Especially you, in this conference, you have already made me very happy."

"Little Wisdom"

"Is not it"

Xiaozhi smiled and pointed to a place by the lake, "It's right here, I'll practice with Shuilian every night, I know all these things... um"

Help... It was as if someone had said something in his mind just now, but the voice was very weak, and for only a moment, Xiao Zhi even thought that he should have been hallucinating.

"Xiao Zhi, what's wrong with you"


Ash reconfirmed, but no more voices could be heard anyway.

Maybe it's just a hallucination like this kind of call coming from my mind, I've had a similar situation before, but then... there shouldn't be anything wrong in the place.

After all, there are still three holy pillars stationed there, and there is a city-state outside.

"Is it really okay?"

Mayo was still a little worried.

"Of course it's fine. I was just a little stunned, don't worry about it."

Xiao Zhi hurriedly put on a smiling face, "Anyway, just believe in yourself who has been working hard until now, you will definitely win!"

"Yeah! If Ash said that, he would definitely win!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Maio smiled happily, and the whole person became very confident.

"Because, ah, Xiao Zhi is definitely not mine!"


Seeing the girl's charming smile, Xiao Zhi froze for a moment, then chuckled, "Ah, that's of course."

Right... Now it doesn't matter if it's a problem or not, before the game is over, everything will be fine! In the afternoon, before the match between Ma'ao and Tian Tong, Xiao Zhi found a seat in the auditorium early.

As a result, he was just next to the chair when an uninvited guest approached.

"I did you come here"

Xiao Zhi looked at an uninvited champion from other places with disgust, "There is no Hoenn match today, what are you doing here?"

"I'm coming to find you"

Michelle leaned forward and said, "I have something to discuss with you."

"I'm busy!"

Xiao Zhi refused without thinking, "Don't delay me watching the match of the next: game!"

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no delay, but are you just that precious girl?"

After hearing the words, Mikuri rolled his eyes at Xiao Zhi, and pretended to be angry, "You favor one over the other, Rukia will definitely be very sad. can't be too scumbag."

"Mr. Michaely, can you have a fart... can you tell me something?"

Xiao Zhi didn't bother to care about this... unremarkable champion, "If you have nothing to do, just disappear, okay?"

"Accompany me to Oludelang City. I asked Xiao Mao, and he said you are familiar with that place."

"What did you say about Orudelang City?"

Xiao Zhi was startled when he heard the words, turned his head and stared at Michaeli for a moment, "What are you going to do there?"

It was only at noon that I heard an indeterminate call, and then in the afternoon, Michaeli approached himself and said that he was going to Orudelang City. Isn't this a bit too coincidental? Could it be that there is really a problem with the tree of the beginning of the world?" I'm going to inspect the venue!"

Mikkori said as a matter of course, "The magnificent celebration after the World Championships has been decided to be held in Oludelang City on Rota Street. According to Xiao Mao, this was specially sponsored by... Her Royal Highness named Irene.

Think about it, it would be a dreamy thing to be able to have a gorgeous battle in a castle, of course I agree with the kindness."

"The gorgeous celebration was decided to be held in Oludrang City, why I don't know at all about this kind of thing"

Xiaozhi asked back in confusion, "On the itinerary Xiaomao sent me, there was only a notice to hold a gorgeous celebration in Kanto after the World Championships, and there was no specific address at all."

"Uh... I seem to have forgotten to add the address"

Michael's expression suddenly changed: very embarrassed.

"Forgot to add address"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, "Don't tell me, the invitation letter you sent to all the top coordination trainers didn't include the address!"


"Mr. Michaely, can I curse?"

Xiao Zhi rolled his eyes and sighed, "Seeing that the competition will start in less than a month, you haven't even confirmed the venue, and the competition invitation doesn't even have a specific address, so you can't possibly point to those top coordinator trainers. Are you coming to Kanto to find out where you are going to compete?"

"I'm... I'm just going to inspect the venue."

Michele scratched his head, his expression seemed a little embarrassed, "You also know that if the venue of Orudelang City does not meet the requirements, then it will have to be changed. know"

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