“Yes, don’t you know? It has been circulating in our Mutong town since ancient times: Those who see Phile will have luck, this is a legend. In the town, when you can see Philone during the year, it’s only during this period~ So every year there are many tourists who come here to see the charm of Phile.”

They appreciate it when they see Zhou You. Phione didn’t understand at all, Uncle explained.

“Putting it that way, it is said that last year and the year before, as well as the year before the first year, the winners of the Pokémon Contest tournament, they all met Philone before they played the game~”

Then the uncle suddenly changed his style and said nonsense seriously.

“Winner? Let’s go ~ Let’s reward Phile~”

When Dawn heard this uncle’s words, Dawn immediately became interested.

Seeing Dawn’s appearance, Zhou You knew that he had to go to enjoy the Phione this time, but he had a certain interest in the Phione, so he planned to see it.

It’s just that Zhou You has forgotten one thing at this time…that is, the relationship between Mana Fei and Phione…Although those Phione are definitely not Mana Fei’s children, but, Also equivalent to is their Aunt and so on.

So when Zhou You didn’t take this into consideration, with the appearance of 237 Manafei, almost all the Philones around gathered together. Fortunately, they were riding in the shadow Pokémon at this time — —Wailord, otherwise, it is estimated that people will be onlookers.

“Wow! It’s so spectacular!”

Dawn can’t help but sigh. There are too many Philones here. Zhou You counted them roughly and found that they were gathered here. Even if there are not a hundred Phione, there are 80 or 90. Although it is not a big deal for ordinary Pokémon, for Sacred Beast, it is already an extremely exaggerated number…

However, Because of Mana Fei, Dawn’s idea of ​​rewarding Phione was easily realized, but because of Zhou You and others, other people had almost no chance to see Phione.

“Hey, I ask you, did you participate in the Wallace Cup?”

When Zhou You, they bid farewell to the Philones, and on the way back to the hotel, suddenly there was one An untimely voice came from them.

Zhou You subconsciously turned his head and saw that it was a girl with long pink hair, and beside her, there was a Pokémon like a standing shark-Gabite .

“I did participate, what’s the matter?”

Faced with this girl’s question, Dawn replied puzzled.

“Sure enough, I think at that time you were only relying on luck to win the championship.”

After hearing Dawn’s words, this girl immediately looked as it should be by rights said.

“Could it be that you also participated in the Wallace Cup?”

When Dawn heard the other party’s words, Dawn immediately guessed that the other party also participated in the Wallace Cup, but he never remembered. Where have I seen each other.

“Yes, I played, my name is Ullala, but I was defeated in the first round review, you shouldn’t remember me? Of course, thanks to you, we I vowed again to show a more beautiful and more Contest coordinated Trainer performance~hahahahaha!”

The girl who claimed to be Ullala said at the end, she also issued a string of extremely ugly Laugh loudly.


When I heard Ullala’s words, Zhou You felt speechless for a while, a person who was eliminated in the first round, what right does he have to speak out here? ?

You said, if you were eliminated by May in the semi-finals, or if you were knocked out when you reached eight and you felt better than Dawn, that would be nice, but it turned out to be one in the first place. (cbeb) People who are eliminated in the (cbeb) round of review, shouldn’t they reflect on themselves even more when encountering such a thing?

Moreover, it’s not good. With regard to the achievements of this pink-haired girl, it is perfectly possible to say that anyone can do it…

“What, unfathomable mystery It’s time to find the fault.”

At this time, even Dawn can see that the other party is just looking for the fault.

“I think you should also participate in the Mutong Conference, right? I am very looking forward to seeing what kind of Contest performance you will have~”

Ulala is finishing this After saying this, he immediately decided to turn around and leave.

“Wait a minute, you actually said that I won by luck. I can’t accept this. Let’s decide the winner at the Mutong Conference!”

Attitude towards Ullala , Dawn felt very upset and immediately shouted at her who was planning to leave.

“Decision to win? Wait until you get promoted, Dawn Young Lady by luck, hahahahaha!”

Ulala went further and further in a burst of laughter, And because of her extremely unpleasant laughter, it also aroused a lot of people’s onlookers, but she didn’t realize it at all…

“The wind was blowing in the harbor. Invited by the wind from the north, Sing dance~ This Contest tournament is held by Mutong Town, the port city where we met and parted.”

After appreciating Phile On the 3rd day of the year, the Mutong Conference started, and the Host is still Zhou You and their old acquaintance Marian.

“The beautiful trainer who won the championship will get this wooden ribbon Badge ~ and then this is the judges who will be cordially and strictly reviewing for us today, first of all… .”

After Marian introduced the ribbon Badge routinely, he immediately introduced the three judges one after another.

“So now, let’s enter the first review right away! A single Pokémon will perform the Unique Ability performance stage! The number one contestant, please come out!”

After introducing the judges, the competition officially started. What Zhou You didn’t expect was that Dawn would appear first.

‘The first one is Dawn~’

“Pika ~”


Pikachu and The cheerleader formed by Piplup, after seeing Dawn’s appearance, also worked hard to cheer. .

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