Queen, Xiao Zhi is calling Irene's inheritance code just now as the leader of the order. As the leader of the order, the real king of all the inheritors, Xiao Zhi has absolute control over... and the code name inheritor of his own alliance. Suppressing, if the voice just now was aimed at Xiao Mao, he might have already knelt on the ground! Even if Irene is neutral, it is impossible for him to be insensitive like this.

So the truth is..., the guy in front of me is not Irene at all, but the Variation Monster who replaces her! The worst situation happened... Under the circumstance that Irene, the queen, was infiltrated, the entire Orudelang The city has completely turned into a den of ever-changing monsters.

Moreover, there might be a variety of monsters in Rota Street mixed in with the crowd.

Xiaosheng should have just broken through the plot of the Variety Monster and escaped, but he should not have left the castle, but hid somewhere.

With Deoxys and Kira to protect him, there is no need to worry about his safety.

And he might be able to find out some information, such as where these missing persons went.

These...Variety monsters are very different from ordinary species, and are unlikely to be species that evolved naturally...Xiao Zhi is more willing to believe that they have been artificially interfered with the breeding process. Don't specially cultivate the ethnic group, it is specially used to invade human society!

Chapter [-]

"Bah ah... Really, hasn't anyone cleaned this place, it's just ashes when you move it casually, it's really annoying."

In a secret attic of the castle, a young trainer wearing glasses is helplessly driving dust into his nose.

This boy is Xiao Sheng, and he is currently in the attic on the top floor of the castle banquet hall, which is the place where he played with Fantasia and many other Pokémon a few years ago... That... Fantastic will often visit, A storage room full of toys.

He spent the second half of the night in this unattended attic, where the dust was stirred up every now and then so that he would not suffer from asthma.

"But thank you very much. If Monini hadn't reminded me, I might have been attacked by the mirror in the house."

Speaking of this matter, Xiaosheng still has a chill down his spine.

At dinner, Xiaozhi and Deoxys turned into stone together, Xiaosheng was anxious, and he was worried about his sister's safety.

As a result, I heard the news that Xiaozhi was suddenly fine. Xiaosheng wanted to find Xiaozhi quickly, but was told by the guard that Xiaozhi and Rukia had returned to the room together. After cursing this future brother-in-law with a knife on his head thousands of times, Xiao Sheng could only go back to his room with a sullen mood, only to glance at the mirror in the room.

For some reason, he always felt that the person in the mirror didn't look like him.

Out of curiosity, Xiao Sheng made a random guessing pose with the mirror, and he won... This kind of thing happened at night, and Xiao Sheng, who thought he saw a ghost, was immediately scared into a cold sweat! After that, in the mirror His image suddenly turned into a dark purple color, and something I don't know what it was, slammed into Xiao Sheng's cheek... The agility of his movements was like a face-hugging bug.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Xiao Sheng heard an eager shout, which made him instinctively tilt his head, but just avoided the sneak attack of the ever-changing monster that looked like a purple slime.

Afterwards, his Deoxys descended on the spot with teleportation like a magic weapon, and in an instant he brought down the refined mirror, which saved Xiao Sheng, who was almost replaced by the ever-changing monster. .

The two sneaked out of the room with the captive Variety Monster, and they wanted to immediately.

I went to inform the others, but it turned out that he saw something strange in the room where Michael was staying.

The Hoenn champion who woke up in the middle of the night to drink water and the Variety Monster who turned into a water cup took a solid sip, and then they were attacked by the opponent without the ability to resist.

Speaking of which, Michaely is also bad enough. You said that there were so many cups on the table, but he chose the only high imitation, and then it was a tragedy.

In short, Xiaosheng who saw this scene is also big, everyone should have a Variety Monster incarnate as a decoration in everyone's room, ready to take the opportunity to sneak attack on their own and others.

At that time, although Xiaosheng said that the other party would replace his companion in the future, he also knew that after being attacked by the Variety Monster, it would definitely not be good.

So he gave up the idea of ​​looking for someone else.

Get ready to find out what's going on in the castle.

But just when he didn't know how to start, he met Manini and was taken to this attic that had been abandoned for a long time.

It was only at this time that he realized that the one who reminded himself to avoid...Monnini.

Through Mornini's narration and Kirachi's translation, Xiaosheng tells the whole story.

This magic Nini is... the Pokémon beside Queen Irene. About a few months ago, this group of weird and varied monsters suddenly appeared in the castle and began to quietly infiltrate the castle.

At first, they disguised themselves as ornaments and hid in the corners, specifically picking out the palace guards and female officials who were alone, and launching the same attacks on them as they did today.

Anyone who is attacked by them will immediately lose consciousness, and then they will be sent to an unknown place to hide. The skill of imitating even surpasses that of Monini, who has the reputation of imitating clowns.

Queen Irene was the last to be replaced. Although she was weak in appearance, she was really a queen with both civil and military skills, and she was able to use part of the power of the waveguide, and she was finally caught after entanglement with the opponent for a long time.

But before she was caught, she reluctantly let Mornini run away.

In the days that followed, Mornini hid in this attic, which was the safest place in the entire castle.

Since Dream was captured by Tomoko, it has never returned to the tree of the beginning of the world, and naturally it is impossible to come here again, so this attic that was originally used to store toys was completely ignored.

0 Magic Nini has been hiding here, and if she needs food, she sneaks out by pretending to be a doll, and she lives with fear every day.

Until yesterday evening, when it left the attic through the window in the dark, it happened to recognize Ash and the others who had just entered the castle, and couldn't help being overjoyed! Ash and his party were the only people that Monini could trust.

So it started to act at night and helped Xiaosheng in the nick of time.

It didn't dare to contact others rashly, because everyone was probably replaced by the Variety Monster, but when it found Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng was being attacked by the Variety Monster, so Monini determined that the one in the room was... .Xiao Sheng himself! "Well that's... Brother Xiaozhi, he is all right, but is that guy really Brother Xiaozhi?"

Peeking out of the castle through the attic window, Xiao Sheng happened to find Xiao Zhi and his party who were searching the courtyard, "Cut... Whether it's a simulation or not, that guy Rukia is too good at kicking his nose on his face. Well, this is taking advantage of my sister's absence... Something is wrong! Jirachi, go and find out what they are talking about, I always think that Brother Xiaozhi shouldn't be attacked so easily.

And Rukia has been clinging to Tomoko, it's a little weird."

......"You wait a moment"

Kirachi replied cutely, sneaked into the wall and slipped along the ground to the vicinity of Ash and the others.

After getting the news last night that Xiao Zhi had improved, the phenomenon of geomagnetic disorder has ended, so Kirachi can also act as Xiao Sheng's spy and help him find some information.

Unlike Xiaoyao, who has always been informal, Xiaosheng, who is as careful as dust, will never let go of any questionable little details. Rukia's position and her overly intimate behavior towards Xiaozhi make Xiaosheng realize something. question.

Rukia has been holding Ash's arm tightly, and has been standing at the far end of Mikkori, which looks very abnormal.

If Rukia is replaced by Xiaoyao, and Mikri is replaced by Xiaosheng himself, then even if Xiaoyao doesn't pay attention to it, he will subconsciously stand between Xiaozhi and himself, and will never hide from himself! There is only one possibility for Kia's position... She is afraid of Mikri, who has been replaced by the Variety! So, neither Chia nor Rukia were attacked!

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