Mr. Muramasa pressed the stopwatch in his hand, which counted down from ten minutes.

As soon as Mr. Muramasa on the other side spoke, Scizor next to Hideshi flapped its wings and rushed out.

In an instant disappeared in front of Hideshi, and Hideshi waited in place.

Scizor rushed out quickly. It is now in a state of perception. In front of its eyes, it can feel almost everything, but it is not so vivid.

They are all foggy and have no shape, but the dead are like this, and the living is different.

In its perception, it can perceive within 20 meters of its vicinity. Just when it flew under a tree, it spotted a Scyther.

Now the living thing probably has a specific shape in its perception, like Scyther, which is a rough outline, especially the two sickles can see very clearly.

As soon as Scizor perceives that Scyther, the same Scyther also spotted Scizor, and rushed over without a word.

Scizor knows that they cannot be entangled with them, otherwise it is impossible to reach the end in ten minutes.

Scizor wants to get rid of this Scyther, and it accelerates by sticking to the trees at once. The level of Scyther is not high, and the speed is obviously not as fast as Scizor, but its purpose is to hold Scizor.

An Agility speeds up frantically, double knives, and energy surges on the two sickles to converge the double knives with one wave.

Air Slash!

Seeing the wind blade hitting Scizor, Scizor hurriedly fluttered its wings to hide, and then before it was finished, Scyther behind frantically used Air Slash to cut towards Scizor.

Scizor evaded quickly, then used Agility to accelerate, and instantly disappeared in front of Scyther.

But the sound of Scyther using Air Slash to hit the surroundings instantly attracted the attention of several nearby Scythers, and they began to approach this region.

Scizor got rid of a Scyther, and just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when he passed a tree.

Three Scythers sprang out of the tree in an instant, and they all used Vacuum Wave to hit Scizor.

Although they were beaten completely unprepared, but fortunately their level is not high, their shot speed is not at all so fast, Scizor easily escaped the three combos.

But after one of the Scyther’s attacks was evaded, it quickly used the next Ability, Double Team, and instantly turned into a dozen Avatars and rushed over to surround the Scizor.

The other one also used the Double Team when it came, and became more than a dozen Avatars. All of a sudden, a lot of Scyther appeared to surround the Scizor.

Scizor was not frightened, and rushed directly to the front. The double pliers raised the sickle, and after rushing in front of the Avatar, he swung the double pliers to destroy the Avatar.

Sure enough, what was in front of it was fake, but before it was happy, the third Scyther rushed over.

Fury Cutter!

Scizor was not given a chance to react at all, and he swung his sickle and slashed at Scizor like a fatal man.

Scizor can only protect the chest with double pliers. Fury Cutter’s formidable power is good, and Scizor can only passively defend for a time.

The other two Scythers were unwilling to let go of this opportunity and rushed up with their sickles.

Scizor is even more miserable now. Three Scyther’s sickles slashed at it frantically.

At this time, several Scythers suddenly appeared in Scizor’s perception, and they rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

Scizor complexion sank secretly thought is not good, if we let them rush over, there will be no way.

Scizor began to be cruel, and said in his heart: I’m sorry everyone, then Scizor resisted the pain and started to spin.

Sword Dance!

Slowly the speed got faster and faster, and the three sickles that Scyther had cut on it were all bounced back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Scizor rushed out, and several Scythers rushed over not far away.

Scizor changed its direction and rushed into a group of grass, but unfortunately, at this time, there was a Scizor in ambush in the grass.

This Scizor was silent and was not discovered until Scizor got in.

This Scizor is different from other Scythers. Instead of attacking Hideshi’s Scizor, it suddenly rushed forward and fiercely tightened Hideshi’s Scizor’s neck.

Getting around it from behind, making it unable to fly, and falling to the ground, Scizor struggled to break free.

But that Scizor just entangles it tightly, and it doesn’t mean letting go.

Fortunately, Scizor also has two pliers. It swings the pair of pliers and pushes it back continuously. Although the Scizor in the back feels very painful, it just doesn’t let go.

Scizor is a bit speechless, big brother? I feel pain for you, can’t you let me go, why are you so naive?

In any case, it just doesn’t let go. The other Scyther rushed over and surrounded it. Seeing that there are not ten Scythers in this tree, he doesn’t believe it.

Scizor now knows that it has completely failed, and it has completely given up resistance.

At the end, Muramasa watched the time on the stopwatch decrease from second to second. After the last second, Scizor still did not arrive, which seemed to be a failure.

Muramasa nodded to Masamune, and Masamune knows how to flap its wings and rush out.

After a short while, Masamune found Scizor in a bush. At this time, Scizor was being strangled by another Scizor, and his whole body was tied to the ground like an octopus impossible to move even a little bit.

Almost ten Scythers were standing around, Masamune did not know whether to cry or laugh when he saw Scizor like this.

Masamune stepped up and told the Scizor to let go of Hideshi’s Scizor.

After releasing it, Masamune told it that it had failed this time, and let it go back to the starting point for the next time.

After being released, Scizor moved the joints. Not reconciled in his heart, fiercely glanced at the Scizor, and the Scizor turned his head in disdain.

Scizor flew back to the starting point bitterly, and the other Scythers were gone.

Masamune himself returned to Muramasa. After returning, he faced Muramasa nodded, and Muramasa knew what it meant.

And after Ying saw Scizor came back. Look at its complexion and you will know that it has not passed.

Hideshi was not surprised at all, but Scizor was very unwilling. He shouldn’t have rushed to half the distance, and he was trapped somewhere. It was so annoying.

Especially that Scizor, what is it really serious about?

At this moment, Muramasa’s voice came from the communicator and said: “Hideshi, is Scizor back?”

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