Chapter 870, Chapter Four, Mysterious Island, Mysterious Ruins!

(The second one!!!)

“By the way, what you said earlier, you fought with the people of Team Magma, and then accidentally fell into the sea, then your companion What?” Looking at Xiao Sheng who was drinking ginger soup, Steven leaned against the boat and asked. In fact, during this time, he also discovered that there are signs of Team Magma activity near Dewford Island, so he has been exploring secretly. He is in Granite Cave during the day, but he will leave the cave to investigate secretly at night.

It was discovered that there was indeed someone from Team Magma operating on Dewford Island, but what made him strange this time was that Team Magma’s actions were very high profile, and Sect sent Hokage, one of the three Executives, to get up. But despite the high profile, they were all trivial things, which made him feel very strange, and no results came out after a few days of investigation. It wasn’t until I met Xiao Sheng that I knew everything had happened. It seems that these Team Magma people on Dewford Island are probably just attracting attention.

“He also jumped into the sea in order to save me. I don’t know what happened. I blame me. I’ve always been dragging my feet!” After hearing Steven’s words, Xiao Sheng put down the cup and bowed his head Said. To be honest, if it weren’t for him, Yang would agree to get out, and it was because he accidentally fell down that attracted Team Magma’s attention. Otherwise, it would be easy to solve the problem after waiting for Dewford Island to call the police. .

“I believe your friend will not blame you, besides… the trainer of Pokémon who can train such a powerful place, I believe he will be fine! He is your companion, isn’t he? “Steven said with a smile when he saw this. At the same time, he looked at Absol, who was lying beside him without any reaction, and said. As if I don’t want to bother about Absol, this is its character.

But anyway, in Steven’s view, the Absol in front of him has been trained quite well. It must be a very difficult to deal with Pokémon trainer, absolutely not. It will happen easily. Hearing Steven’s words, Xiao Sheng also cheered up a little. “Yes, Aian, he is my partner, I believe he will be fine!”

“That’s right! Pull yourself together, let’s go find your partner together!” Steven saw it nodded said. Seeing Xiao Sheng as if he saw himself when he was a child, it’s no wonder his father liked him so much. After Xiao Sheng woke up and introduced each other, Steven knew that this kid had met his father, and how to know why his father liked Xiao Sheng.

It can be seen from the Pokémon Pokemon eggs he gave to Xiaosheng. They are the Pokemon eggs of his own Pokémon’s Metagross, including those Pokemon eggs of Yang et al. It is the offspring of his Pokémon, he gave it to the father for safekeeping. Of course, he gave it to the father for safekeeping. If the father gave it away, he would not object, as long as that person is worthy of Pokémon.

“en! !” Xiaosheng was nodded after hearing the sound. Now he most hopes to find Aian as soon as possible, as well as Sabrina and his elder sister. And Steven also promised to help find them together and stop Team Magma’s conspiracy. Although he is no longer the champion, this does not prevent him from fighting evil. And at this time on the island on the other side. . . .

Team Aqua follows Team Magma, and Yang follows Team Rocket. No one didn’t expect, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, but what is behind the oriole? There is a slingshot behind the oriole. . . I followed Team Aqua and Team Magma all the way into a forest. From time to time, I could see some Pokémons, but these Pokémons seemed to have stayed here for a long time. I hadn’t seen humans much, so I couldn’t help avoiding them when they saw so many humans appear. .

In the hands of the team members of Team Magma at the front, everyone holds a strange device in their hands, a long piece of black metal facing the Ground, and a display device in their hands. Pointing at Ground with a metal rod seemed to be looking for something, while Team Aqua hid behind him in secret, quickly passed through the forest and came to a strange place.

A piece of golden-bright and dazzling, it looks like a desert in front of you, because it is too dense to form a golden-like forest sand, but it is much smaller than the desert The surrounding area is full of woods. Only the center part is sand, forming a circle. On this circular sand, three huge stones are arranged in a triangle. The center of the stone is larger than the previous Rock. Rock that presents a square shape.

di di di Didi! ! ! !

“Captain Tabitha is here!” When we came to the square Rock, the devices in many players’ hands made noises. After sensing this, the other players pointed their metal rods at them. The Rock in the center also made a sound, and a team member said to Tabitha when he saw this scene. Tabitha heard the sound and looked at all around opened the mouth and said. “Does the stone formation of the ancient ruins have anything to do with it? Open the entrance!”

“Yes!” After hearing Tabitha’s words, one of the team members took out a Poké Ball and threw it After going out, in the rays of light, a mouse with half of the spikes on its back appeared in front of him, with long nails and dark eyes curiously all around. It was a Sandslash, and after the Sandslash was released, the member asked another member. “How did you find the location?”

“en! I have found it, right below the Rock!” The team member heard the sound of the Scanner in his hand for precise exploration, and then nodded responded, After hearing the sound, the team member looked at Rock’s location, and then shouted to his Sandslash. “Sandslash uses Dig Unique Ability.”

The people of Team Aqua watched this scene quietly from the back, while Yang watched the same scene. Not at all appeared in the anime, but Mr. Yang I think things at this time are not simple. With the excavation of Sandslash, the sand under the relic Rock gradually collapsed. A dark Cave gradually appeared in front of everyone.

(Note: The bottle does not know how the sleeping Gulardo and Kyogre in the anime, as well as the red orb blue orb Team Magma Team Aqua found, or where they found it, no matter in the anime Is there any mention in the game in the special chapter that the bottle doesn’t even think about it or read it? Here, the bottle only sets the plot that you want, and I hope you don’t talk about the animation and the special chapter about mention on equal terms! )..

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