Xiao Zhi knew that the truth might be cruel to her.

However, Ash would never allow anyone to disturb Lugia.

"Xiao Zhi... Do you have something to do with it? You can hold its feathers because you have seen it?" Lu Jia looked at Xiao Zhi as if she had grabbed the last straw.

She really wanted to hear an affirmation from Ash's mouth.

"I'm sorry...I haven't seen it." Ash lied, "The reason why I can pick up the feather is because I am a human with a waveguide, which can resist the cold for a short time. I just told you about the iron gunfish. The thing is also because I sensed the school of iron gun fish with the waveguide..."

Ash's words are half-truths, he would rather reveal his waveguide power than let Lujia detect the slightest news of Lugia!

Lugia once protected Ash, and Ash promised to keep it a secret.

Ash will definitely do it!

"It's useless... Everything is useless... It turns out that it's just our wishful thinking. That Pokémon, I'm afraid that it's only because it's disappointed with human beings that it chooses to hide it. Let's look for it like this, we can't find it, we can't find it. The..." Lu Jia muttered to herself, but didn't take back her feathers, "Xiao Zhi, since you can pick it up, I'll give it to you. It can only be 1.8 in my hand, it's just a decoration, If it spreads out because of my relationship, I'm afraid it will be even worse. You are a strong trainer, it would be more appropriate to leave it to you for protection..."

"Miss Lujia..." Xiaoxia couldn't bear it, "You don't need to do this."

"It's okay. It's useless... Let's go, I'll take you to Chiyan Island..."

Extremely lost, Lu Jia finally chose to give Ash the silver feather that she had worked so hard to get.

Chiyan Island is just ahead, they set sail again, but they were speechless all the way...

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang didn't know what to say, after all, it was Xiaozhi who profited in the end, and it was their own people, but...

Lu Jia is even more speechless, after so many years of hard work, in the end there is nothing.

And Ash, who got the silver feather, was not happy at all.

Maybe it's just a high-sounding excuse to protect Lugia's secret, maybe he's just doing it for his own benefit.

But no matter what the reason... Ash destroys a person's dream for the first half of his life with his own hands! .

Chapter [-] Vortex Islands Competition, Opening

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Chapter [-] Against Xiaoxia, the competition ends

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Chapter [-] Okinawa, Team Rocket

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Chapter [-] Okinawa, Lugia

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Chapter [-] Battle of Shallow Onion Gym

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Chapter [-] Suizun's plea

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Chapter [-] Pokémon Racing Competition

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Chapter [-] The story that Xiaogang and Jiuwei had to tell

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Chapter [-]: The Lake of Wrath Raiders Battle

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Chapter [-]: The Ice Cave in Kaji Town, the Frozen Shaggy Pig

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Chapter [-] Evolution, Ivory Pig and Diamond Big Steel Snake!

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The [-]st chapter fierce fighting Kaji Gym, full firepower

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Chapter [-] Disputes on the Prairie

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Chapter [-] Oversized lava snails, crater fighting

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Chapter [-] The lightning bird appeared, and the skin god became a god

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Chapter [-] The patron saint of the water capital, all parties gather

After saying goodbye to Lightning Bird, Xiao Zhi's expression has always been very serious.

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