"Boscodora, Invisible Rock!"

Shinji still started the game the same way as yesterday's game, and it was a good way to arrange the rock spikes in advance when he already knew that Xiaoxia might be sending a tyrannical carp dragon.

Before the super-evolution, the tyrannosaurus had the flying attribute, and it also took the damage of the rock nails.

Moreover, although the water-type attack has an outstanding effect on the rock-type, the pure water attribute really has no resistance to the rock, and the rock nails can at least cause one-eighth of the physical consumption of Xiaoxia's Pokémon, which is not a loss in any case.

But this premise is based on the fact that the rock nails will not be cracked. Once Goda duck swept the rock nails on the field, Shinji's tactics will also fail completely.

"Boscordora, that's really a troublesome defense.

Godard Duck, use the wonderful space."

Xiaoxia is the first to use the space trick that can exchange all the Pokémon defense and special defense after the opening. After this operation, the double defense is basically the same as the Gotha duck, which is almost unaffected, but the Boss Cordola is different! At this point, after the steel-armored tyrannosaurus exchanged the double defense, the previous high: 230 defense has become a pitiful 60! "I actually thought of using this method to deal with Boss Cordola, but even if it is lowered After the defense, Boscodora's attack power is still there! Thunder Fist!"

Boom! Boscodora took heavy steps and rushed towards the Gotha Duck, and lightning flashed above the heavy fist! "Right...you seemed to want to ask yesterday, how to avoid the damage of the invisible rock, Then please experience it for yourself! Gotha Duck, mental shock!"


The original pupils were completely lost in Godard Duck's eyes, but were completely occupied by superpowers that flickered with blue light. Boom! The spiritual energy that is as real as a dense net began to spread to the entire opposing battlefield, and the originally flat field was suddenly cut into pieces! And Bosscordora, who was charging, felt as if she was being attacked. A huge pendulum hit the general, and involuntarily fell on its back.

"Gotha Duck, just keep using mental distraction like this!"

"This... such a strong mental force!"

In Shinji's stunned, in the middle, Godard relied on powerful mental power to dig out all the tiny rock nails hidden in the field, and gathered in the air to form a very irregular sphere in the air, and then used his own Mental force directly grinds it into powder! "See, when the thick fog and high-speed rotation are not cleared, Goda Duck is...that's how to solve the situation of the venue!"

Chapter [-]

Godard Duck's approach was the same as Ash's previous giant gold monsters. They resolved the state of the field by forcibly demolishing the field. Shinji, who was watching this violent play, and Ai Lan in the stands lost their voices at the same time.

Although Shinji had seen Xiao Zhi's giant gold monster do this before, he was not as shocked this time.

The venue of the Lily of the Valley Conference is the most standard battle field, which is much smaller than the venue currently used... In fact, since Carlos' Miare Conference first tried to use the high-tech arena, the alliances around They have also followed suit to upgrade and transform their own stadiums.

The new arena is more functional than before, and of course has a larger footprint.

If you want to completely destroy such a stadium, even if it is only to destroy the half-area where the Gotha duck itself is, the power required is terrifying as can be imagined.

But from Shinji's point of view, Godard Duck didn't seem to put much effort into it at all. It not only demolished the arena, but even used its mental power to knock down the heavy Boscodora.

Shinji now understands why he has to use the magic space trick to exchange the double defense of Boss Cordola... Although the mental shock trick that Goda duck just used is a special attack skill, the damage calculation is based on the opponent's defense value. computational.

And Boscodora's defense has been replaced with special defense... Even if the mental shock doesn't work well for Boscodola, the damage it causes is absolutely amazing! "Breaking through to the championship is a qualitative change. When When the critical point is reached, the potential of some Pokémon will be developed to the maximum, and the strength will therefore have a leap-like breakthrough."

Xiaoxia explained, "Of course, champion-level Pokémon also have their own areas of expertise, and they are not omnipotent.

For example, my Goda Duck is still not good at water-type moves, but the strength of his superpowers has been qualitatively improved."

Xiaoxia explained the champion's breakthrough in great detail, but the problem is... you just say that you are the champion in front of everyone, and you also take the initiative to admit that you are a trainer specializing in the water system. Some of the main water-type Pokémon are not good at water-type tricks, so is this really good?

"Interfere with the mind."

Godard duck raised his hand indifferently, and stopped all the stone blades that shot at him in the air, as if time had stopped.

"Boscodora, Thunder Fist!"

After that, the steel-armored tyrannosaurus who ran over with its big feet also obediently became a prisoner of Godduck's superpowers.

"Because of the double-proof swap and the resistance of the steel attribute itself to super powers, mental interference can hardly cause damage to Boscordora, but the control power is still there:."

Xiaoxia explained, "Gotha duck's mental strength is so strong that it can catch even a ton of heavy objects in the air. With the current strength of Boss Cordola, he can't break free for the time being. ."

"Boscodora...forget it"

After letting the steel-armored tyrannosaurus struggle for a few times, Shinji found that it was the case, under the restraint of Godard's powerful mental power, Boss Cordola couldn't move at all.

"Continuous use of Qihequan!"

On the other hand, the commander Goda duck step by step came to the front of Bosco Dora, opened the bow from the left and the right, and slammed the fist directly! Bang! Bang! Before the end of the wonderful space, the boxing trick of the fighting system played the best Attack effect! "Final mental disturbance!"


At the moment when the energy barrier used to form the space on the field dissipated, Xiaoxia changed her trick in time. Godard duck threw Boscodora into the air with a strong mental interference, and then fell heavily on the ground, directly throwing the Bosco Dora fell into a super-evolutionary state! The audience was shocked! This group of spectators only saw the power of Bosco Dora yesterday, but today they were hanged and beaten without any strength to fight back. A lot of viewers couldn't accept it for a while! Thinking of Xiaoxia's battle a few days ago, everyone was shocked to find that no matter what Tianwang player is against Xiaoxia, it seems that they will be hanged by the opponent! The former water king in Kanto already has it. Champion-level strength, this matter was officially confirmed today! "Come back, Boss Cordola."

Shinji didn't choose to use sleep and other unique tricks throughout the whole process. The purpose of his battle today is not to stalk him. It's better to just admit that his skills are not as good as others, and there is no need to entangle them blindly.

"I'll send you on the field next, Dragon King Scorpion!"

After taking back Boscodora, his second choice was the vicious dragon king scorpion, and it seemed that he wanted to target the super powers of Godard Duck.

"It's a good choice. Goda duck's super power is indeed completely ineffective against evil elements, so let's attack it."

Xiaoxia gave Shinji the right to take the first shot, and wanted to see how capable his Pokémon was.


And Shinji's choice is to release a venom with a strong tracking effect and go straight to Gotha Duck! "Mental interference!"

Godard Duck still blocked the venom that was shot at him with a mental interference, and it was completely effortless.


Although this move is a must in the hands of poison-type Pokémon, there are ways to counter or block it."

"Then we can only attack from the front! Dragon King Scorpion, try the sword on the street!"

"Fight with Kiheken!"

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