After the Pokémon ate their energy cubes one after another at noon, Hazakura cleaned and packed up the dishes and chopsticks with the help of the vine whips of the two grass-based Pokémon, Myo Frog Flower and Monarch Snake, and continued to set off towards Light Red City.

It didn’t take long for the light red city to arrive. Hazakura first went to the Pokémon Center and asked Miss Joy for a separate room. In fact, every Pokémon Center has single rooms, but the number is limited. There are not many people in the Pokémon Center now, so Hazakura can live in that kind of single room.

Back in the room, Hazakura first went to the bathroom to take a shower. After camping in the wild for three days in a row, my body already felt sticky.

“Come out, Coco Dora, Charizard.” Hazakura throws a Pokéball, and Coco Dora runs forward as soon as she sees Hazakura. Because it is too heavy, Coco Dora takes every step. The ground was shaking violently, everything in the room was shaking.

“Charizard, don’t forget what you told you earlier. If it doesn’t work, don’t talk about the phoenix fruit. It’s that there are not even volcanic stones, remember no. Hazakura looked at Charizard, worried that it would relax. Coco Dora’s character is too naughty, if not well disciplined. The level increase that will be delayed, maybe its previous owner abandoned it, it also contains this factor.

“Roar! (No problem, master, Coco Dora will leave it to me.) You can prepare phoenix fruit for me. “Charizard is desperate to want phoenix fruits, however. Turning his head and glancing at Coco Dora, who amused himself, if he hadn’t trained it well. He has no phoenix fruit, not even the volcanic stone he usually absorbs.

PS: Volcanic stones are the same as the photosynthetic crystals mentioned earlier, but they can only be used by fire Pokémon.

“As long as you complete the task, the phoenix fruit will not be less than yours. Now take Coco Dora into the space, I will go in from time to time to take a look. If I don’t go, I will let other Pokémon see it for me, if I am lazy. I will exchange the spirit crystals used to exchange the phoenix fruit for the jade fruit to the magic frog flower. In the end, Yu Sakura did not forget to wake up the fire-breathing dragon.

“Roar, roar, roar! ~” Charizard nodded quickly, and then ran to the space with Coco Dora a puff of smoke.

“Is it so terrible, alas. Even if Coco Dora does not rise to the predetermined level, the phoenix fruit will not be less than Charizard. Maybe they’ll train harder. (Emerald fruit only grows deep in forests where Sherabi has lived for more than 100 years.) The seed needs the blood and energy of Sherabi to grow, and then watered with the water of the Lake of Life, which can increase the health and level of the grass Pokémon. )

The next day, in the forest on the outskirts of Light Red City, a blue-haired girl sat on the flower of a giant magic frog flower and looked at the map. Unlike other dojos, the Light Red Dojo is not built in Light Red City, but in the light red forest on the outskirts.

The owner of the Light Red Dojo Hall, Ah Ju, is a master of using poison Pokémon, according to the memories of Yu Ying’s previous life, this Orange will become the poison king of the Chengdu area in the future, and his current strength is definitely at the peak of the quasi-heavenly king, and the strength in the entire Kanto region is second only to Sakaki, the owner of the Tokiwa Dojo Hall, and the former fire king Xia Bo of the Red Lotus Dojo Hall.

Yesterday, Hazakura arrived at the Pokémon Center in Light Red City just after noon. But Hazakura didn’t go to the Light Red Dojo right away, Akira was a very serious person. Every time when facing trainers from Kanto and Johto. will play 100% of their strength, even if the challenger fails. He will also give guidance, which can be regarded as helping trainers in his hometown improve their strength in disguise.

Therefore, Hazakura uses a computer in the room of the Pokémon Center in Light Red City to find information about Orange on her computer. In the end, it was decided to use the three Pokémon of Coco Dora, Charizard and Magic Frogflower.

A rookie trainer in the Kanto region, Orange will definitely use his main Pokémon. Although he is also a quasi-king-level trainer, Miao Frog Flower is also a king-level Pokémon. But in experience, it is definitely not as good as Tang.

After releasing Coco Dora from the space, Hazakura couldn’t help but sigh secretly. It seems that this guy Charizard has worked hard for the phoenix fruit. Coco Dora’s armor density increased 2x in a month, from full peak to elite intermediate. After long-term high-intensity training, Coco Dora’s physical strength has also been fully improved. Now it is not a problem to fight against the Pokémon at the peak of the elite.

Hazakura is satisfied! After recovering the energy of the three Pokémon from Miss Joy, she left the Pokémon Center and began to search the Light Red Dojo in the forest.

“Whew! It’s not easy, I finally found it,” looking at the quaint big house in front of him, even with the full intelligent navigation of the Pokémon Guide, Hazakura searched for the forest for almost an hour to find it.

Putting away the mysterious frog flower, Hazakura pushed the door and entered. Just the moment she walked into the house, Hazakura suddenly stopped, and the system prompted that there was someone around her, it seemed to be Ayako, the sister of Orange in the original book. Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking air. Hazakura hid and found that it was actually a shuriken used by a ninja

A figure jumped down from the tree, “Welcome to the legendary ninja dojo, the Light Red Dojo, where the female ninja Ayako is involved!” A girl in a pink ninja suit appeared in front of Ha Sakura.

A puff of smoke appeared in front of the big tree on the side, and a man in a black ninja suit came out and said, “I am Ah Ju, the owner of the Light Red Dojo, and you are the challenger.” ”

“I’m Ha Sakura, a trainer from Shinshin Town, and your way of playing is really special.” Ha Sakura said with a smile on her face.

“Wow, do you really think our way of playing is fun. The previous trainers would be scared half to death by us every time, so many people didn’t like our Light Red Dojo. Your name is Ha Sakura, we will be friends in the future! After hearing Hazakura’s words, Ayako hugged Hazakura excitedly

“Okay, actually, as soon as you show up. There will be smoke, just get to know the Light Red Dojo before the challenge. I won’t be frightened by your sudden appearance at all, and I can only say that those trainers are too timid. Hazakura looked at Ayako with an excited face, there was nothing wrong with having one more friend. Ayako’s older brother, Orange is the future king of the Johto poison lineage.

“Ayako, it’s dojo competition time. It’s not too fast to go to the side to act as a referee. “Orange is glad that his sister has made a friend, because the Light Red Dojo is deep in the mountains. There are not many people who come to challenge, Ayako is a girl but has no friends, in fact, she has always been very lonely.

“The rules of our Light Red Dojo are 3VS3, presumably Miss Hazakura is also a strong trainer, and I won’t say much about the rest of the challenge rules. So the first Pokémon, go on, the last moth! Orange said and released his first Pokémon.

PS: Orange in the anime started with a hairball and later evolved into a moth in a match with Ash, but I set up to fight the main team of Orange with the protagonist!

“The first punishment of Charizard is up to you first, try the depth of the other party,” Hazakura said as he released Charizard. Ah Ju will be the Four Heavenly Kings of Chengdu in the future, and his current strength is the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly King, and his rich experience must not be rash!

“Roar!” Charizard roared, and a row of wings came to the field.

“End into the moth, use the insect song!”

“Charizard, roar!” Almost at the same time, the command voice of Hazakura and Ah Ju sounded.

The chirping of insects and the roar of dragons form a noisy entanglement on the field!

“The coping method is very good, the last moth will be followed by a silver whirlwind!” Orange looked at the other side with his hands on his shoulders with a serious expression, completely lacking the gentleness he had just communicated with Ayako, and trainers like this were often the most difficult to deal with.

The silvery-white whirlwind carried the poisonous powder from the Moth’s body towards Charizard.

“Look how you deal with the poisonous powder in the field!” Ah Ju thought to himself.

“Charizard, Flame Vortex!” Ha Sakura frowned slightly, watching the poisonous powder in the sky sweep in with the direction of the wind.

“It’s not good, it’s still poisoned,” Ha Sakura’s face changed, and the fire-breathing dragon began to appear poisoned, and his breathing became rapid. Even if the maximum range of flame vortexes is used, it still can’t solve all the poisonous powder.

Ayako, who is the referee on the side, is a little worried about her friend, but she knows how strong the strength of her eldest brother Orange is, especially the poisonous powder of the last moth.

The physical consumption of Charizard in the poisoned state will be very large, and if there is no way to solve it, it is likely to be consumed by the other party, since this is the case, it can only use the suppression of the level with the other party. “Charizard wraps his whole body with flames, cooperates with divine speed, and uses flame assault!” Hazakura shouted.

Charizard did not hesitate in the slightest, it was well aware of its current disadvantages, and with its mouth open, a scorching flame quickly filled its whole body.

“Oh my God!” Ayako on the edge of the field covered her mouth in disbelief, the Moth who had just taken the advantage was actually killed by the other party in a blink of an eye, although he was surprised, but he still understood what his current duties were.

“The last moth loses its ability to fight, and the wind speed dog wins!”

“Miss Hazakura is really powerful! I didn’t expect that your fire-breathing dragon would actually use such a perfect skill, and it was definitely a king-level Pokémon. Ah Ju said with a generous smile.

“The strength of the Orange Hall Master is also quite strong, I have also fought 5 dojos before, and the strength of the Orange Hall Master is also the best in the entire Kanto region, and the poison Pokémon are quite difficult,” Ha Sakura also responded with a smile.

“Since you won the first round, then this next Pokémon is also one of my main players Oh, you have to be careful, come out, big-mouthed bat.”

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