The Flying Mantis used the shadow clone at the moment when Bidiao collided, avoiding Bidiao's attack, and now Bidiao was already in an undefended state!

"Cut apart!"


In the last blow, Bi Diao was directly smashed to the ground by the flying mantis, and Xiao Zhi won!

"Xiaozhi, that's great!" Xiaoxia and Xiaogang shouted excitedly.

"Come back, Bi Diao, you have performed very well." Asu reluctantly retracted Bi Diao, "Xiao Zhi, I lost all three inverse attributes, you are really amazing... I am convinced. It's the proof of winning the Kikyo Gym, the wing badge."

"Thank you." Xiao Zhi accepted it solemnly.

Chengdu Alliance's first gym, pass! .

Chapter [-] Parting is for a more splendid reunion

With the reverse attribute, Ash won the Kikyo Gym, and his next destination was Hinoki Town. It happened that in addition to challenging the Gym, Ash also had to discuss the GS ball with Mr. Steel.

Then, the three walked along the map in the guide book, and finally came to the vicinity of the natural park.

"What kind of natural park is this, except that the trees are stones and dry, people want a beach!" Xiaoxia said unhappily.

"There are still words behind the natural park. It is the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley! Your reading is too meticulous, girl!" At this time, a girl's voice suddenly came from above them.

"Girl?" Xiaoxia looked up and found that it was a young lady in red with green hair. She was also holding a scepter with a baby ball inlaid on the top.

"Yeah, I see, you are teenagers, girls and young people~" the girl said.

"No, please don't call me a youth! Xiaosheng is Xiaogang, beautiful lady, tell me your email address!" Uncle Gang with a wretched face went online immediately.

"It seems that I did get it wrong. This is clearly a teenager and a wretched uncle~" The girl frowned and said, "But forget it, let me explain it to you. The so-called natural park refers to this fire-breathing dragon valley. The famous fire-breathing dragon habitat, ordinary people are forbidden to enter!" "Twenty Seven"

"Fire-breathing Dragon Valley?" The three of Ash got together on the guide book and read the instructions carefully.

"That's right! I'm the fire-breathing dragon's trainer, Ji Ke." Ji Ke introduced himself, and then walked up to Xiao Zhi, "Although it is forbidden for ordinary people, it is an exception for you! look!"

"What do you want Xiaozhi to put?" Xiaoxia was puzzled.

"Of course it's a fire-breathing dragon! You are a fire-breathing dragon's trainer, I can smell that smell!" Ji Ke said firmly, "Let it go, and then I invite you to visit the fire-breathing dragon valley!"

"Okay, come out, fire-breathing dragon!" Xiao Zhi directly released his fire-breathing dragon.

"It really is a fire-breathing dragon! Yes, it's okay to be able to train it like this. The flames of the tail are burning very vigorously." Ji Ke pointed at the sky with his scepter after some discussion, "My fire-breathing dragon, beautiful Little Lisa, come here!"

A flame streaked across the sky, and then a fire-breathing dragon with a bow on its head flew down.

There is a shopping basket hanging behind it. In terms of body size, it is slightly smaller than Ash's.

"This shopping basket can only be used for two people now. Since you have a fire-breathing dragon, Xiaozhi, you can fly by yourself." Ji Ke put on Lisa's neck and said to Xiaozhi with a smile.

"We don't need it." Xiao Zhi smiled, "Hakelong, you go to carry Xiaoxia! Fire-breathing dragon, Xiaogang, please! Shanaido, I will leave the rest to you."

Xiaozhi dispatched Hackron again, Xiaoxia directly and skillfully sat sideways on Hackron, and Xiaogang also flipped on the dragon's back with a swipe on the fire-breathing dragon's wings.

"Your... your Pokémon can fly with others on its own?" The obedience of Xiao Zhi Pokémon has simply refreshed Ji Ke's three views.

"We are best friends regardless of each other." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

Ji Ke looked at Xiao Zhi's three Pokémon and was secretly shocked. Fire-breathing dragon and Hakron flew fast and steadily without any command. Obviously, they were able to do it with ease, and this unknown Pokémon used mental interference. The speed of the flight is not even lower than himself?

"Ms. Ji Ke~" Xiaoxia rode Ha Kelong and flew side by side with Ji Ke, "Can all the fire-breathing dragons in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley be capable of manned flight?"

"Only Lisa is the exception. The fire-breathing dragons in the valley are all wild and cannot fly." Ji Ke explained, "My job is to protect the valley from poachers and thieves."

"Okay, here we are!" Ji Ke let Lisa land in front of a huge valley, which is full of mighty fire-breathing dragon statues, "This is the fire-breathing dragon valley, and fire-breathing dragons are considered auspicious here. The Pokémon is the patron saint. In particular, the wilder the fire-breathing dragon, the more respected it is."

"That is to say, is it a place where you can constantly improve because you compete with your peers without relying on the strength of the trainer? It's amazing!" Xiaogang said yearningly.

"A lot of fire-breathing dragons, this place is really spectacular!" Xiaoxia couldn't help sighing as she watched the various fire-breathing dragons wrestling, eating, and resting.

"Yeah. Besides, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon usually looks very big, but here he is only of medium stature?" Xiaogang was also surprised.

"That's why I said that the performance of the fire-breathing dragon raised by the trainer is quite good!" Ji Ke said, "You are also a qualified fire-breathing dragon trainer."

"However, passing is not my criterion! Besides, the fire-breathing dragon will not accept such comments! Are you right, the fire-breathing dragon?" A large flame.

"I know, you are already dissatisfied with your own strength, I understand!" Xiao Zhi patted the fire-breathing dragon on the neck, walked to Ji Ke, and suddenly bowed [-] degrees.

"What are you doing?"

"Miss Ji Ke, I want the fire-breathing dragon to stay here, please agree!"

"That's it, you don't need to give such a big gift~" Ji Ke hurriedly helped Xiao Zhi, "but, although it flies well, we still have to see if it can survive here. Well, that fire-breathing dragon saw it. Well, fight it and see, if it can win, it may be fine."

"Thank you very much!" Xiao Zhi thanked him solemnly again, and then looked at his fire-breathing dragon, "Go, fire-breathing dragon, this battle is up to you!"

"Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon roared domineeringly.

This roar attracted the sight of all the fire-breathing dragons in the valley to watch this fight between outsiders and local members.

The opponent Ji Ke picked for Xiao Zhi was a little bigger than Xiao Zhi's. When he saw someone provoking him, he would flick his tail head on.

Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon grabbed the opponent's tail directly with his hands together, and then threw it out after a few laps in the air.

If it was an opponent who fought in the past, he must have fallen hard this time. As a result, the opponent kept his balance in the air and opened his mouth to shoot flames.

Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon also responded with a big character explosion.

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