Chapter 3334 Reporter Reception!

(The second one!!!)

After hearing Musashi’s words, everyone immediately became quiet, and no longer moved towards the crowded front, after all, such a big news Everyone wants to get the first-hand news. Hearing what Musashi said, it means there is no chance. Everyone dare not mess up. Although the order is a little better, there is still no way to stop them. Heart of gossip. “Excuse me, Musashi Young Lady, your Region champion has been in the championship position for less than two years. Why are you eager to abdicate?”

“Did Mr. Yulongyang have any accident?” Many Reporter everyone talking at once asked. Tao. Musashi and Ash also felt big for a while, Ash said. “About this matter, we will give the answer when the Reporter press conference in an hour, and the champion himself will be there. Don’t worry about it. As for what happened, the press conference will also explain it, please Let’s wait at the press conference first.”

After speaking, Ash and Musashi looked at nodded, then turned and left. The Reporters didn’t give up and wanted to surround them, but they were The staff blocked it, and Kanto’s guards came at this time. These Reporters couldn’t get closer. Ash and Musashi left smoothly and returned to the office building, Blaine’s office. They opened the door and went in. There was Blaine sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

“Huh.. It’s really troublesome, those Reporters are too difficult! Aian, who made such a big movement, didn’t come!” Ash sat on the sofa and took a sip of tea. Said. After hearing the sound, Sabrina put down the cup in her hand and said. “Kahiri left the battle island, he naturally wants to go back. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t come, he may be more chaotic when he is there.”

Everyone is nodded after hearing the sound, think about it and know. If Yang is there, it’s probably not so easy for those Reporters to wait for the press conference so obediently. Later, James Yaxida also arrived. After checking the time, Blaine took the Elite Four moved towards the press conference. I went, and at this time, the press conference was already full of people, and some of the reporters who hadn’t grabbed the position stood by.

Dozens of staff and guards around are maintaining safety and order, and James and Yaxida were the first to be there, and then Blaine led the Elite Four to arrive. After seeing this scene, the Reporters all It exploded. Blaine is the president of Kanto Alliance, and Yang is the champion. If he wants to abdicate now, the president impossible doesn’t know something. At this time, Red and Gary are also here. Seeing this battle, it’s not I have already thought about it, and I was a little surprised to see that many people.

“Aian, why aren’t you here yet?” Blaine sat in her seat, looked around and said. After all, he is the protagonist, and everything is directed at him this time. After hearing the sound, Gary also opened the mouth and said. “I contacted him when I first arrived. He has already been outside the Alliance. The time should be up soon!”

“Come!” At this time, Musashi also opened the mouth and said. I saw Yang and the three of Casey walk in. After seeing the arrival of Yang, all the Reporters were cheered up, but because the staff had already explained the situation when they came in, there was no mess. Shi Yang came to Blaine’s side, nodded to everyone, and then signaled everyone to sit down together, and Yang also took the microphone and opened the mouth and said.

“Thank you very much for coming to participate in this press conference in your busy schedule. I believe everyone already knows the content of the press conference this time. I am the champion of Kanto Alliance. From today on Retire from the position of Elite Four champion.” Yang opened the mouth and said with a microphone. All the Reporters boiled over and started asking questions. “Hello champion, I am the Reporter of Kanto Rainbow TV Station. Why did you make such a decision? You have only succeeded for more than a year.”

“I did not want to make this decision I retired as a trainer, but had other plans. As for my time in office, I feel that as long as I have contributed to the Kanto Alliance, the length of time in office cannot deny the existence of a person!” Yang Wensheng said. replied. The meaning is obvious. Even if I have been in power for a short time, everyone knows that the contribution that Yang has made to Kanto during this period is not known to anyone who is Kanto.

“Thank you!” At the same time, Kanto’s Reporter and Celadon City had been blessed by Yang and didn’t ask too sharp questions. However, for the sake of gossip in other Regions, they naturally did not have that many scruples. “I am the Reporter of Hoenn’s local Jiahe newspaper. May I ask Mr. Champion, if you are so anxious to retreat from the championship position, do you feel that you are insufficient or insufficient?”

“Hehe! How is my ability, I believe that Kanto as a whole can testify. As for my strength, I think that here, the Reporter from Kalos and Yisu Region should be able to answer you!” Yang glanced at the Reporter calmly and said. It was useless to follow this set with himself. Yang directly turned his style to the Reporter of other regions, mainly Kalos and Yisu Region.

It’s very simple, because Yisu Region Alder was defeated by Yang as the champion, and Diantha was also defeated by Yang as the champion. Now the Reporter says that Yang’s strength is not enough, and Alder and Diantha who were defeated by him What is it? Undoubtedly, this Reporter got the bad eyes of Reporter from Yisu Region and Kalos Region, and could only sit down in an embarrassing manner. After feeling that he could not easily offend Yang, these Reporter’s problems were also a lot more careful.

“Mr. Champion, if you retreat from the championship position, who will inherit the position of the Kanto Alliance champion?” In response to Yang’s question, one lasted for about half an hour, and the other Reporter Raised the most concerned issue at this time, and Yang Wensheng also spoke. “Kanto can no longer have a champion, so this time, when I abdicate, the position of the champion will be given to Red!”

Red stood up together after hearing the sound, everyone was surprised I originally thought that the position of the champion was Kanto Alliance itself, Elite Four came to advance, but didn’t expect to find another person to take the position of champion, and this champion was younger than Yang, and the topics and questions immediately turned. Red, of course Red is also prepared to deal with it freely. ..

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