Chapter 3005 takes shape!

(The third one!!!)

“Why?” Looking at the screen, Yang was very puzzled. The Houndoom screen disappeared, and the Heracross screen appeared next. The use screen of the Super Horn Cannon, the sun keeps pausing to observe the details. It is also a Unique Ability combination series of different Attributes, but other Pokémon have succeeded. Ninetales does not seem to have much clue at present. Is it really Dark Pulse? Is it not suitable for flame bombs? It doesn’t make sense, in fact, it can be used, but it can’t be released, and the energy is unstable.

Similar to other Pokémon’s Unique Ability, it’s not as compatible with Attribute Unique Ability as the Ultimate Wave Cannon. It is in the same proportions. If other Pokémon’s different Attribute Unique Ability are fused, the proportions are somewhat different. It is like the Unique Ability of the super-angle gun. Because mega-frame audio itself is not a long-distance Unique Ability, the main component is Hyper Beam, so the formidable power of Hyper Beam occupies a larger proportion.

There are also Flygon’s Inferno meteor, Dragon Type and Fire Unique Ability, Draco Meteor’s Unique Ability dominates, and Heat Wave’s formidable power is the auxiliary, but this is just right. Dragon Type Unique Ability Draco Meteor itself is a high-energy Unique Ability, with its own heat energy, which is very suitable for matching with the soft Heat Wave, so it is naturally formed very well. As for the Unique Ability like impatiens claw red, there is actually no skill. Unique Ability is the easiest to learn among Yang’s Unique Ability.

After watching for a long time, the Pokémon’s Unique Ability screen has been replayed, and once again came to the Houndoom screen. The Unique Ability of the dark necromancer reappeared in the screen again, and Yang was slightly frowned involuntarily. Look carefully. On the screen, it seems that there is only Houndoom’s Unique Ability, which is more in line with the current situation. The middle head uses the shadow ball, and the two heads use Flamethrower to enhance the formidable power.

This move is the Unique Ability that Houndour realized after Houndoom evolved. In theory, Yang just helped to improve it, just like Ramardos’s lava cannon, so Yang didn’t understand it either. Looking at the screen, it stands to reason two Using Flamethrower for the head at the same time, the formidable power should be stronger than the shadow ball, but after being integrated into the shadow ball, the color of the flame becomes purple and black, which looks like the formidable power of the shadow ball affects the formidable power of the flame. That kind of power is stronger.

“Dark Type and Ghost Type’s Unique Ability are more appealing? What if the ratio of Dark Pulse is reduced?” Yang said unconsciously while looking at the screen. The conclusion drawn is that the Unique Ability in the Ghost Type Dark Type column has a strong appeal and is more compatible with other Unique Ability. If this is the case, it means that when the Ninetales is used, the energy of Dark Pulse is still Too much, and it must be lowered to control it.

Think about it carefully, even if it’s already a ratio of four to six, the flame is still changed after being fused with Dark Pulse. Yang holds the remote control tightly and smiles. It was not impossible to complete. Put down the remote control and check the time. It was too late. Yang stretched his body and went back to his room. Decided to keep trying tomorrow.

“Okay Ninetales, continue to practice today. This time is different from yesterday. I will reduce the proportion of Dark Pulse again and increase the flame and formidable power!” The next morning, after Yang washed and had breakfast, So I went to the training site again with Ninetales, and started cultivation again. This time Yang told Ninetales about what he had planned yesterday, and at the same time in order to guard against the unexpected. “This time you still need to use your tail. When the power is formed, use your tail to stabilize the energy.”

“Knock!” Ninetales was firmly nodded after hearing the sound, and then watched Moving forward, showing a serious expression again, Mew was already in place and sitting behind Ninetales. At this time, Casey and Kahiri also came over early, and they spoke unconsciously after hearing Yang’s words. “We will continue to reduce the power of Dark Pulse. In this case, won’t the formidable power of flame bombs be too strong?”

“I don’t know! I’ll know when I look at it!” Shook the head also said. Without waiting for the two to communicate too much, the practice has begun. I saw Ninetales slowly open his mouth, the energy in the mouth continued to converge, and the dark purple ring halo appeared, dragging the hot Fireball into the Fireball, dark purple The flame has completely entered the Energy Ball, the same as yesterday, but at this time, it looks much more stable than yesterday.

“Very good to continue!” Yang saw opened the mouth and said. I saw that Ninetales maintained this energy, while the nine tails extended at the same time. The tips of the nine tails dragged the Energy Ball at the same time, which reduced the heaviness after the energy was increased, and reduced the body burden of Ninetales. I saw Ninetales’ gaze. Ning, the Energy Ball that was originally slowly increasing suddenly swelled up like a balloon and instantly formed several times larger than before.

Mew didn’t pay attention for a while, and was almost blown away by the inflated air current. After reacting, he immediately hooked Ninetales’ body with his tail, and saw that Ninetales’ body also sank down, and his body was fine. , But the Ground under her feet collapsed. Seeing the sudden expansion of energy, Casey and Kahiri also felt heavy pressure, and Casey couldn’t help but worry. “Still not working?”

“No. Although the energy is stronger than yesterday, but it has stabilized a lot!” Kahiri who saw this scene opened the mouth and said. She could see that this energy has increased a lot, but Ninetales does not seem to be as strenuous as it was yesterday, so it is obvious that the power seems to have stabilized. It seems that Ninetales is using its own tail very well to control this power. At the same time the ratio of three to seven fits perfectly.

“Very good! It’s like this, take out all your strength!” Looking at the court, the Yang expression opened the mouth and said. I saw the Ninetales expression condensed, next moment, and released the energy. The nine tails were also thrown away at the same time. The Energy Ball was released and landed directly on the open space in front of it. The moment it hits Ground, the moment of powerful energy. It expanded, and a semicircular energy wave was formed on the Ground, which continuously expanded, and strong pressure was constantly swept in.

“Woo…really strong power!” Casey and Kahiri unconsciously resisted with their hands, felt the strong airflow, and looked forward in surprise. The formidable power is really amazing. After a long time, the energy finally disappeared. Yang looked at the destroyed Ground in front of him, and he was secretly amazed. It seemed that the formidable power of Unique Ability exceeded his estimate, but the potential of this move should still be developed. ..

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