Chapter 33 Meowth VSCharizard! !

(The second one!!!)

roar!! ! ! ! !

Frightened Heavenly Dragon, sounded in the forest, and once again alarmed the Pokemon in the forest. The silhouette reappears in Meowth’s heart was like a nightmare. As soon as they appeared, scarlet eyes stared at Meowth tightly. What people say outside can actually be heard clearly, knowing that if you write it down, Meowth will become your opponent. Of course, it is not Charizard but Meowth that should be feared! ! !

Absol, Bagon, and Cranidos were very surprised, and also worried about Meowth. Even at this time, there was a kind of yang simply deliberately making things difficult for Meowth. You must know that even Absol It’s not Charizard’s opponent yet. Although they have seen Meowth’s cultivation with their own eyes, they don’t believe that Charizard can be defeated in this way.

Of course, the most tense one is Meowth. Didn’t expect the test in Yangkou, it turned out to be fighting Charizard! Although Yang did not say, the release of Charizard is definitely not for no reason. The so-called test must be to defeat Charizard, but is it possible? ? ? Meowth asked himself impossible, but when he thought of what he had worked hard for the past few days, he forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart.

“What is the test! I believe I don’t have to say it!!! Then let’s start now!!!” Yang didn’t talk nonsense, and ignored Absol’s worries. He took Charizard and walked back directly. Meowth only saw a distance, and then turned to face Meowth. Absol saw it, but they had no choice but to step aside, but Bagon and Cranidos still secretly encouraged Meowth with their eyes.

“Let’s get started!!!” Yang announced the start of the battle, but did not give instructions. Meowth has worked very hard in cultivation recently, even harder and stricter than when he trained him by himself, but Meowth, who became a monk halfway through, No matter how powerful it is, Charizard is no match for it. If Charizard launches the attack first, Meowth will have no chance. Moreover, Yang wants to see how much Meowth has improved during this time.

Hearing the words of Yang, Meowth suppressed the fear in his heart and gently put the Poké Ball in his hand on the ground. Then, after pressing the button to unlock the weight bearing on his body, Without the slightest pause, both hands directly shined with silver light, the eyes of the fingernails came out, and the speed of the feet directly rushed towards Charizard.

Faced with the menacing Meowth, Yang did not move at all, with his hands in his chest, watching Meowth’s speed could not help but be nodded, and just as Meowth’s offensive arrived, Charizard didn’t wait for the sun to give orders. With a swing of his left wing, it drove a strong hurricane. Meowth was hit by the oncoming whirlwind for a while, but it was only stagnant. During this period of time, it was the cultivation of regardless of weather conditions, and such wind could not stop it.

Boom! ! ! ! meow!! !

However, the fight against Charizard was fatal even for a moment. The swinging wings were retracted, and the back of the wings suddenly hit Meowth’s body, instantly making Meowth feel a powerful force. The force of the attack came, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably. It felt like he was about to Tackle Ground. Meowth twisted his body, flipped in the air and then steadily landed on the Ground.

Many people think that Pokémon can only become stronger when it evolves. In fact, this is only a rule in the game. When playing a game, everything is virtual and different from reality, so Pokemon needs to evolve without listening. It will become stronger, but this is a real world. Non-evolution has the advantages of non-evolution, and evolution also has its weaknesses. If you change to Persian, there is absolutely no such flexibility in the air.

In fact, there is another point, that is, Meowth has learned to walk in a human way, so it can control its body in a way similar to humans, just like a gymnast, it can roll in the air. And make a series of difficult movements, and Meowth now has such an advantage over Normal Meowth and Persian.

Seeing this scene, both Yang and Charizard’s eyes showed a hint of admiration. Of course, the former is imperceptible, while the latter is unreserved. In the past a little bit of battle, Meowth even approached Charizard. No way, a sneeze can knock it flying, and now the wind blown by its own wings can’t stop it. It can be seen that it is really hard during this period. Some time ago because of its lack of ambition, it raised disdain at this time. Also disappeared.

“hmph! Good luck!!! Unfortunately, this can’t shake me!!!” Yang was naturally very happy to see Meowth’s growth, but in order to be able to better measure Meowth’s Make progress and let Meowth understand that only hard work can become stronger. Yang deliberately used words to stimulate Meowth, and all attributed his actions this time to luck, in order to anger Meowth and let it exert its strongest strength.

“Damn!!! I won’t give up!!!” Hearing Yang’s words, Meowth was also a little annoyed. During this time, he put himself in the arduous cultivation and put himself half-dead and tired. But it still cannot be recognized, even if it wants to forgive it now, it can’t be as smooth as a mirror.

“Uh…Did Spark flash?” With a loud roar, Meowth folded his hands on his chest, and then flicked it to the sides. He was immediately covered by a ray of silver rays of light. Yang saw this for a while, and then there was a faint light in his eyes. Meowth’s body had been activated at this time, with a regular silver light behind him. The speed was extremely fast, several times faster than before. Yang didn’t expect, Meowth You can already learn other Unique Ability.

“Charizard!!!” Yang still did not give an order, only called Charizard’s name, and then I saw him, Charizard Dual Wingbeat waved, a strong hurricane suddenly blew up, and the ground dust was covered by this. The hurricane blew, and a small sandstorm suddenly formed, swallowing the oncoming Meowth.

xiū xiū xiū xiu xiu xiu!! ! !

Thinking that Meowth’s offensive had been resolved, Charizard stopped the Dual Wingbeat, not wanting to be at this time, counted the silver light escaping from the dust, and then rushed to Charizard at the same time, Yang froze, this is Double Team, not only this move tactic, but also Absol’s usual tactics? ? Absol had also used Absol during training at night before. It seems that this tactic was learned at that time.

Boom! ! ! !

Because Yang did not give an order, and Charizard was also surprised for a while that Meowth would use this tactic, because it also competed with Absol, and naturally understood Meowth’s tactics, so I didn’t know much about it. Meowth Spark slammed into the stomach, and then all other Meowth phantoms disappeared.

Charizard did not move one foot, and the other one took a step back and stabilized his body with this step. Meowth wanted to move forward, but there was no way. With the help of recoil, Meowth bounced back. However, Meowth did not really retreat at this time. Instead, with the help of rebound, facing Charizard, he backed back. At this moment, both of his hands were closed, and the hands were separated a little more. , Like what to do. ..

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