Pokémon Sky Live Room

Pokémon Sky Live Room Chapter 197

"I remember!" Xiao Feng said, "It was when I was 5 years old, I took my neighbor's sister to explore the mountain, but my sister was injured and couldn't go back. Then I..."

Xiao Xiaofeng stretched out her hand to the little sister next door, "Chiyoko, let me carry you home!"

"Brother Xiaofeng!"

"No problem, I am very strong!" Xiao Xiaofeng performed a non-standard bodybuilding action.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaofeng."

Although Xiaofeng’s appearance of Chiyoko on his back is very moving, but in the end he is only a five-year-old child. He didn’t take two steps and crushed Xiaofeng without the weight of Chiyoko. Seeing that Chiyoko was about to fall to the ground, Xiao Xiaofeng did it. Taking an action that ordinary people can't imagine, he lay down and let Chiyoko press on him.

"The adults should have come here now..." Xiao Feng said, looking towards the distance of the forest, but unfortunately the end of his gaze was still quiet and no one appeared.

"Xiaofeng, won't you help? If it was Xiaofeng, you would definitely help, right?" Xiangxiang Beast reminded.

"Me?" Xiao Feng suddenly remembered, was he here too?But can I really help my young self?

An unconfident mood enveloped Qianye Feng. He was still hesitating. Knowing that he should not belong to this era, he hesitated whether to go out.

"Hey~" Chiyoko's crying finally made Xiaofeng make a decision.

Put a pair of big hands in front of Xiao Xiaofeng, "Come on, I will help you, Chiyoko will give it to me, let's go out together."

"You are..." Xiao Xiaofeng looked at Xiao Feng, the other's gentle eyes conveyed a trustworthy power, he nodded without hesitation: "Well, thank you, big brother!"

A pink badge, just like a bud in bud, bloomed with dazzling light, and it shrank a little bit and finally fell into Xiao Feng's divine plan.

"Understand?" The fairy beast quietly appeared in front of Xiao Feng and asked.

"Yeah." Xiao Feng nodded vigorously.

"Then, take the faith in your heart and look for it, it must be waiting for you."

"Yes, thank you Fairy Beast!"


"Finally found!" Guangzi Lang and Ah He climbed out of the dry well with difficulty. From the evolution key they held up, everyone could clearly see that the two badges were quietly embedded in the key.

"This is the fourth and fifth badge we have collected, so fast!"

Ah Wu lowered his head, "But I haven't found my badge yet."

"Don't worry, haven't I found my badge? As long as we are careful, we can definitely find the badge." Sona comforted.

"But the two of us are left." Wu was still a little disappointed.

"It's not that there are two left, children, the badges you are looking for now are not seven but eight!" The fairy beast interrupted abruptly.

"Fairy beast?"

"That's right, it's me, and Xiao Feng. He now understands the badge he is looking for, so let's find it together!"

"I'm sorry everyone." Xiaofeng bowed deeply to everyone, "Before I caused trouble for everyone because of my business, then Longqi and I will work hard with everyone until everyone returns safely. Family!"

"Welcome to Xiaofeng!"

"You should have worked hard with us long ago."

"That Xiaofeng, what is your badge? Is there any way to determine its location?"

"My badge is gentle." Xiao Feng pressed on the sacred plan, and a pink flower bud pattern appeared in front of everyone.


"Gentle badge? What is gentle badge?"

"Aren't the gentle badges belonged to Ichijo Teramoto? How did it become Chiba Maple?"

"The gentle badge is very good, Xiao Feng has always been very gentle and friendly, what happened to him giving him the gentle badge?"

"But the gentle badge is originally from Ichijo Temple."

"Why is Ichishinji Xian's? What's the matter after writing his name?"


Xiaohe directly ignored the tearing force in the barrage. For him, he did not know any Yicheng Temple, so he was sincerely happy that Xiaofeng was able to inherit the tender badge.

"Congratulations." Xiaohe gently patted Xiaofeng on the shoulder, "Now you finally don't worry about being left behind by everyone, can you join everyone in your training?"


"No need to apologize. If you have this strength, it's better to keep everyone looking for the badge. Multilateral Beast 2 just found a node of the Ape Beast Dark Network nearby. I found something through this node. I think everyone will be interested.


"I hope the location of the badge."

"Eh? Is it finally my turn?!" Wu jumped up happily.

"Yes, it's finally your turn."

Chapter 198 Hope Badge (2/3)

The place where the hope badge hides is a stone forest on the edge of the desert. When Awu walked into the end of the stone forest, the evolution key finally shined, and a badge representing hope was officially loaded into the key.

"Wow, I finally got the hope badge. Next, shall we look for the love badge or the gentle badge?"


Xiaohe led everyone to a huge stone wall in the depths of the stone forest, "Is that this? Multilateral Beast 2."

"Yes, leave it to me here!" Polygon Beast 2 drilled out of the illustrated book and entered a piece of code out of thin air. The stone wall in front of it automatically opened a channel, "That's right!"

"Here?" Everyone looked at the passage curiously. Like the ruins encountered before, the surroundings were densely written with words about the location.

"This is a relic." Photon Lang was obsessed with deciphering the mysterious text on the wall with Polygon Beast 2.

"Who can understand these weird words? I don't know what they are written." Tai Yi felt a headache when he saw these words that were even more celestial.

"These words are actually not difficult. The key is that you haven't studied systematically." Xiaohe said while holding the illustrated book and tapped it a few times. After a few moments, a three-dimensional map appeared on the improved illustrated book.

"These are all the maps we have collected so far. If we curl them up, we will find that the digital world under our feet is actually a spherical planet."

Kokoro added, "And if you compare the map of the digital world with our earth, you will find that the maps of the two worlds can be completely overlapped, as if the world itself is a shadow created by using the earth as a model. same."

"What? The digital world turns out to be the shadow of the earth?!" Everyone was shocked by the conclusion that Photon Lang had reached.

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