"I really lost to you... Your Pokémon, I don't even know what to say. This Bailang badge is yours. You are really amazing, Xiaozhi." Xiaodan smiled awkwardly. Xiaozhi said.

"Thank you, then I'll accept it." Xiao Zhi took the badge and thanked him.

Naipuru Island beach at night.

Xiaoxia and Xiaojian rested at the Pokémon Center, while Xiaozhi chose to accompany Chenglong on the beach.

"It's very hard, Chenglong? I will definitely find a baby ball that can accommodate you." Xiao Zhi patted Chenglong's head and said.

"Woo~" Chenglong rubbed Xiaozhi's face, expressing that he was also very happy.

"Xiaozhi!" Suddenly, Xiaoxia's voice came from behind, she was still holding a blanket in her hand, "This is for you."

"Thank you."

"You today... Xiao 0.4 Zhi, are you jealous?" Xiaoxia asked suddenly.

"Yes!" Xiao Zhi didn't hesitate at all, looking at Xiaoxia with burning eyes, "Of course I'll be jealous when I see you being approached like that!"

"So when it comes to Xiaogang and the next gym battle, the result is all because of jealousy?" Xiaoxia leaned against Xiaozhi and said with a smile, "I didn't know that Xiaozhi also had such a cute side. Woolen cloth!"

"Where's so cute..." Xiao Zhi pouted, "How did you see that?"

"You, except for the beginning, they haven't played gym battles in a month and a half. At least in the last few gyms in the Kanto region, they have stopped playing. They should not appear in You are right in the gym battle, unless," Xiaoxia smiled slightly, "it's like the Xia Gan gym, because the trainer has provoked you, you will use all your strength to punish the opponent in a small way. Xiao Dan The same goes for Mr., isn't it?"

"Yeah, you saw through." Xiao Zhi smiled helplessly, "It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

"No, it's not funny at all!" Xiaoxia approached Xiaozhi's face and said in Xiaozhi's ear, "I like it~"

(ps Don't be misled by the name, you see that I haven't made a formal confession until now, wow, it's still ambiguous~ I won't affect the main line of feelings with Semei, but I think it's quite good for other girls who like Xiaozhi ok~).

Chapter [-] Picking up the Kirby Beast and the Flying Mantis to join the team

"There are seven fruit islands ahead!" Xiaojian said, pointing to the distant island.

"Seven Fruit Islands? What is that?" Xiaoxia was puzzled by the name.

"Because there are seven small islands that are very close, and they are covered with Wendan, they are called the Seven Islands of Fruit. Now it happens to be the season when Wendan is ripe." Xiaojian explained.

"However, the Wendan above seems to be planted by someone else, so outsiders are not allowed to pick it." Xiao Zhi interrupted.

"Huh? I found that Xiao Zhi is also very familiar with the customs of the Orange Islands." Xiao Jian said, "It took me a long time to investigate before I found out that these Wendans are private property."

"He just knows a lot, and it's not like this at all if he finds a way." Xiaoxia is obviously unable to complain about Xiaozhi's road-crazy attribute, "I was originally interested in free picking, but if it is a private orchard No interest. Let's walk across these seven islands."

"Ah? Just leave, I still want to see what Wendan said." Xiaojian reluctantly took back his telescope, "Wait! That...there is a strange thing in the distance! It's a kabbi, and it can swim. The Kirby!"

"Yeah, and it's still butterfly swimming," Xiao Zhi said.

"What are you still discussing about you! If you don't dodge it, it will run into us. Chenglong, hurry up and get out of the way!" Xiaoxia shouted frantically.

Chenglong dodged slightly to one side, and finally was not hit by the Kirby beast, but Xiao Zhi and others were also splashed by the earth-shattering butterfly swimming of the Kirby beast.

"Kapi beast, who can swim, looks amazing!" Xiaojian said to himself.

"Then subdue it!" Ash laughed, "Sawarang, go!"

"Send Shawarang? This is at sea!" Xiaoxia was stunned.

"The opposite side of the fighting department? Sheet metal В"? Remote?

Under the control of Shanaido, Shawarang came to the top of the Kirby beast, and then slammed down with 09 flying knees.

The Kirby beast was beaten and sank directly to the bottom of the sea.

"Kirby!" Kirby's expression became angry, it floated up from the sea, slapped the surrounding sea water with a slap, and splashed a huge water curtain towards Shawarang.

"Attack!" Shawarang was controlled by Shanaido to avoid the water curtain, and then jumped on the Kirby beast with a combined kick.

Roundhouse kicks, flying kicks, flying knees... Sawarang played his skills all over the place.

"Kirby!" Kirby beast was obviously very angry at the guy who kept kicking him, and he hit him with a destructive death light.

"Dodge the yoga pose!" Sawarang suddenly froze in mid-air, and the destruction light wiped the soles of its feet and flew out, "Flying knees!"

With the final blow, the strong knee hit Kirbymon's chin heavily.

The restrained fighting-type tricks kept kicking in circles, and the Kirby beast couldn't stand it no matter how strong it was, and the fainted Kirby beast finally began to sink slowly.

"Go, baby ball!" Xiao Zhi subdued the opponent before he sank to the bottom.

"Xiao Zhi, you have conquered the Kirby beast!" Xiaoxia congratulated, "It's great!"

"It should be difficult to raise so big, right?" Xiaojian was worried about this problem.

"It doesn't matter, I don't have to pay alimony to pass it on to Dr. Damu." Xiaozhi said that a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, and the Pokémon of the Damu Research Institute do not need to pay for themselves.

Uh... Xiaoxia and Xiaojian looked at each other, and they both mourned for Dr. Damu.

However, what Xiaojian didn't know was that Xiaozhi's black belly made him suffer a lot in the future.

After all, after the Orange Islands, the person who mainly takes care of Ash's Pokémon at the Ogi Research Institute is Xiaojian...

"Then, next, in order to restore everyone's Pokémon and prepare for the last gym, let's go to Market Island, there is a Pokémon Center on that island! If we are fast, we can arrive in the afternoon. "

"Uh~ Xiaojian, why do I think you are so excited?" Xiaoxia looked at Xiaojian with excitement, and smiled awkwardly.

This is the first time I have seen such a flaming Xiaojian.

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