at each other...now Xiaozhi, so scary, Xiaoxia is also helpless, what is it that only you can flirt...Hua Lan Taoist Hall, Xiaoxia didn't hold Xiaozhi , was brought back here.

"Sister, I'm back!"

Helpless Xiaoxia shouted into the gym.

"Xiaoxia, you..."

"Miss Xiaoxia is back!"

"Great, I can play against Miss Xiaoxia!!"

"It's amazing, I've been waiting for three days!"

"What are three days, I made an appointment a month ago!"

...Sakura's words were instantly drowned out by the loud noise, and then... a large group of mainly male trainers rushed up.

"God..., I knew it would be like this."

Xiaoxia sighed helplessly.

Xiao Zhi's face suddenly turned cloudy and cloudy.

"You... are all here to challenge Hualan Taoist Hall"

Xiaozhi looked at the group of crooked melons and cracked dates in front of him with a smile, "I didn't know, there are so many trainers in the Kanto region, this large group of you are traveling, let's talk about three or five years, 35, really not Warland Gym's emblem

"Hey... 0 boy, who are you! Can we get the badge or not?

"Yes, what kind of onion are you, we don't need you to worry about our affairs!"

"Anyway, we are going to fight against the gym trainer Miss Xiaoxia!"

Immediately, there was a burst of voices.

"I'm so sorry, the trainer of Hualan Gym has recently become me."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth, "I want a badge.

"What are you kidding! I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, I want to fight with Miss Xiaoxia!"

"That's right! Be careful we call the police to catch you and pretend to be a gym trainer!"

"Just feel free to call the police, anyway... Today's trainer at Hualan Gym is me!"

Xiao Zhi said in a cold voice, "If you guys are still unreasonably harassing Xiaoxia, I guarantee that all the gym trainers you will encounter in the future will be me!"

That's right, Xiaozhi decides to be a trainer of Hualan Taoist Hall for a day from now on, he has this right! As the King of Houbutian in Kanto, Xiaozhi's identity and status are still: above Elika, the leader of Kanto Gym , If you conduct a gym tour in the name of inspecting the gym, several heavenly kings in Kanto can take over any gym and become a trainer at will.

"Damn...you have the ability to wait for Junsha to come and be so arrogant!"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

"Okay, but I remind you... If Junsha asks, you group of people have already constituted the crime of gathering a crowd to make trouble, and they will be arrested at that time."

Xiao Zhi said casually, "Everyone is a trainer, some things don't need to be said so clearly.

A normal gym will only receive five challengers a day at most, and now there are probably more than [-] here."

In a word, the group of guys present was silent for a while, and it seemed that they also knew how bastard their behavior was.

"Stop talking nonsense! Today's gym trainer is me, you don't want to get badges

Xiao Zhi stood directly opposite the pavilion owner on the platform.

"Xiaoxia, what's going on? Why did Xiaozhi and the others come together?"

Taking advantage of the excitement of a group of people, Sakura found an opportunity to hold Xiaoxia and asked.

"It's not the ones you made...why did you put in the guys who didn't come to challenge at first sight!"

Xiaoxia said gloomily, "Xiaozhi is angry when he knows about this."

"Xiao Zhi is angry...he, can't he?"

Sakura was shocked at first, then she looked at Xiaoxia with a playful look, "Hey, I know, it seems that someone has confessed to our family's Xiaoxia, and then the new little boyfriend heard about the girl in his heart. Being harassed, I came here especially to find a place.

What about Xiaoxia, are you excited?"

"I'm so angry at you, how will this kind of thing end!"

Xiaoxia growled helplessly, "Please don't put everyone in the gym in the future, okay?"

"Yes, yes, I want to help Xiaoxia avoid suspicion."

Sakura said with a playful smile.

"I don't think that's what I meant..."

Xiaoxia looked unlovable.

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