A huge bolt of lightning formed instantly, and then radiated directly. The entire battlefield was filled with electric currents, arcs, and other Attribute energy particles were squeezed out.

In the middle of the battlefield, the lightning group and the flame pillar collided violently.

Huge explosion spontaneously arises, huge energy wind and waves surge towards all around.

Hideshi and Kado were both blocked by the smoke from the explosion, and then their eyes could not be opened by the huge wind and waves.

Whirlwind will get out if you don’t pay attention.

After a few seconds, the smoke dissipated and two figures appeared. It was Manectric and Scizor. I saw that Manectric had no injuries except dust. On the other hand, there were scars left by electric current on Scizor. It seems that this blow is Manectric gained the upper hand.

Hideshi was slightly surprised. This guy has two brushes, but that’s it.

“Scizor, Agility”

“Manectric, use Thunderbolt on the entire venue.”

Scizor disappeared into place in an instant, and you can still see it on the venue before To the afterimage of red, but now I can see nothing.

“roar! !”

At this time, Manectric roared loudly, and then countless currents poured out of its body, like a circle, Normal rushing towards the entire battlefield go with.

In the next moment, Scizor appeared behind Manectric.


The two pincers are joined together, aiming at Manectric’s body, and countless energy begins to flow from the body.

It flows through every corner of the body, and finally accumulated enough energy to gather in the pair of tongs, and draw a white “cross” in the air.

The demeanor at that moment attracted everyone’s attention.

Then one second before the arc hit Scizor, the white energy fiercely hit Manectric’s body.


There was a huge explosion, and there was the sound of Ability hitting the body, the sound of electric current exploding, and the sound of air bursting.

Various sounds are mixed together, creating an explosion.

I saw a silhouette rushing out of the explosion and flying high in the sky.

“Scizor, Sword Dance +Iron Head Skill”

The Scizor in the high air began to spin.

The faster the transport speed, a red Twister gradually formed to blow away the smoke.

The Manectric inside was exposed, and Manectric fell into the hole in Magcargo just now and just got up.

The body was full of injuries, and the formidable power of Scizor’s attack was too great. This move directly killed it half-life.

“Want to come to meet force with force, I will fulfill you”

“Manectric, use Thunder”

Manectric raised his head and screamed at sky, then A dark cloud condensed in an instant, appeared in the sky, blocking the sunlight outside.

“hong long! !”

Lightning strikes through the dark clouds, and it feels like wind and rain are coming.

At this time, the red Twister has also moved towards Manectric, and has blocked all the surrounding roads. There is no room for Manectric run away.

Manectric was forced into the corner.

Then you can see a huge thunder and lightning struck down from the sky.

The countless current surges on Ground turned into strips of current silver converging with the lightning in the sky.

Thunder and lightning are like a grown-up python moved towards Twister.

“The two sides collided in an instant.”

“hong long! !”


“Roar! !”

Another huge explosion sounded.

The entire battlefield was shrouded in smoke again.

Tackle of Scizor fiercely in Twister is on Manectric’s body.

I knocked it out directly, but it was the python thunderbolt in sky that greeted Scizor.

Scizor protects himself with a consensus green Barrier in an instant.

But eating did not wait for its complete condense to come, and the thunder and lightning fiercely hit Scizor’s body.

The green Barrier was completely broken after being blocked for a few seconds.

Thunder and lightning struck Scizor.

Scizor’s face was distorted in pain, but he didn’t shout out, and he resisted it.

Fortunately, Protect blocked 60% of the formidable power for him.

But it is enough to drink a pot.

The moment Manectric was hit again, he felt an indescribable huge force pouring in from outside.

At that moment, its will could not stop it and it lost consciousness at that moment.

The body was hit directly into Magcargo’s pit.

The depth is increased again, and the body is completely embedded in it.

The smoke dissipated and revealed the scene inside. I saw Scizor smashed into the pit, and the surface of the body was vented from time to time.

The entire battlefield was beaten to pieces.

Manectric can’t find its silhouette at all, but the electric current released from the huge deep pit knows that Manectric is buried in it.

“ka ka”

The surrounding gravel flew out, and saw a silhouette slowly crawling out of the pit.

It is Manectric with scars all over his body.

Scizor also got up, flapping its wings and flying in the air.

The body rushes towards Manectric, trying to attack again and completely defeat Manectric.

Manectric cheered up and wanted to continue fighting.

But when Scizor’s pliers are about to hit it.

Manectric suddenly went dark, didn’t know anything, lost consciousness, and fell on the Ground.

Scizor returned upon seeing this.

The referee immediately announced: “Manectric loses the combat capability, and Scizor wins.”

Scizor regained its sharp eyes, and it won.

Manectric’s portrait on the big screen dimmed instantly.

Now he has three Pokémons that have lost the combat capability.

The situation immediately turned against him.

Aaron in the audience looked at Hideshi with admiration and said, “If Hideshi gets promoted, I must meet him.”

Kado’s eyes became serious. .

He is a little aware of the seriousness of the problem, he just wants to underestimate his opponent.

Hideshi not at all as weak as imagined.

Take out the fourth Poké Ball and throw it out.

A silhouette shows a silhouette in the white light. It is a full-body purple moving Pokémon—Swalot.

Swalot is a tall, purple dough-shaped Pokemon. There is a row of Black diamonds in the middle of its body.

Swalot’s hand has three fingers instead of two. It has red beaded eyes and yellow beard.

Aptitude: Excellent

Level: Gym Leader Late Stage (58)

Hideshi’s eyes flashed, Swalot? , Quite rare.

I don’t know how strong it is, Scizor has to be a little more careful, Hideshi instantly becomes vigilant.

For this unfamiliar Pokémon, it often means unknown means of attack.

“The game continues”

“Scizor, Pin Missile”

Countless light needles are formed around Scizor’s body and moved towards Swalot are launched.

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