"Yeah...but there should be another reason why you guys want to go out."

Ash jokingly looked at Erin and Michael, "It's been a morning, and I haven't found a chance to attack me and Rukia, aren't you very anxious?"

"Xiao Zhi, I don't understand what 090 Bai are saying..."

"Yeah, Xiaozhi, do you want to explain what you just said to me?"

Hearing Ash's words, Irene and Mikri's expressions changed at the same time, and the guards patrolling around gradually surrounded them, surrounding Ash and Rukia at the core.

"Explain I don't think I have anything to explain to a group of cloned creatures... The Pokémon copied by Mewtwo can grow and even reproduce normally, but you group are not conscious and only know how to read other people's Memories, people who live by imitating human beings are foreign objects that shouldn't exist at all!"

Xiaozhi's eyes stared, and the powerful waveguide had already emerged from his body. The four sacred persuasion, such as Yueban, Pikachu, Chenglong, and the Queen of Sword and Shield, also came out of the imprinted space. Kia was behind her.

"A Pokémon named Divine Persuasion... Ash, do you think we're just so simple to replace someone else's identity and live so simple?"

Irene smiled disdainfully, "Once we read human memory, of course we can have the corresponding strength of human beings! Don't forget, if your companion is replaced by us, its Pokémon will also be dominated by us! "

"Go! Minas, Sea Lion, King Catfish, King Whale, Stinger Jellyfish, Lotte Kappa!!"

The guy who pretended to be Micoly threw out half of the Pokémon that Micoly was holding at one time, and then he looked at Xiao Zhi with a bright face, "How is it, seeing the magic of the champion Micoly. Baby, can you still do it!"

"Do you know that your biggest failure today is that you don't know me well enough!!"

Xiao Zhi sneered, waved his hand casually, and Yue Ban and other four divine persuasion simultaneously launched a merciless attack on Mikori's six Pokémon! "Why...why!"

The one who replaced Mikuri was so frightened that he even forgot the commander, and could only watch in astonishment as the four violent Pokémon beat the six that originally belonged to Mikri and screamed incessantly.

"Queen Irene's memory is outdated, the one who knew me, or the one who is willing to sacrifice his life for an irrelevant person, and Michael's memory is arrogant. To be honest, I admit that he is indeed my elder. And my best friend, but he and I are friends, and what does it have to do with his Pokémon? Use his Pokémon to blackmail me, and that's why you mass-produced clones are so mindless!"

"But... damn!"

"It's too late to run now!"

Seeing Irene and Mikkori turning around and trying to flee, Ash couldn't help sneering, "Pikachu, spread the electricity and attack the entire city of Orudelang.

Moon and a half, Chenglong, you are in charge of supporting, and Sword and Shield help me catch the fish that slip through the net.

Little Nebula, you opened the ultimate space that had nothing when we fought with Sakagi last time, and threw all the defeated monsters into it! Brainwashed Pokémon, throw them in too!"


Pikachu transformed himself into an overclocked Thor form and then rose into the sky, throwing the most terrifying lightning strike at the city of Orudelan below! Instead of concentrating on attacking this time, it split the electric current into extremely slender but extremely Powerful tracking arc, knocking a human-shaped monster back to its original shape.

On the other hand, Yueban and Chenglong started from the two ends of the castle to help drive away the ever-changing monsters that were running away, so that Pikachu could hit them, and at the same time, they also solved some who escaped because they turned into ground-type Pokémon. Fish slipping through the net.

The Queen of Sword and Shield flew majestically to the outskirts of the castle and Rota Street, vigilant against the ever-changing individuals who might escape.

Moreover, she also had to take precautions against the unusual situation in Rota Street.

According to the information provided by Lucario, the tree of the beginning of the world is obviously... the stronghold of this group of ever-changing monsters, then the city of Orudelang is...the outpost they have established, and the Rota Street outside the city is The famous scenic spot in Kanto, it is estimated that there have been people who have been replaced here.

Little Nebula opened the ultimate hole in the center of the large arena of the castle, and at the same time threw all the stunned monsters into the last battle with Sakagi, which was temporarily opened by Necrozma. Extreme space.

That place was just created for a decisive battle, it was just... a dark, forgotten world without any creatures, it would be better to serve as a temporary prison for a while.

When Xiao Zhi completely solves this incident, as to whether these things are humane destruction or what, then let's talk about it when the time comes.

"Damn... Damn! We won't let you go, you accomplice! One day in the future, we will have more companions making a comeback! These...  You Pokémon enslaved by humans, and this world destroyed by you, we will definitely rescue it!!"

In the end, Irene was hit by Pikachu's arc in a shrew-like roar, turning from the beautiful queen before to a purple monster.

"Michelle" on the side

It also turned into a strangely shaped purple marshmallow. After it was beaten back to its original shape, twelve baby balls fell from its side, which was obviously the stock of this guy Michele.

His Pokémon should have been brainwashed by now, and Xiao Zhi didn't know how to solve it for the time being, so he just threw them all into the ultimate space.

"Well, well done, Rukia"

The unlucky girl also made great efforts this time. The blue bird and the lampshade night mushroom took turns to fight, and they also defeated a lot of guards who were transformed into a variety of monsters. Just like this kind of praise that can make a girl happy for a long time just by moving her lips, Xiaozhi Naturally not stingy.

"Hee hee is not as powerful as Ash-sama, but it's great to be able to fight with Ash-sama!"

"Let's go... I'll let Pikachu and Sword and Shield guard the entrance to the front and back bridges on Rota Street: let Chenglong guard the sea below, and let's take Moon and a half and the little nebula to the tree of the beginning of the world!"


Chapter [-]

At the core of the tree of the beginning of the world, Xiaoyao is anxiously watching Tomoko and Dream who are releasing their power on the central crystal, while the two different forms of Mewtwo and Lunayala are on the sidelines, guarding against the next one. The waves may continue to attack the enemy.

A large group of various Pokémon and Variety Monsters were scattered around them, and it was obvious that they had experienced a difficult battle just now.

However, we have gathered at least three first-level gods here, so the safety of Xiaoyao and Tomoko obviously doesn't need to worry too much.


Tomoko shook his head helplessly and sighed, and together with Dream, regained his power.

"Tomoko, are you and Dream okay?"

Seeing Tomoko stop, Xiaoyao hurriedly came up and asked with concern.

She has already experienced the danger of rushing to rescue the tree of the beginning of the world. Before, Ash and Lucario almost died, so she was afraid that Tomoko and Dream would also be damaged.

"It can no longer receive the power of me and the dream... This tree has been seized with too much power before, and all its vitality has been exhausted, and it will soon wither completely."

Tomoko sighed helplessly, "Even if it is the power of Victory Pan or the power of my brother's waveguide, it is impossible to save him."

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