Hazakura listened to Archie’s report to herself, and felt relieved. In fact, this is all blind worry, because Marie Luli is a Pokémon with energy that produces alienation. There is a more or less unusual breath on his body, so he is worried that the Pokémon will repel Mary Luli.

But Archie told herself that Marie Luli had integrated into the big family in the space. Even the most proud monarch snake is very compatible with Mary Luli, which is a little unexpected for Yu Sakura. You must know that the monarch snake is the proudest of the Pokémon of Hazakura, and a new Pokémon comes every time. It would take three days to get along with the monarch snake. Mary Luli now took less than a day, only in such a short time.

“Ha Sakura, what about the Marie Luli who was abandoned by Doya.” Hazakura found Ash and his group still waiting for him in the audience. So he walked over before Hazakura could walk in. Ash asked anxiously.

“Don’t worry, Ash. That Mary Luli has been accepted by me and has good qualifications. The reason why it is so weak is only the problem of that Doya himself. ”

Yu Sakura directly told several people about Mary Luli being accepted by herself, and this matter was in Yu Sakura’s opinion. There was nothing to hide, and there were tons of Pokémon in Dr. Ohki’s research institute. Among them, there are almost no Pokémon in Yu Sakura, because the baby balls used by Yu Sakura are all spatially produced.

In addition, the space compression technology in this world is particularly developed, just like some super large enterprises. For example, the Siruf Group can even refine small space rings. Although Ha Sakura’s family is not a wealthy family, it is because of Ha Sakura’s father, Asai Lingtian. The money is quite a lot, and you must know that the league pays prosecutors and king champions every year with a scary high salary.

Dr. Ohki didn’t ask much, as long as he was busy studying Hazakura Pokémon right now. And dealing with life energy matters, I can’t spare myself to care about those Pokémon in the yard, all of them are helpers helping.

Most importantly, Mary Luli’s alienation really has nothing to do with the system. Like the fire-breathing dragon Nightwing, it was exactly like this before Hazakura took it. Even if the alliance wanted to find out, it couldn’t find out, and now the guild leader and the Four Heavenly Kings already knew about Archie. There will be no doubts, besides, Ha Sakura was originally with them.

“That’s it!” Ash was relieved to know that Mary Luli was accepted by Yu Sakura. Anyone who knows Hazakura knows that Hazakura treats Pokémon very well. Pokémon never eat regular feed, all of which are energy cubes.

You know, it is the Fangyuan area rich in energy cubes. The trainers there also only gave energy cubes to Pokémon as snacks, and there was never a like Ha Sakura. Moreover, Ha Sakura’s formula is more than one level better than the one sold on the market, and Pokémon are not trained. Eat these foods every day, and your strength will slowly increase!

Therefore, Hazakura’s Pokémon are much better developed than ordinary Pokémon of the same kind. Let’s just say that Yu Sakura’s original Pokémon Myo Frog Flower, is now more than twice the size of ordinary Miao Frog Flower. Asai Lingtian’s wind speed dog and hakron are also more than double the same kind. Basically all of them are big, the scariest bangira. With plenty of nutrient-dense food and ores, it’s three times bigger than the average bangira!

“Okay, Mary Luli and my ice elves, they need to go to the Pokémon Center. Let’s go there too, where I invite your Pokémon to eat my latest noodles and crystal fruit cakes. ”

“Picappy!” Ash’s Pikachu jumped from Ash’s shoulder to the ground as soon as he heard the food made by Yuzakura . Run quickly in the direction of the Pokémon Center, urging his trainer to speed up while running.

Xiao Mao looked at Ash’s Pikachu and covered his forehead helplessly. How can the Pokémon food you make be different from the world of Ha Sakura! Because just now, Xiao Mao felt the Pokéball on his waist shaking vigorously. Thinking of his Pokémon disdainful of the food they made, Xiao Mao felt so tired.

He and Yu Sakura were Pokémon obtained at the same time, and Ha Sakura’s Miao Frog seed evolved into a well-developed giant Miao Frog Flower. I heard Ash say that the power he displayed when he was not thinking about the garden was intermediate in the Heavenly King, and now Dr. Ohki also said. Almost the peak of the king of heaven.

The Jeni turtle that he received himself, although it also evolved into a water arrow turtle. The strength is at the peak of the quasi-heavenly king, but there is a world of difference with the wonderful frog flower of Yu Ying, not to mention the restraint in attributes. It was the gap between Ha Sakura’s excellent command and level that made the Water Arrow Turtle defeated. Xiao Mao has been troubled, but he can’t comprehend the true meaning of the Heavenly King. That’s why the water arrow turtle will always stop here.

The fiery little fire dragon, the same as Xiao Mao. Now is the fire-breathing dragon at the peak of the quasi-heavenly king, but it may be that Yanhuo itself is immature and too impatient. As a result, the command of Pokémon during the battle is not as good as Xiao Shigeru. Therefore, the trainer level is only at the intermediate level of the quasi-heavenly king.

As for Ash, Pikachu. Even if Ash has no training, his strength is at the level of a quasi-heavenly king. You know, I don’t know how many trainer’s Pokémon have been stuck at the quasi-king level. There is also Ash’s fire-breathing dragon Old Spray, whose strength is the same as that of the fiery fire-breathing dragon. Now there is a faint phenomenon of breaking through the Heavenly King, but because the trainer level is not enough, Ash has not been able to command the old spray.

They arrive at the Pokémon Center and ask Miss Joy to treat her Pokémon. Hazakura also paid Joey to help Mary Luli do a full body check to prevent some dark injuries caused by the explosion. While Mary Luli was doing the examination, Shigeru asked about the “Big Bang” used by Han Sakura’s electric shock beast.

“Oh, Xiaomao. That’s not a Pokémon skill, but a trick that uses science. As the heir of the Oki clan, you must know about electrolyzed water. Knowing that Xiao Mao thought that the explosion generated by using electrolyzed water was mistaken by Xiao Mao for the skill of electric shock monsters, Ha Sakura explained with a smile.

“You know, water can be electrodecomposed into oxygen and hydrogen.” Xiao Mao replied.

“Then do you know that when the concentration of hydrogen reaches a certain level, it will explode when it encounters a little flame?” There is a lot of water in the Water Field, and I have the Shock Warcraft attack the pool using the 100,000 volts used by the natural lightning plus the bonus of my natural will. Under this strong electric current, a large amount of water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. The next step is to use the tiny sparks brought out when the flame fist is launched to detonate the hydrogen. ”

Xiao Mao finally understood that his Pokémon’s trick could still be used like this. It seems that he still did not study well, and did not understand how to combine theoretical knowledge with practical combat. It seems that what he knows is far from enough, Xiao Mao thought of this. Unexpectedly, he began to comprehend the will of his own heavenly king.

This surprised Yu Ying a little, but he didn’t expect Xiao Mao to comprehend his own Heavenly King’s will in this state. After about a few minutes, Xiao Mao opened his eyes. At this time, Xiao Mao exuded the aura of a strong Heavenly King. The water arrow turtle also ran out of the Pokémon Ball, as if it had undergone some kind of detachment.

“Yu Sakura, Xiao Mao, this is…” Ash looked at Xiao Mao, a little unable to count. He didn’t understand why Xiao Mao’s momentum suddenly increased a lot, and now he felt that Xiao Mao’s strength was far above him.

“Congratulations to you Xiaomao, you have comprehended your own Heavenly King’s will. The Water Arrow Turtle also broke through the bottleneck and became a real Heavenly King Pokémon. ”

Hazakura congratulations to Xiao Shigeru, if not for himself. Xiao Mao’s talent is said to be one of the best in the world, even if he has himself. Xiao Mao’s talent is also top-notch, and he broke through the quasi-heavenly king so quickly. You know, the will of the king of heaven is not so easy to comprehend. A trainer who does not comprehend the will is not a true Heavenly King’s opponent at all. Just like Yan Huo, he could have tied with Xiao Mao. Not at all now.

“Great, water arrow turtle. We finally did it, and we finally took a step forward. Hazakura, thank you. Without you, I would not have been able to comprehend the will of my own king. Xiao Mao was very excited and cast a grateful look at Ha Sakura.

“Finally looking for you, you.” At this time, Ohki Xuecheng’s voice suddenly came. Hazakura looked back and saw that there was more than just Oki Yukinari. Also followed by the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, as well as Dr. Ohki.

“Dad, Grandpa. You guys are…” Xiao Shigeru looked at Ohki Yukinari and Dr. Ohki with a serious face. His grandfather has always been smiling and rarely shows such an expression. What happened to make so many high-level leaders of the alliance appear together.

“Xiao Mao, you and Xiao Zhi Yanhuo will return to the player village. Uncle Xuecheng, let’s go. That group of people is getting more and more dishonest. Seeing that everyone’s faces were so bad, Hazakura knew that it must be the group of people from the Akiyama family who were making demons again.

“No, I’m not leaving. Ha Sakura, I know that you and Dad must be discussing important matters. I had been hiding from us before because I was worried that something would happen if we were not strong enough. Now that I am a true king, I will definitely be able to help you. In order to make everyone believe, Xiao Mao also released the Water Arrow Turtle and his own Heavenly King Will.

Dr. Ohki looked at his grandson with stubbornness in his eyes. I had to say, “Okay, Xiao Shigeru and Ha Sakura are with us. The rest of you are good, but they are still not enough. Let’s go back to the players’ village. ”

“Okay, Ash Xiaoxia is hot. Let’s go back, we’ll find out about this when we have enough strength. Xiao Gang nodded, and then pulled the three people out of the Pokémon Center.

Kanto Union secret conference room ——

“Ha Sakura, something happened to the Holy Flame.”

President Damaranch looked at Ha Sakura with a reproachful tone. It never expected that the two people, Akiyama Ye and Akiyama Yuan, would go to the holy flame for their own benefit, which was clearly against themselves to the end. The flame is the spiritual pillar of the Kanto region. As the president of the alliance, he did not protect the flame.

“What, old horse. Something happened to the Holy Flame, did this Akiyama family want to destroy the Kanto region and the Johto region? “Dr. Ohki knew that something big had happened to the alliance, but he didn’t expect it to be the Holy Flame. Angrily slammed the table and made a crackling sound.

Xiao Mao had already learned about Yu Ying and the others’ plans after the quartz conference on the way here, so after thinking about it, he said: “President Damaranchi, grandpa. The sacred flame of the Kanto Alliance is the flame of the legendary Pokémon Flamebird, which is not so easy to destroy. ”

Xiao Mao’s words made Damaranch suddenly sober up, yes. The flame of the flame bird was not extinguished so easily, but when I went to the temple where the flame was stored, the flame was indeed gone. What’s going on, thinking about it, he set his sights on Ha Sakura.

Finding that everyone in the conference room was looking towards him, Hazakura smiled helplessly. Directly said: “The flame of the flame bird is indeed not something that ordinary water can extinguish, and the reason why the Akiyama family succeeded so easily.” I did it on purpose, otherwise do you think their return went so well. ”

“What, Ha Sakura. The flame is no easy joke. Hiba was anxious, and didn’t care why Hazakura did this. Directly roared loudly, if it were not for the good sound insulation of the conference room. The entire Union building can be heard.

“Xiba Shiba, don’t worry. Can you change this old problem, Yu Sakura must have a reason for doing this. Shut up quickly! “The poisonous king of the Johto, Ah Ju, pulled Shiba.

“What are you doing in such a hurry, a flame that is not a flame bird has been treasured by you for so many years.” Ha Sakura looked at Heba making such a big move and smiled bitterly. Sure enough, he was the dumbest of the kings of Kanto and Johto. He said it so clearly, Hiba still can’t think clearly.

“Heba, look like this. The original flame was not the flame of the flame bird at all, but an ordinary flame. The reason why Hazakura asked the Akiyama family to extinguish the sacred flame was just to leave them with a handle to endanger the alliance. ”

“With this handle, wait until the end of the league competition. We can spread the Akiyama family’s deliberate destruction of the flame for the sake of rights. In this way, the Akiyama family will definitely be attacked by the people of the entire Kanto and Johto regions. ”

The two female kings, Konah and Rika, said Ha Sakura’s plan one after the other. The men present were thinking, why. I can’t even compare to women.

“Cluck, this time I’m going to make the Akiyama family disappear completely. There is no place to die, and you must know that sooner or later you will have to pay it back. If you do a lot of evil, you will definitely be punished! Ha Sakura suddenly let out a silver bell-like laugh, but it made the people present sweat and chill their backs.

“That Sakura, now the flame is gone. What about the quartz convention of the Kanto Alliance? Xiao Mao shook his head and voiced his doubts.

Ha Sakura quickly returned to her former sweet little girl appearance, and said calmly: “To tell the truth, the news of the destruction of the sacred flame will come out. The Union sent out that the Quartz Conference was going on as usual, and that it was about to vigorously investigate the truth of the Holy Flame case. When the convention is over, I will challenge the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto. I think the Akiyama family will definitely come out when I am crowned. At that time, the people on both sides will definitely tear their faces, and at this time, we can show the evidence that the Akiyama family instructed people to destroy the sacred flame, and we can eliminate those uneasy and well-intentioned families and their henchmen on the charge of destroying the sacred flame and secretly conducting illegal experiments. ”

Everyone discussed it and all thought that Ha Sakura’s plan was good. It was unanimously decided to make the illusion that the flame was extinguished during this time, but it was actually with the help of Archie to collect evidence of the Akiyama family. Let Akiyamano and Akiyama Yuan let their guard down, and deal with Lehua Doya and Lehua Tawu in addition. And said that the mastermind behind the research on life energy is the Lehua family, which makes the illegal research of the Akiyama family even more rampant.

Leaving the conference room, Hazakura and Shigeru and the others returned to the players’ village. On the way, Asai Lingtian and Xiao Mao asked Yu Sakura at the same time: “It must be like this.” ”

“If the black sheep are not eliminated, the Kanto and Johto areas will never be peaceful. I know that the next task is very difficult, but how can I see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain! The world has always been dominated by the strong, and the king is defeated! ”

Hazakura replied.

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