Chapter 868 Treecko VSTaillow! (Next)


Boom! ! !

I saw Treecko suddenly exert force, and the strength increased again. Ash and Taillow both showed surprised expressions. The silver Shiny behind Treecko instantly strengthened. With a bang, the center of the collision between the two Pokémons was intense. The air current erupted, Taillow was shocked by this force and hovered in the air for a few times before stopping. The silhouette of Treecko jumped out in the smoke, squatting on the ground looked obviously easier than Taillow.

“This time it’s Treecko’s turn to use Spark!” After landing, Treecko just squatted on the ground. After hearing the Yang command, he directly popped up and turned into a silver Shiny and rushed into the air again. Directly moved towards Taillow and rushed over. At the same time, Yang shouted again. “Maintain this posture and use Pound!!”

“Take out fighting spirit to Taillow and use Aerial Ace!!!” At the same time, Ash shouted to Taillow. The automatic running track of Aerial Ace showed Taillow. Hovering in the air and violently reversed a circle, just to avoid Treecko’s attack. At the same time, after reversing, Taillow produced a faster speed and rushed towards Treecko with a white streamer around his body, which was a flash faster than Spark It was not weak and hit Treecko directly.

“Chamo!” The attacked Treecko screamed and fell from the air. The Unique Ability of Flying Type is still quite useful for Treecko. Xiao Sheng couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw this scene. “That’s Aerial Ace, right? Using offensive’s Aerial Ace Unique Ability for defense and counterattack, Ash… That’s awesome! Is it just that in the League quarterfinals?”

This Shi Xiaosheng did not dare to underestimate Ash. The reason is that there was only one before this scene, but now there are two. Previously, it was because when he was about to fall from the upper floor, Ash without the slightest hesitation I came out to hold myself, although I still fell in the end, it was not Ash’s problem, and the second point was that I only saw Ash’s strength now. I believe that the strength of the trainer, as Yang said, is not determined by ranking.

“It’s amazing, Aian and Ash are both amazing!” The same goes for May. Although she doesn’t want to be a trainer, it doesn’t affect his appreciation of other trainers’ games and loves each other. Oh, she is a novice rookie, the battle between Yang and Ash seems to her to be too bold and attractive. The battle in the field continues.

“Take a victory to pursue, Taillow uses Wing Attack!” After Treecko Smack Down, Ash took advantage of the victory to pursue an attack, Taillow chased after hearing the sound, rays of light appeared on the wings, and directly swooped down moved towards Treecko. Past. Seeing to catch up with Treecko. The voice of Yang sounded. “Treecko uses Pound to attack Ground!!”

After Treecko heard the sound, he adjusted his body in the air, with his tail facing down, and slapped it directly on the Ground. The powerful slap, powerful force Tackle Ground drove the entire body of Treecko, Taillow’s Wing Attack was cleverly avoided, wings flapped on the Ground, fuse together with the power of Treecko just now, Ground suddenly produced strong fluctuations, arousing layers Of smoke.

“Use Steel Iron Tail Bar!!” Avoided Taillow’s attack, and Taillow had just attacked Ground and had not had time to rise. At this time, it was a good opportunity to launch a counterattack, above Treecko’s tail. It was instantly wrapped in the metallic luster of Black, and at the same time it emitted silver white rays of light. With a flick of its tail, it fell directly on Taillow’s body. Taillow cried out and was knocked out. “Sip!!!”

“Okay! This steel Iron Tail effect should be very useful!” Xiao Sheng who saw this scene immediately stood up and cheered. Taillow was knocked down to Ground. It seemed that he had suffered a serious injury. However, under everyone’s surprised eyes, I saw Taillow’s wings supporting Ground, gritted his teeth and firmly supported his body, and gradually flapped his wings and flew again. stand up.

“Why? Steel Iron Tail Bar should be able to cause a lot of damage to Taillow!” Xiao Sheng saw this scene, the glasses almost fell off, that Taillow was hit by the Steel Iron Tail Bar , It can fly so easily, which is different from what he knows. Although Steel Type does not completely restrain Flying Type, its effect is definitely not small.

“No… The damage definitely exists, but the Taillow…” Sabrina heard the sound and looked at the soundtrack in the field. The words not at all are finished, but May on one side already understands. I couldn’t help but looked at Taillow and Ash in the court with a trace of admiration, “Will that Taillow refuse to admit defeat?”

“Good job!!” At this time, he stood on one side of the field. Yang said with a smile. His knowledge of Taillow was limited to the anime. At that time, Taillow used his own body to fight against the Electric Type Unique Ability, which was capable of causing powerful damage to himself. Even later, Ash was fighting against the first At seven Gyms, when facing twins who cooperate with each other tacitly.

It was even more messy that Pikachu, who was cooperating with Swellow at the time, put on Thunder together to improve the formidable power of all Unique Ability, but no matter which point it is, whether it is Taillow or Swellow after evolution is indeed very arrogant and amazing. After hearing Yang’s words, Ash also opened the mouth and said at the same time. “Of course, if we are more stubborn, we will not lose to anyone!”

“Hehe! Interesting, then I will show you our backbone, Treecko, let’s use Spark for a flash !!!” Yang Wen said with a smile involuntarily. Waved and ordered Unique Ability to be released again, Spark rushed out in a flash. The opposite Ash also said excitedly. “It’s a good come, the game is like this, we won’t lose, Taillow uses Spark for a flash!!”

“It’s going to hit it!” The two figures moved towards the middle again. See you in the middle. Exclaimed in surprise. Should there be another head-on confrontation? At the moment of collision, a trace of bright light flashed in Ash’s eyes. “This is the last chance. Head-on collision with Taillow is more disadvantageous. Go to Taillow and use Aerial Ace!!!” At the moment of the collision, Ash asked Taillow to launch Aerial Ace. The moment Treecko hits Taillow is only Seeing that the silhouette of Taillow suddenly disappeared, the body moved towards flying upwards, and at the same time, the body was hovered and reversed to change the direction, activating the power of Aerial Ace to hit from behind Treecko again. When Yang saw his eyes, his eyes condensed. “I expected it! Treecko uses steel Iron Tail Bar!”..

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