Ying looked at the two people in front of him. He knew Kouta, a famous genius in the town.

When Hideshi was not well-known, he was number one genius. He studied very well. He studied in a good Academy in the city.

His family conditions are better than Hideshi’s. Hideshi remembers that Kouta’s first Pokémon was Poliwag, and it would be nice to have a Pokémon like Poliwag at that time.

The original body is very envious of him. It is said that he went to travel last year. He didn’t expect to see him again now.

The relationship between Haraji and him is good, because he is also a genius, and he is older than Hideshi, he will consult Kouta if he has any questions.

But he doesn’t know the person next to Kouta, but he can tell from the outside that his family is out of the ordinary.

“Brother Kouta, you are back.”

“Well, I just came back. Come out and stroll around.”

“By the way, let me introduce you, this is My friend, Zayn.”

As soon as Kouta finished speaking, he introduced Zayn to Hideshi, and Zayn greeted Hideshi very politely.

“Hello, I am Zayn.”

“I am Hideshi”

After speaking, Zayn sighed in relief.

The main reason is that Hideshi puts too much pressure on him. He had such aura when he was only ten years old, and he will have it in the future.

“Hideshi, what are you?”

Kouta pointed at the people around Hideshi and asked with some confusion.

Hideshi looked at the people around and the father said:

“I’m leaving, they send me off.”

“It’s back to the Academy Is it?”

Hideshi shook the head, and said in a relaxed tone:

“No, I asked for a leave of absence from Academy, and I’m going to travel. I plan to participate in this year’s Indigo conference.”


“Huh? Are you going to participate in the Indigo conference?”

Kouta and Zayn looked at each other, and both saw each other’s eyes astonished.

“It just so happens that Zayn and I are going to participate in this Indigo conference.”

“Oh? Really? Let’s do it together.”

Hideshi feels it Somewhat surprised, so coincidentally, Kouta will also participate in this Indigo conference.

“Then, let’s not talk about it. I’m leaving. If I’m late, I won’t be able to catch the ferry.”

“Dad, Uncle Aunt, I’m leaving.”

“Go on, Hideshi, we will cheer for you.”

“Be careful”


Hideshi right After the people behind waved their hands, they turned and left.

Mr. Yoshino watched Hideshi leave in the crowd, a little sad and sighed.

When I think that there is no one in the family, I feel a little sad, but when I see the child, Koharu, I feel much better.

After looking at Hideshi, Kouta and Zayn continued to walk.

As we walked, Zayn suddenly asked:

“Kouta, how strong do you think Hideshi is now?”

Kouta shook the head said “I don’t know, but I think we need one more opponent for the Indigo conference.”

Zayn knows that he and Kouta may not be Hideshi’s opponent yet. After all, Zayn can’t even beat his younger brother. .

I was puzzled, how could a genius like Hideshi appear in an ordinary family, and there is no reason for it.


Hideshi walked slowly to Harbor, three days have passed since he challenged Viridian Gym last time.

The past three days have been fulfilled. During the day, he is training, and he needs to add something to the track department store.

Then is the training of Pokémon. In his hands, the black pattern can be said to be steadily improving. He brought it back yesterday.

Beedrill Boss was stunned when he saw the black stripes. It only took a few days to evolve so much.

Especially after Heiwen defeated a group of Beedrills, it did not regret it at all, but was a little lucky.

My choice is really not wrong.


Walking on the road, passing by Beauty Day Care, Hideshi did not go in. He talked to Elder Sister Amelie yesterday.

I have been at home for seven days since the day I came back, and a lot of things have happened during the past few days.

The reason why he is leaving now is to be wary of the people of Team Rocket, and there is one thing that puzzles him.

Hideshi feels Teacher Arnold is weird. Every time he goes to chat with him, he will say something unfathomable mystery.

This makes him feel a strange feeling at home.

Thinking of this, Hideshi suddenly shook the head. Don’t think too much about this kind of thing.

Half an hour later, Hideshi came to Harbor and found his ship.

I started to line up behind the crowd, and soon it was my turn. I saw my SS Ticket for the staff to check.

There was no accident in the middle, it just passed by just like that.

After the inspection, the staff handed the SS Ticket and a card to Hideshi.

After getting on the boat, Hideshi found his room according to the number on the magnetic card.

Looking at it, the room is similar to other ships, and it has everything.

After sitting in the room for a while, Hideshi walked to the deck to breathe fresh air.

Standing on the deck, leaning on the railing, he doesn’t like to stay in the room, because the air is fresh outside.

Looking at Pokémon in the water, he suddenly thought of Koharu.

When I came back this time, the biggest surprise was Koharu. He liked Koharu very much.

If he is there, he might be very happy. Next time I have the opportunity to take him to take a boat ride, she will definitely be very happy.

I was thinking, there was a commotion next to me. I just listened to a man next to him saying to his companion: “Come on, someone in the lobby reported a Pokémon battle. It is said that the top three have generous rewards and bonuses. .”

His companion shook his face and asked: “Really, let’s go there.”

After speaking, the two hurried off the deck and headed to the ship. hall.

Except for the two of them, the others on the deck hurriedly left after hearing the news.

Competition? reward? bonus?

Hideshi eyes shined after hearing this, he must go to gather for the excitement.

Especially when there were rewards, Hideshi also got off the deck and followed behind a group of people.


“dīng líng líng”

The bell rang for the end of class, and get out of class was over. Arnold cleared the table, got up, went out of the office, and closed the door.

Go downstairs, walk to a remote place, take out a Poké Ball, and release a Pidgeot.

Jump on Pidgeot’s back, flap his wings, and fly Arnold into the distance.

I flew to the door of a villa, took out a card, sensed it at the door, and went in.

Then Arnold appeared in a closed underground base full of technological sense.

At this time, Arnold is wearing a system that is unique to Team Rocket Executive.

Team Rocket members passing by will salute him.

Arnold came to the door of a room and rang the doorbell.

Then the door opened, and the one who opened the door was a fellow from Team Rocket.

Arnold went in, and he went out. Inside, it looked like an office.

You can see a slender figure sitting on the chair inside, with a delicate shape, some people of vagueness.

It looks a little scary and exudes amazing pressure.

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