Hazakura walked towards Tokiwa City with her new partner, Myoji Frog Seed, and arrived in front of a forest.

“It seems that this is where Ash meets the flaming finch.” Hazakura thought so. In fact, the evolution of Bobo and Flaming Sparrow is better than that of Eagle and Bigmouth Finch. Just make them obey each other, and since they think of it, they will do it. At this time, the system jumps up with a task: to subdue a flaming sparrow and a bobo. 50 spirit crystals.

This made Hazakura even more motivated, and she walked towards the depths of the woods. After a while, I saw a flock of flaming finches. The head has a white hair and powerful limbs. It is a glitter Pokémon that is very valuable for cultivation.

“Well, that’s it. Go for it, Magic Frog Seed. Hazakura called out the Magic Frog Seed, and the leader of the Flaming Sparrow also spotted her. An electric flint was cast towards the Magic Frog Seed.

Ha Sakura immediately called: “Miao Frog seed, quickly dodge.” Use a vine whip to grab the flaming finch. “Seed Seed” Magic Frog Seed jumped to the left, dodged the electric flint, and used the vine whip. However, the vine whip was dodged by the flaming finch, and it used a peck attack with a dive.

“It’s not good, it’s a pecking attack, and the magic frog seed uses hypnotic powder.” After speaking, a burst of yellowish powder was released from the huge seed behind the seed. After a while, the sparrow fell asleep. Hazakura is afraid that Flaming Sparrow wakes up and continues to attack the Magic Frog Seed, a Pokémon of the Flying System. It has a restraining effect on grassy frog seeds.

After a while, the flaming sparrow did not wake up. Yu Sakura then threw out the Pokéball, and the Flaming Sparrow struggled a few times. The baby ball glowed red and was successfully subdued.

Hazakura released the Flaming Sparrow again, and now the Flaming Sparrow is completely obedient. There was no heat in the eyes. Hazakura scanned the flaming sparrow with the system. It was found that this flaming finch was already mature and advanced, if it were not for the hypnotic powder of the magic frog seed. It was impossible for Ha Sakura to take it at all.

There is also a Bobo, as long as this task is completed. Get 50 spirit crystals, plus the spirit crystals collected before using daddy’s Katy dog to complete some small tasks. There are more than 500 of them, and you should be able to exchange them for some props that can help the seeds of the frog. Moreover, the characteristics of the flaming sparrow are acceleration and sniper, and it must be a good Pokémon after training well to evolve into a large-mouthed finch. Hazakura thought to herself and withdrew the flaming sparrow.

Hazakura continued to walk forward, and she heard Bobo’s call. However, she noticed that the grass made some noises. When I got closer, I saw that it was a badly injured eagle. Seeing this, Yu Sakura understood that this was supposed to be a failure to challenge the leader of the Eagle. Those who were expelled from the ethnic group.

Taking the wound medicine and bandages out of the backpack, Hazakura began to heal Hikaku. However, Hidao doesn’t seem to believe Hazakura. A dangerous voice came out of her throat, and she had to say in a soft voice: “Bidiao, don’t be afraid.” I’m not going to hurt you. Then quickly bandaged Bidiao’s wound. After a few days, the eagle was restored. Hazakura also left Hikaku’s lair and left the woods.

She saw Tokiwa City and felt indescribable joy in her heart. She has been shuttling through the woods these days, except for big trees and big trees. Of course, including green caterpillars and Bobo who are everywhere in the entire Pokémon world.

Suddenly, she saw a bijord. The important thing is that the injured eagle at that time. Hiyo landed in front of Hazakura and rubbed his head against her.

“You want to travel with me.” Ha Sakura looked at the eagle, completely advanced. Same as Daddy’s Katy dog. Without the training of trainers, it is no wonder that the evolution to the final form has not yet reached the elite level. “Than ~ than.” “Great, go ahead. Pokéballs. “The baby ball hits the eagle and emits a red light. Those who did not resist were subdued.

“Congratulations, you completed the system task— Flaming Sparrow and Bobo. And captured the evolutionary type of Bobo. Get 80 spirit crystals, one free lottery. ”

“Great.” She entered the system store and began to browse the products inside. Soon, she found a prop called “photosynthetic crystal”. Increases the attack and defense of grass Pokémon by 20%. However, this item costs 550 spirit crystals. If you buy it, the spirit crystals that Yu Sakura has accumulated will almost run out. However, the Magic Frog Seed now needs this prop.

Hazakura gritted her teeth and bought it, and a crystal with a soft glow of pale green appeared in her hand. Hazakura called out the Myo Frog Seed, and the Myo Frog Seed happily threw itself into Ha Sakura’s arms as soon as she saw the photosynthetic crystal. Ha Sakura did not hang its appetite and placed it in front of the mysterious frog seed. Soon, the photosynthetic crystallization turned into a green mass of light that melted into the body of the Miao frog seed. It instantly cried out happily, and Hazakura also leaned over and stroked the mysterious frog seed.

The system scanned the Miao Frog seeds and found that the level of the Miao Frog seeds was completely early. It will soon evolve into a magic frog grass. However, the practical experience of the magic frog seed is not much. Hazakura thought for a moment and decided to go back to the woods to do some training for the three Pokémon. Then go to Tokiwa City to replenish some Pokémon food and necessary medicines.

After making a decision, Hazakura returned to the woods. Return to the clearing where you just met Bidiao. Frog seeds, flaming finches and eagles were released.

“Guys, now we’re training in this woods. Magic frog seeds, you and the flaming finches in a group. You just absorbed photosynthetic crystals. Although the level has increased a lot, you have too little actual combat experience. Now, you have to constantly “peck” at the frog seeds. Enhance the power of pecking. Frog Seed, on the other hand, has to avoid all attacks and can’t use any skills to counterattack. This way your speed and defense can be effectively improved. Speed is your biggest flaw after evolving into a magic frog, and you must overcome it. Hazakura said to the Seeds of the Frog and the Flaming Sparrow.

“Seeds.” “Lie.” (I don’t know what the call of the flaming sparrow is, so let’s use it like this.) After answering, the side of the open space where he ran began to train his speed and attack.

After seeing the Myo Frog Seeds and starting to train, Hazakura took out a few stones from the space and polished them into circles. He said to Bidiao: “Bidiao, you have evolved into your final form.” Skills have also been learned a lot, now all you have to do is strengthen your skills and physical strength. This is my custom-made weight equipment, take it with me for training. Over time, your skills and physique will advance by more than one step. In fact, Ha Sakura was also afraid that Biyao would give up because of the hardship of training after hearing her words, but there was only firmness and trust in Biyan’s eyes. There was not a hint of fear or withdrawal. This made Hazakura feel very gratified.

After helping Hikao put on the weight ring, Hazakura let it start flying around the woods. At the same time, she herself was not idle. I took out a simple jump rope made of vines and started my physical training.

Soon, the sun was setting. The sky also gradually darkened, and Hazakura called back the three Pokémon. After a day of training, the body of the frog seed was full of wounds from being attacked. The other two were no better, their originally smooth feathers turned gray, and the eagle was scratched by the branches.

Seeing this, Hazakura took out the topical medicine from her backpack. Start bandaging the wounds of Pokémon. The next day, the Pokémon were back to health. This made Hazakura have to admire the medical development of this world, after making a simple breakfast with tree fruits. I started to put myself into new training.

A few weeks later, Hazakura and her Pokémon began to head towards Tokiwa again.

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