Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 426, Team Rocket in action

Boom boom boom——

Mewtwo, who went completely berserk, had no reservations and released his super powers without any scruples, directly knocking away all humans who were close to him, including those super-powered elves.

Chaomeng completely fell into madness. The alloy walls of the laboratory were overwhelmed. Various numerical tables exploded instantly. All glass instruments exploded. The flames soaring into the sky burned fiercely, drowning Chaomeng's figure...

But Chaomeng just raised his hand gently, his eyes emitted blue light, and directly dispersed the flames. Chaomeng, who went completely berserk, was like a no-man's land, unstoppable in the institute, killing wherever he went.

Until the entire Chaomeng Research Institute was blown into ruins, and all the buildings on the surface of the new island were also blown into ruins by Chaomeng.

Even Dr. Fuji, who wanted to escape in a submarine from underground, as well as the scientists, researchers, and some combatants, all knew whether they were alive or dead.

The submarine was pulled out of the sea by telekinesis and smashed on the ruins of the new island. It was controlled by Mewtwo's telekinesis and was smashed more than ten times. It was not until the submarine deformed and exploded, bursting into flames, that Mewtwo stopped.

As Mewtwo was flying in the air, the blue light in his eyes was even brighter, and his whole body was emitting blue light. His super power rolled up the sea water around the island, forming an extreme celestial phenomenon of dragons sucking water.

The clear sky has long since disappeared, and has been covered by dark clouds. The hurricane created by Chaomeng is still spreading in all directions.

No one can stop Chaomeng who is completely out of control. Only when Chaomeng has vented enough will he calm down.

Extreme weather such as tornadoes and hurricanes suddenly broke out in this sea area. No one could get close to it. Only the rampaging Chaomeng remained here.

At this moment, a passenger ship was sailing on the sea. It was the passenger ship that Ukai was on. The passengers on the ship put down their things and looked at the sudden change of weather on Niijima. A large black cloud was quickly approaching the passenger ship.

Panic quickly spread on the ship, but the captain's voice came over the radio, asking all passengers to go back to their rooms and close the doors and windows to avoid being blown away by the hurricane. The ship was moving away from the sea area where the hurricane occurred. If they could not get away, the ship would be destroyed and everyone would die. end.

At the same time, Team Rocket headquarters in the Kanto region has received news that Niijima Mewtwo Research Institute has lost contact. The last news received was that the experimental subjects were out of control and all evacuees were lost...

"Boss, Niijima has lost contact..." Sakaki's secretary, Shintori, was reporting on the unexpected situation.

"When did it happen?" Sakaki sat behind his desk without turning his chair. No one knew what Sakaki was thinking.

"Half an hour ago, news came from the scientists on the island that the experimental subject Chaomeng lost control and caused chaos. They are evacuating, but now even the evacuating scientists have lost contact..."

"Maybe something went wrong during the evacuation. It seems that Chaomeng is more powerful than I thought. Are there any witnesses nearby?"

"Yes, there is a passenger ship in the nearby waters, uh... it's a passenger ship of our shipping company," Zhentiao was a little embarrassed when he received the distress signal from the passenger ship. He didn't expect that the ship nearby was his own ship.

"Notify the captain of the ship and ask him to cooperate. Find someone to pretend to be a pirate, take control of the ship, seize everyone's electronic equipment, especially equipment that can take pictures and videos, and destroy them all..."

"Okay, boss..." Shintori recorded what Sakaki told him, and quickly informed the people below to get ready. They can set off at any time.

"By the way, who is free now? Let him go to that ship to finish..."

"Boss, Kazuki who is holding an exhibition match in the nearby sea is free..." Shintori immediately called up the information of the undercover Kazuki, and finishing this kind of thing can just add to Kazuki's political achievements.

"It's just him. You should also be prepared. After the waters around the new island calm down, we will go there by helicopter. The pirates can go there first..."

"Yes, boss," Shinori received Sakaki's order and immediately went down to make arrangements. They were very pressed for time and had to deal with this matter before the alliance could react.

On the ship, Ukai had been awakened by the noise on the ship. After pacifying the hypnotized and somewhat frightened little Ai in the nightmare world, he woke up on the first-class ship.

As soon as he woke up, he saw the dark clouds outside the floor-to-ceiling window and the falling lightning. The stool outside the window had already flown to nowhere.

"Darkrai, is that where we just went?" Yuhai thought of Mewtwo. After all, it was still sunny and sunny before he went to bed, but when he woke up, the situation suddenly changed. Who else could have done it if it wasn't Mewtwo.

"Yes, I can feel it. The spiritual energy over there is very violent. It must be it. It's really terrifying. What exactly is it?"

Even Darkrai couldn't help sighing. They seemed to be in big trouble. They had never seen such a terrifying celestial phenomenon. It was actually caused by an elf. It has its share of pretentiousness.

"That is a monster created by humans. This matter is not something we can get involved in. The ship is moving away from the center of the storm. It will be fine." Yuhai comforted himself and the elves in this way. He knew it was useless, but he still Can't help but think about it.

However, he did not think that he had done anything wrong that caused Chaomeng to lose control and run wild.

Even if he doesn't transfer Xiao Ai's soul consciousness, Xiao Ai will disappear and Chaomeng will lose control. This is not something that can be changed by what he does or doesn't do. He is not that capable yet.

Chaomeng's rampage was something he couldn't stop or change...

Humans created Mewtwo, and it was Mewtwo who possessed such powerful power, but he was kept in a cage and raised by humans. He had no companions, no normal group activities like other elves, and no knowledge of the world.

He doesn't know how to interact with other elves, nor do he understand emotions such as like, hate, tears, etc. He doesn't have the worries of getting food, and he doesn't know what rewards and punishments are.

The only people who can interact with each other every day are Xiao Ai and the three cloned Yu Sanjia. Xiao Ai is just a child and has not formed any three views. The three cloned Yu Sanjia are even more blank slates and don’t know anything.

Chaomeng now breaks out of the cage and sees the outside world. He doesn't even know who he is. He must kill first to determine his position in the food chain.

This is the disadvantage of cloned creatures. Yuhai didn't know much about it before, but he had watched Jurassic World in his previous life. In that movie, there was a genetically fused monster Tyrannosaurus rex. It was similar to Mewtwo's situation and had a sense of self-awareness. doubt.

But Chaomeng could still make friends like Xiao Ai, but the Tyrannosaurus Rex was much miserable. The Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't know anything, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex did what it did out of ignorance, and was eventually bitten to death by the Mosasaurus.

Like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Chaomeng also had questions about his self-understanding...

In Maslow's need theory, physiological needs are the lowest and most basic needs of organisms, including food, water, oxygen, rest time, the need for sexual expression, and the need for tension relief.

Basic physiological needs must be met before any other needs come into play. If basic physiological needs are urgent, other needs will be suppressed and will basically not affect the behavior of the organism.

Just like his desert island survival, survival is his biggest need. He needs food, water, and partners to relieve his loneliness.

But as an adult, he has a complete view of the world to help him understand the world, can self-regulate his mental state, and can sustain it long enough without falling into madness.

The most important reason why people are called people is that they have the ability to self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the process of knowing the world after human beings are born. At first, they use their mouths, then they use their eyes, and then they learn new knowledge.

Whether it is a human or an elf, the first step in understanding the world is the mouth, which is what biological needs drive newborns to do.

Using your mouth allows you to know what you can and cannot eat, what is delicious and what is not. This is also the process by which all newborns learn about the world.

During this process, if there are elders around, the newborn's mistakes will be corrected, as will animals.

After Chaomeng was born, there was no need to fight or fight to meet his physiological needs. There was nutrient solution every day to satisfy Chaomeng.

In the process of growing up, Chaomeng only had Xiao Ai and three Yusanjia. He had no elders to teach him how to grow up, and no elf group of his own. He only knew that he was an elf, but what was an elf?

In an environment of confinement, isolation, inability to communicate with more of the same kind, and an abnormally healthy environment...

Chaomeng couldn't determine who he was, couldn't determine where he was in the food chain, and had no sense of belonging to the group. He could only feel a trace of warmth from Xiao Ai.

The newly born Chaomeng didn't know how strong he was. The first thing he needed to do was to establish his position in the food chain. Originally, the first thing he did was to find Xiao Ai, but the human attack angered Chaomeng and made Chaomeng angry. Mewtwo forgot about this.

In addition to Mewtwo's need to determine his position in the food chain, what factors would make Mewtwo behave in ways that harm other creatures?

The answer is the next need after physiological needs, safety needs…

The first thing Mewtwo saw were humans and some telepathic elves. After being beaten away by Team Rocket's battle team, Mewtwo might have been scared for a moment.

But Chaomeng, who went berserk, quickly eliminated his fear and even lost his mind. This can be regarded as a kind of self-protection. Chaomeng needs all the power to protect himself.

Moreover, Chaomeng will soon discover that these humans and elves are vulnerable, and it gradually discovers that it has powerful power that can override everything in the new island.

Like newborns, they like to bite everything. Destruction is one reason, and it is the process of understanding the world, but Mewtwo's destructive power is much greater than that of newborns.

At that time, Mewtwo needed all the power to protect himself, including his own sanity, and what he wanted to find was not as important as his own safety needs, so the Niijima Research Institute exploded like this.

As soon as Chaomeng begins to understand the real world, it needs to face the challenges of physiological needs and safety needs. In order to survive, it must face attacks from humans and other elves.

It can be seen that Chaomeng really tried his best to survive. At that time, Chaomeng needed a child psychologist, not some bullshit scientists and researchers.

The reason why other elves and humans do not have this situation is because other humans and elves can get the most basic physiological needs, safety needs, and even social needs as soon as they are born...

There is a healthy, normal elf society, or human society. Every newly born human and elf will have a clear positioning of self-awareness after generating self-awareness, but artificial Mewtwo does not.

It cannot be said that there is no such thing. It can only be said that those scientists are only thinking about cloning research and have not considered the psychological state of newborns at all.

They thought that a man-made mythical beast like Chaomeng was born omniscient and omnipotent, so it did not need the guidance of the day after tomorrow, which led to Chaomeng's rampage. It can only be said that those scientists had too high a view of Chaomeng.

A Mewtwo who has doubts about his self-understanding, a Mewtwo who doesn't know who he is, and a Mewtwo who doesn't know where he is, would be weird if he doesn't go berserk.

This is also the reason why Master Zhi's mouth escape can wake up Mewtwo. At that time, Mewtwo had already gained self-awareness, but because he first came into contact with Team Rocket and witnessed the evil deeds of Team Rocket, he hated human beings. .

In the end, Chaomeng discovered that humans are not all Team Rocket, and there is also Master Zhi who dedicated his life to the elves. Later, he resurrected Master Zhi who was killed and erased his memory.

This is the grown-up Mewtwo. At this time, Mewtwo can communicate. Before this, Mewtwo was just a blank sheet of paper with no concept of good and evil. After all, he didn’t even have self-awareness. It was too difficult to understand good and evil. It’s so embarrassing for Chaomeng.

Then why didn't he fool Mewtwo?

Forget it, he is not a good person to begin with, why should he attract the hatred of Mewtwo and the hatred of Team Rocket.

Let Team Rocket attract all of Mewtwo's hatred, and it won't be too late to fool Mewtwo after he has gained self-awareness. Although Mewtwo at that time was not easy to fool, he had Mewtwo's only bond in his hands.

Smart people know how to choose in order to maximize their profits, instead of facing the two big terrors of Mewtwo and Team Rocket, who may lose their lives at any time.

It's impossible to say that he doesn't covet Chaomeng, but his abilities are limited. He knows that he can't conquer Chaomeng, and even being friends is difficult...

But with Xiao Ai, he can influence Chaomeng through Xiao Ai, and then he can gradually figure out Chaomeng, instead of just fooling him as soon as he comes up. If he really treats others as a fool, he will really become a fool himself.

In addition to the unhappiness in the past life, the second reason for saving Xiao Ai is to make it easier to conquer the future Mewtwo. After all, Mewtwo is a beast that can compete with the first-level gods. It would be a waste to leave it wandering around outside.

It's better to let Xiao Ai continue to deepen Mewtwo's bond and become his helper in the future. In the future, he is likely to have to face all the powerful people in the Orange Islands, almost fighting alone.

If things cannot be done, he is not that stupid. He will choose to lie down and be too lazy to change anything. So what if he is the trainer of the King. The Orange Islands do not lack the King, let alone him.

As for Xiao Ai's disappearance and Chaomeng's rampage, it did not exceed his expectations. It was something he had expected...

Apart from the initial surprise, he quickly regained his composure, but a series of changes that followed would disrupt his original plan.

Whether he can successfully reach the Kanto area, Zhenxin Town, and the place where the trainer's dream begins is unknown...

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