Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 252, You don’t want your grandson to be on the run, right?

Chapter 252, You don’t want your grandson to flee the world, right?

"Xiaoying, look quickly, are there any clothes like this?" After Yuhai realized that the super-powered young man was an undercover agent, he probably had accomplices, and there was more than one member of Team Rocket undercover.

The two of them rummaged through all the clothes and miscellaneous items, but neither of them found the second set of black uniforms. It seemed that among the four people, only the young man with super powers was an undercover agent.

It is very likely that every small boss of the casino thugs is an undercover agent of the Rockets, recruiting peripheral members of the Rockets in the casino. After the Rockets take over the black market, they will also have ready-made tools and people to use.

Judging from the strength of the super-powered young man, the opponent is probably a team leader-level member. Considering that the opponent has super powers, he is likely to be trained as an elite talent by the Rockets. They seem to be in big trouble!


Realizing that what they had killed was probably an elite undercover agent of Team Rocket, Yuhai took a deep breath. He must run away, so he would do everything he could before running away.

He was going to find that old fox, the old man, to discuss with the old man and let him expose the other undercover Rockets in the casino.

If the old man doesn't do it, he will run away. If Junsha doesn't do anything after the old man reveals it, he will run away too.

Even the city didn't take any action, which means that the expose of the Rockets undercover was intercepted by other Rockets undercovers, and there were other Rockets undercovers in the city.

There was also a more terrifying guess that he didn't even dare to think about, which was that Team Rocket had infiltrated the city into a sieve, just like the Kanto and Johto areas in the previous animations.

In an area, half of the gym leaders are undercover agents of Team Rocket, and half of the Four Heavenly Kings are also undercover agents of Team Rocket. There are undercover agents of Team Rocket everywhere. What a fool the alliance is!

"Don't panic, put away the clothes. We are going to find your grandpa now. We will give the clothes to your grandpa later and throw away all other clothes and sundries." Yuhai knew that there was still time to operate, so he did not panic and was also comforting the little boy. Ying, don't panic.

It had only been four hours since the four kills in the villa, and the Rockets hadn't been able to find out about them so quickly, so he still had time to run away.

Whether he runs or not depends on the old man's attitude and the actions of the Junsha Police Station in the city. He decides whether to run or not. Otherwise, it would be a pity to lose the basic base that Xiaoying has managed to build.

Xiaoying was also frightened by the Rockets. After hearing the name of the Rockets, Xiaoying checked a lot of information about the Rockets, and then she realized how scary the Rockets are.

The Team Rocket member they killed in a sneak attack was just a squad leader, but he had such strength. What a powerful trainer he would be if he were a captain, or even a Team Rocket cadre.

He also knew that the matter was urgent and serious. Brother Hai definitely wanted to discuss this matter with his grandfather, and now he could only let his grandfather handle it.

Taking out Team Rocket's clothes was something neither of them expected. If Grandpa didn't deal with it, he would have expected that the time he spent with Ukai would only be this morning.

Not only did Ukai want to escape, he and his grandfather also had to hide to avoid the limelight.

After the two of them packed their things and took back all the elves, they came to the door of the villa and locked the door. They took a taxi and left the villa with their large and small bags and rushed to the Sailor Bar.

Not long after, the car stopped at the back door of the Sailor Bar. Yuhai and the two entered the bar and went straight to the private room on the second floor. Both of them knew that the old man was in the private room.

The two people arrived in a hurry and opened the door in a hurry. They opened the private room door without saying hello and did not alert the old man in the private room at all. The old man was also frightened awake by the anxious two people.

"You guys came here so early?" When the old man heard the sound of the door opening, he quickly turned over and sat up, looking at Yuhai and Xiaoying who were in a hurry, feeling that something had happened to these two people.

"Old man, deal with these elves for me first." Yuhai did not directly tell the story about Team Rocket's undercover, but asked Xiaoying to take out ten elves for the old man to evaluate.

If we talk about Team Rocket first, the elves will not be sold by then. It is better to run away with a small amount of money than to take the elves with them.

"Elves? Ten? Could it be?" When the old man saw Xiaoying taking out ten elves, he already guessed that Yuhai and the two must have snatched the two people in the photo last night.

"Hmm, Gemstone Starfish?" The old man picked up the elf ball. The moment he saw the Gemstone Starfish, he looked at Yukai in confusion. Among the information he investigated, there was no information about this elf. Could it be...

"Old man, it's just what you think. I was almost attacked by this elf last night," Yuhai said, thinking about it now, he was still a little scared. The fact that this gem starfish could hold it in the swimming pool for so long must have been under the orders of the super-powered young man. .

"This was my mistake. Were you injured?" The old man admitted his negligence. He also knew the danger of missing information. Fortunately, Yuhai was fine, and everything else was easy to talk about.

"How dare you say that that guy is actually a person with super powers, and you didn't even find out through investigation?" Yuhai became suspicious again, feeling that the old man was cheating him.

But after thinking about it, it was impossible. After all, the old man's grandson was by his side, and it was impossible for the old man to cheat his own grandson.

"A person with super powers?" When the old man heard this, he was even more confused. He didn't believe it for the first time and turned to look at his grandson.

After seeing the little grandson nodding silently, he calmed down and thought about it. If he really didn't find this information, then this person had hidden it too deeply.

He didn't find the superpowers, he didn't find the gem starfish, and he didn't even find the safe house in the villa. He began to have doubts about his subordinates' ability to do things.

"Where did you do it?" the old man asked curiously.

"A seaside villa in the west of the city," Xiaoying added.

"Villa?" When the old man heard this address, he also realized that he had made a major mistake. How could those people be in the villa? How could the super-powered young man have super powers? He even hid a gem starfish. There was never a gem. Starfish shot records.

A series of major mistakes also made the old man feel worried for Xiaoying and the others. He really didn't know how they killed those people.

"The villa is where gambling dogs are kept in casinos. Didn't you watch the news?" Seeing that the old man didn't know anything, Yuhai immediately picked up the remote control and turned on the TV in the private room.

The TV was turned on, and the news of this morning was also broadcast on the TV. The kidnapping case of Junsha Police Station rescuing the villa hostages. Four of the dead were mentioned in one sentence, and the spider robber was not mentioned at all.

In the news, the achievements of the police department are promoted, and the credit for rescuing the hostages belongs to the police department. After all, they cannot promote a robber.

"What did you do?" After watching the news, the old man asked Yuhai and Xiaoying in front of him, but the focus was still on his grandson.

"I called the police when I left," Xiaoying nodded and accepted the matter.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and quickly see how much these elves are worth," Yuhai was pressed for time. After dividing the money, he had to decide as soon as possible whether to leave or stay.

"Okay, okay," the old man stopped writing. It's not too late to ask about important things later. He could also see that Yuhai was anxious, as if something was chasing him behind him, so he urged him as soon as he came in.

"This gemstone starfish costs 4.5 million, and the puff pig costs 7 million. Someone just wants to acquire this kind of elf. The coconut egg tree costs 4.5 million." The old man took out an instrument to detect the energy level of the elf, similar to what the golden fat man used. Something that comes out.

The three most valuable elves were tested one by one, two at the senior level and one at the elite level, and the valuations of the three elves were given.

Seeing that Yuhai had no objection, the old man continued to pick up the Poké Ball of the Owl and test it, "The Owl has two million, the Bamboo Mushroom has two and a half million, and the Monkey Monster has one and a half million. What do you think?"

Yuhai thought for a while and felt that the price of Pupu Pig could still increase. After all, it was a super-powered elf, but it was acceptable to sell it for seven million. You must know that the quasi-king Gyarados and Big-mouthed Bat he took out last time were also Only seven million.

There are also gem starfish and coconut egg trees, which are almost the same as the gravity starfish they bought. This is probably the difference between elf cubs and adult elves.

The reason why elf pups are expensive is that the pups are the most malleable and the most valuable. Elves with traces of their trainers are difficult to tame again, and their value is greatly reduced, so they can only be bought back and bred.

If the elf cub is Larulus, then there will be more than seven million. This kind of elf can evolve into Eluredo, which is very popular here. It has both superpowers and fighting systems, almost the same as blue. Big dogs for one price.

As for the gem starfish and coconut egg tree, which also have superpowers, why they are not as valuable as the puff pig probably has something to do with the attributes of the elves.

Pupu Pig is a single attribute super power elf, while the second attribute of Gem Starfish and Coconut Egg Tree is super power attribute.

In terms of superpowers alone, they are definitely not as strong as Pupu Pig, who specializes in superpower attributes.

Moreover, the evolution of gem starfish and coconut egg tree requires evolution stones. This also increases the cost of cultivating elves, but it cannot increase the selling price of these two elves, which is very messed up.

It's like the evolution stone is valuable, but loses value after use. It's just as fucked up.

However, he finally wanted to add more money: "How about another one million?"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you two million more as compensation for my intelligence errors." The old man did not refuse Yuhai's increase, but instead took the initiative to increase it by one million.

"Ten elves, totaling 24 million, the remaining four worthless elves, the giant claw crab, the lobster soldier, and the two giant needle bees were given to me." The old man stood up and lifted up the sofa cushion, took out the There was a lot of cash under the cushion, and he took out 24 million from under the sofa and gave it to Yuhai, and also took away ten elves.

The old man also knew that Xiaoying would also get a share of the money, so he did not be stingy with his increase in price. After all, it didn't matter how much he added, half of it belonged to his grandson.

Yuhai did not stop the old man from taking away the remaining four elves. He also knew that the four elves were worthless.

Whether it's giant claw crabs, lobster soldiers, or giant needle bees, these elves are everywhere in the forest, on the beach, and on the beach.

Elves can be seen everywhere and can be caught at any time. Almost no one will buy these elves, except for the breeding houses that trap the elves and sell them for money.

After getting 24 million, Yuhai gave half of it to Xiaoying, who took 12 million.

His total income this time was more than fifteen million, which was not bad.

When he puts the money into his backpack and puts it together with the previous balance of more than 20 million, his current balance is: 34,127,000 (more than 34 million)

After counting the money in the bank card, it was more than 50 million, which was more than 2 million in currency in his previous life. He had never had so much money.

In this world, as long as you dare to fight with your life, you can make money really fast!

Yu Hai couldn't help but sigh secretly, this was all a small amount of money that he had exchanged for his life.

After collecting the money, Yuhai asked Xiaoying to take out the black uniform: "Xiaoying, take out the clothes."

"Old man, the young man with super powers we killed was Team Rocket's undercover agent in the casino. How should we deal with this matter?"

"What? Undercover?" The old man was still in the joy of making millions, but he didn't expect Wang Zha to be taken out by Xiaoying, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

How could that young man be an undercover agent of Team Rocket, but this dress couldn't be fake, and Xiaoying couldn't lie to an old man like this, so it should be true.

"Old man, my idea is to report the undercover Rockets in the casino and let Junsha handle the matter. Do you think it's feasible?" Yuhai saw that the old man was frightened, but he didn't care about the old man's surprise and kept to himself. Talking about how to deal with it.

"No," the old man rejected Yuhai's proposal without thinking. He didn't want to take the risk, but he couldn't help it now.

"Old man, once the Rockets investigate the cause of this man's death, what we did last night will definitely be found out by the Rockets. The Rockets' team leader was killed by us, and the Rockets will definitely come to hunt us down. You don't want to watch either. Xiaoying will go on the run with me, right?"

"The top priority now is to report the casino. The casino is probably the stronghold of Team Rocket. Only by letting Junsha take over Team Rocket in the casino can we attract all the attention of Team Rocket. The death of the young man with super powers can also be transferred to the police station... "

"Let me think about it," the old man looked at Xiaoying, who was a little scared. He knew that the trouble the two of them were making this time was a bit big. If one of them couldn't handle it well, he would have to run away.

Now he finally knew why Yuhai was in such a hurry. It turned out that he was in a hurry to run away.

If he didn't accept the report here, he was sure that this life-loving boy would run away immediately without hesitation.

"Old man, don't forget about the underground black market. It's probably already in the hands of the Rockets. When the Rockets react, they won't have time to report..."

In fact, Yuhai said that the casino is the Rockets stronghold and the underground black market is in the hands of the Rockets, which are uncertain things.

He didn't know the situation in the casino and the black market. He was using it to scare the old man. Whether he could scare him or not was another matter. It was better than being afraid.

This guy has to push hard, otherwise he will never know how much he loves his little grandson.

However, he guessed that the casino was probably just infiltrated, not a Rocket stronghold, otherwise there would not be two locals, the Brawny Brothers, unless those two brothers also joined the Rockets.

If it was a stronghold instead of an undercover agent, the super-powered young man wouldn't have been able to compromise before, but was thinking about how to kill him.

And the current black market is like a black box. I guess the old man doesn’t even know what the black market is like, let alone him.

His guess was correct. The old man did not know the situation of the black market because the black market was under martial law and no one was allowed to enter.

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