Pokémon Sky Live Room

Pokémon Sky Live Room Chapter 229

"The report detects the presence of an unknown mysterious world in the Earth’s atmosphere, and the Earth’s gravitational field is in disorder. Among them, a huge mass field appears in the sky above Tokyo Bay. Scientists are analyzing the possible impact on the Earth."

"Notify Xiaohe immediately!"



"Great, the earth is finally saved!" Taiyi and their children happily joined hands and formed a circle, but at this moment Xiaohe's cell phone rang, and at the same time, a colorful glow fell from the sky and landed on the children. Among us.

Uesugi, the head of the Tokyo base, and the mysterious old man Gennai of the digital world spoke at the same time:

"It's not good, Xiaohe. (Children congratulations on your successful defeat of Baruba.)"

"An invisible mass field appeared above the earth (but your adventure is not over), no, it is not invisible anymore, it has appeared, right above us (your real enemy has now occupied The digital world, they are trying to integrate the earth and the digital world.), another world. (Now they are here.)"

Xuan Nei and Uesugi coincided with each other at the same time and ended at the same time. The disappearing old man Xuan Nei and the hung up phone choked the joyous atmosphere in the live broadcast room, and everyone fell into weird silence.

At this moment, the vast majority of people in the world unanimously chose to walk out of the room and look up at the starry sky above. Looking around, all the blue sky and white clouds, stars, seas and galaxies in the original memory are gone, replaced by the hanging mountains, rivers and continents. People are opposed to the mirror image of the earth.

If it was said from Xiao He and the others that the overlap between the digital world and the earth was only a possibility, a guess, then this possibility is about to become a reality, and a mysterious and unknown world will appear in the atmosphere at any time. The deputy will fall to look like it overlaps with the earth.

Everyone is silent and panic. No one knows what will happen if the digital world really falls and the earth overlaps completely. It may be a new world where humans and Digimon live in harmony, or it may be that both humans and Digimon are Extinct.

"No, it's a tsunami!" The Garudamon suddenly flying in the air warned, "Everyone, run away!"

The appearance of the tsunami interrupted people's cranky thinking, and everyone hurriedly supported Xiaohe in the barrage:

"Xiaohe, run away, it's a tsunami!"

"Everyone must be careful, the tsunami is very dangerous."

There are also pessimists who said, "It's over, what the Bible says is true. The end of the world is coming. The tsunami is just the beginning. Soon the whole world will be destroyed, and no one can escape."

Xiaohe also saw that a white waterline connected the two ends of the sea level, as if thousands of white horses were advancing side by side. The huge wave was still in the distant horizon a second, and the next moment it was about to be pushed forward. In the face of this natural disaster, the power of mankind seemed so weak.

Regardless of the fact that the highest wave height of this unexpected tsunami is only a dozen meters high, it is far inferior to the dozens of meters heavy by the deep sea of ​​the sea monster, but the sea monster can roll up a huge wave of tens of meters because It can only lift up a wave with a width of a hundred meters at most, and a real tsunami can be a dozen kilometers, dozens of kilometers, this is the real unstoppable natural disaster.

"Tokyo, it's dangerous." After such a tsunami, it is estimated that at least half of Tokyo will be submerged by sea water, and the damage caused far exceeds that of the Baruba beast battle.

"I hope the joint forces have completely evacuated the masses of Tokyo, otherwise..." Xiaohe didn't dare to think about the consequences of someone remaining in the city. "Now, all flying Digimon are super-evolved. Flying back into the growth stage and climbing up the back with the children, we are ready to retreat."

"Xiaohe, don't we try to prevent this disaster?" Sea Monster asked.

"It can't be stopped. This kind of natural disaster-level power is not something we can stop. Ba Dadie cannot do it, Qilinmon cannot do it, and children's partner Digimon cannot do it either."

"I want to try!" Haima said, "I know this is very difficult, but I want to try, I want to save Tokyo!"

"..." Xiaohe said after a brief silence, "Go, pay attention that your wound is not completely healed. Qilin Beast Sea Monster will ask you, if it fails, I will bring it back."

"Wrap it on me, we set off for the Sea Monster!" Qilin Beast flapped its wings and flew out. Xiao He thought about it and finally chose to keep up, "Ba Dadie, children please take you to a safe place. Fossil pterodactyl, let's follow."


Chapter 233 Hero Evolution

The unicorn beast flew very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the mouth of the tsunami Tokyo Bay. In front of it, huge waves were surging at a speed of 7,800 kilometers per hour, entrained by the cold wind blowing on its face. The moisture suffocated the sea monster.

"It's started!" The sea monster suddenly pressed both hands and a pair of tentacles on its back under the body at the same time, "It is now, the deep sea is weighing down, and the sea moves me—"


Sea monsters roared and suddenly mentioned, a huge wave more than ten meters high and hundreds of meters wide appeared in front of the sea monsters, "Go--"

The sea monster easily pushed the waves forward, and the huge wave several hundred meters high instantly collided with the huge wave of the tsunami, just like a young child wrestling with an adult young man. The tsunami would easily bring the sea monster. The waves created were swallowed.

"Come again!" Sea monster stepped back a hundred meters. This time it plunged its hands into the water fiercely. The huge pressure lifted the sea water, and it dispersed the ocean current under its own control into the surrounding waters for more than ten miles. The bottom of the current raises the entire wave.

The idea of ​​the sea monster is very simple. As long as I overturn your top layer of waves, the waves behind will not hit the shore and cause devastating damage to the city.

The Sea Monster didn't realize that the layer that turned out of the sea during the tsunami was just the tip of the iceberg of the entire tsunami, and what was truly devastating was the overall surging tide under the waves.

It is like an ant, grabbing a corner of the biscuit, and trying to lift the whole biscuit. This approach is tantamount to working as a cart on the man's arm, and the sea monster is swallowed by the roaring waves in a flash.

"Sea Monster!" everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Normal!" The sea monster rushed out of the sea.

"Okay, it's Sea Monster, you have tried your best, but this tsunami is really not something you can solve by yourself."

"No, give me another chance. I have found a way to stop the tsunami." The sea monster raised his head and said to the unicorn beast, "unicorn beast, please send me to the shore."

"A fool who refuses to give up." Qilin Beast shook his head, "Come on, but with a reputation in advance, this is the last time I have taken you."

"I know."

The unicorn beast carried the sea monsters to the shore, and behind them roared and chased after the first wave of the tsunami. The huge waves smashed into the sky high, and the cold water vapor slapped everyone's cheeks.

"Can Sea Monster succeed?" Wu asked.

"This..." Ah He was silent.

"Big, probably!" Azhu said vaguely.

"I want... yes..." Guangzi Lang wanted to give an answer, but Suna covered her mouth.

Meimei said softly, "I don't know, but I believe in Sea Monster Yo~"

Only Taiyi said in a firm tone: "It will definitely be possible. If Sea Monster works hard, it will definitely succeed."

Xiao Feng nodded, "Well, we have to believe in Sea Monster."

"Sea Monster, come on!" Wu and Jia'er, the two youngest children, cheered the Sea Monster loudly without hesitation.

"Fossil Pterodactyl, Ba Dadie, Sea Monster has worked so hard and we can't be too bad, go, we will work with it in the past.


On the inner side of the U-shaped harbor of Tokyo Bay, the sea monsters are eagerly waiting for the arrival of the huge waves, first with a white line, then a white chain, and finally a white raging wave rushing like ten thousand horses.

The peninsula where everyone fought before has been swallowed by huge waves, and all the ruins and walls that survived the attack of the Baruba beasts were all submerged by the waves, and in the blink of an eye, only the last point at the feet of the sea monsters remained in the entire bay.

"I should be regarded as guarding the last line of defense in the seas of mankind?" At the last moment before the tsunami hit, the sea monster was calm, and even wanted to think about it, "I don't know if I am a hero. If it was their Sea King here, would he make the same choice as me?"

If the one who appeared here was the Sea King, what choice would he make? The answer to this question Sea Monster would not be able to find. He only knew that he had changed, and he was the Sea King at this moment.

"The pressure of the deep sea!" The Monster of the Sea took a deep breath, and at the moment of the huge wave, it launched its own trick with all its strength. This time it abandoned all media and completely used its own power to push the wave back.

The mysterious magic power turned into a giant net, freezing the turbulent waves in mid-air, "Stop it for me!"

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