Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 188, Hanhan’s outbreak

"Quack," the green onion duck looked at the elves who were watching, holding the duck's neck, refusing to pass.

In the end, Ukai kicked Slowmon, and Slowmon pulled him over.

Slowpoke pulled the Green Onion Duck to Keiko, and did not let go. It kept pulling the Green Onion Duck, and even took away the green onions from the Green Onion Duck's wings.

Slowpoke knew that the Green Onion Duck hated humans, so in order to prevent the Green Onion Duck from hurting the woman being massaged, it had no choice but to do this.

Seeing this, Ukai saw the confusion on Keiko's face, and hurriedly came over and patted the green onion duck's head, but the green onion duck raised its wings and slapped it away.

He smiled and explained to Miss Keiko: "I'm sorry, Green Onion Duck is having a tantrum. There are still fifteen minutes left. You can just give this little guy a massage..."

"I understand," Keiko nodded understandingly and began to massage the green onion duck. The green onion duck no longer resisted and silently lay down and enjoyed it.

Just now, Green Onion Duck saw other elves being massaged, and they all looked very comfortable. Of course, it also wanted it, but it couldn't open its mouth.

Unexpectedly, Yukai arranged for it to experience it for fifteen minutes. Even Slowpoke did not have such an arrangement.

It couldn't help but feel that this human being wasn't that bad. After all, this was not the way food should be treated.

Seeing that Green Onion Duck didn't mean to hurt anyone, Yu Hai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was testing Green Onion Duck's attitude and breaking through Green Onion Duck's bottom line little by little.

Today's Scallion Duck is much better than before. He doesn't have the idea of ​​​​striking someone at the first meeting. He knows how to tolerate, how to hide his clumsiness, and how to accept...

It was such a green onion duck. Why didn't Yuhai release it or eat it?

Why do you have to subdue such a disobedient green onion duck? After all, the potential is not very high...

In fact, the reason is also very simple. If there is a free Yusanjia in front of him, he will also conquer it, not just the green onion duck.

The reason why he conquered the duck was because he saw the persistence of the duck. Even if the duck did not have high potential talent, the persistence of the duck was still worth conquering.

Once cultivated, Green Onion Duck will also be a quasi-king elf in the future, and a die-hard elf.

As for Green Onion Duck's persistence, he only needs to transfer this persistence to him.

This is the case with Baddie, and the same is true with the Scallion Duck. If you want to conquer these defective elves, you can only use tricks to win people's hearts!

As Green Onion Duck slowly accepts his existence and the existence of the elves, he should let go of the past!

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and Miss Keiko's massage ended. Keiko, the breeder, also packed up her things and left with Meow Meow. Green Onion Duck also fell asleep on the folding bed.

It was now past eight o'clock in the evening. Yuhai did not disturb the Green Onion Duck. Instead, he put on his space backpack and took the mosquito-repellent frog, armored rhinoceros, and giant claw crab with him to go out for special training at night.

Mosquito-repellent frogs need to be trained to use the combined attack skills of climbing waterfalls, giant claw crabs can also run freely on the wider beach, and armored rhinos have to hit trees at night, otherwise they will not be able to sleep.

These trainings are relatively noisy and are not suitable in a small courtyard. They can only be done in the wild.

None of the other elves had evening training, and he made no arrangements, so he just asked the other elves to stay in the yard and look after the house.

The house was close to the wild. They didn't walk long before one person and three elves arrived at the edge of the woods by the sea.

In fact, there are street lights here, which extend all the way to the edge of the woods. Ukai is preparing to train the elves here.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, have you seen the trees on the seaside? Tonight's training is the combined attack technique, which is the move you used in the orphanage. Today I will practice boxing first..."

Yuhai pointed at a certain tree by the forest, wanting to see how powerful the mosquito-repellent frog was when it exploded with full force. He didn't have an idea of ​​how powerful the mosquito-repellent frog was, and it was difficult to grasp the importance during the battle.

Now that he had the opportunity, he took out his flashlight and shined the light on a large tree as thick as a basin, trying to see how powerful the mosquito-repellent frog was when it exploded.

"Yo Bo, Yo Bo," the mosquito-repellent frog called twice and raised his fist to show that he was very strong.

"Okay, okay, I know. Now try attacking that tree with all your strength." Yuhai knew that the mosquito-repellent frog was very strong, but he just didn't know how strong the mosquito-repellent frog was and whether it could break the tree.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog saw the tree trunk illuminated by the flashlight, and immediately adjusted the distance between itself and the big tree, stopping about five meters away.

Then he began to accumulate strength, his feet surrounded the water flow, and his fists also surrounded the water flow, but the light was too dark and Ukai did not see it.

It wasn't until the mosquito-repellent frog's fist lit up with white light that Yuhai realized belatedly that the mosquito-repellent frog had jumped out, lit up its fist with hot white light, and punched the tree trunk illuminated by the flashlight.

Click click click——

The tree trunk was hit by the mosquito-repellent frog, and the big tree immediately made a strange cracking sound and fell backwards.

"Holy shit, it's true, the mosquito-repellent frog can break it." Yuhai quickly came to the broken tree trunk and carefully inspected the broken trunk. The punch of the mosquito-repellent frog was a bit powerful!

After experiencing a one-hit KO in the tavern, he knew that Mosquito-Incense Frog had grown a lot and become a lot stronger, especially during the week of special training on the island.

But he didn't expect that the mosquito-repellent frog could break down a big tree with one punch. This big tree was at least the size of a washbasin.

It's a bit exaggerated that such a big tree was broken by a blow from a mosquito-repellent frog.

You must know that mosquito-repellent frogs are only at the elite level now. If they are at the senior level, they will be at the king level...

Well...he has already seen the destructive power of the king level.

A single blast from the overlord Bi Diao can flatten entire forests. This is probably the strength of the King of Heaven.

It was like a lawnmower. A strong wind cut off the heads of at least dozens of big trees. He could feel the strong wind cutting like a knife from several kilometers away.

It's not surprising that an elite mosquito-repellent frog can break a big tree. After all, it explodes with full force.

However, now is not the time to explore this. Knowing that the mosquito-repellent frog has such destructive power, he will not let the mosquito-repellent frog try it here, nor can he train the elves at the edge of the forest.

If they were discovered and accused of damaging the greening of the road, they would probably have to pay for it, and they would have no choice but to continue walking into the forest.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, giant claw crab, armored rhinoceros, let's continue walking into the forest," Ukai crossed the fallen tree and walked along the seaside towards the forest.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he came to a relatively flat beach. He said to the crab: "Crab, practice running with your claws on the beach. Learn how to move at high speeds as soon as possible. You know..."

"Kuo kuo kuo," the giant crab raised its pincers to show that it understood, and started running on the beach.

This flat beach is very long, with at least two kilometers of flat sand, enough for crabs to practice.

There is also the armored rhinoceros. This guy didn't need Yu Hai to say anything, and he had already started hitting the tree.

However, Yuhai was also curious about how powerful the armored rhinoceros was when it exploded with full force, so he shouted to the armored rhinoceros: "Armored rhinoceros, rush with all your body and hit the big tree in front of you with all your strength..."

"Hoo ho, ho ho," when the armored rhinoceros heard this, it began to dig the ground with its forelimbs. A yellow aura emitted from its body, and with this aura, it ran out instantly regardless of its own physical injuries. He violently rushed towards the big tree in front of him, making a loud thud.

This big tree is about the same thickness as the big tree that the mosquito-repellent frog broke, but the big tree only had a lot of leaves knocked off by the shock, and there was also a green caterpillar, and there was no sign of breakage.

Seeing this, Yukai threw the ball first to subdue the green caterpillar, and shouted to the armored rhinoceros again: "Iron-armored rhinoceros, hit it again, sacrifice your life, and explode with all your strength..."

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros shook its head. Although there was no back injury from the previous blow, it was still a little dizzy. It needed to slow down.

Immediately afterwards, the armored rhino's forelimbs dug the grass again, and then rushed towards the big tree before.

After a loud bang, the tree also made a rattling sound, but the tree still did not fall.

"This?" Yuhai turned on the flashlight and stepped forward to check the condition of the big tree. He found that there were cracks on the trunk of the big tree. He could knock it down just one more time.

But three times of 120-power self-sacrifice collisions, coupled with the self-sacrifice characteristic, it is a power of 140. It only takes three times to break the big tree. The armored rhino is a bit stretched.

You must know that the mosquito-repellent frog only used the 80-power waterfall climbing, plus the 80-power million-ton punch, as well as the same attributes and prop bonuses, to break the big tree with one combined attack.

Is the combined attack technique really that powerful? Or is it the influence of grade? Or are the attributes consistent with props?

[Attributes are consistent: When the attributes of the move are consistent with the elf's own attributes, the damage caused by the move x 1.5. 】

[Mysterious Water Drop: The power of water attribute moves is increased by 20%. 】

With the same attributes and the addition of props, the power of Waterfall Climbing will reach 140, which is comparable to the armored rhino's life-threatening collision.

But the gap between the two is actually so big...

Yuhai turned the beam of the flashlight and shined it on the horn on the head of the armored rhinoceros. He walked over and touched it, and asked the armored rhinoceros, "Does it hurt?"

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros shook his head and stretched out his tongue to lick Yuhai's fingers. There was no sign of pain.

It seems that the characteristics have played a role. Sacrifice increases the attack power, and the hard head will not cause damage. The two just offset the side effects of sacrificing the collision.

Touching the armored rhino's head, Yuhai also thought of how the armored rhinoceros and the mosquito-repellent frog exploded in power.

The mosquito-repellent frog is a single-point burst of fists under the blessing of climbing waterfalls.

The armored rhinoceros is a one-horned impact caused by running. The faster it is, the more powerful it is.

That said, running training using rock grinding is possible.

In addition to the impact of combined attack skills and levels, the locations at which the armored rhino and mosquito-repellent frog attack the tree trunk are also different.

This should be the biggest difference. The mosquito-repellent frog attacks the upper part of the trunk, while the armored rhinoceros attacks the lower part of the trunk.

Just like chopsticks, if you are asked to break them, it must be easier to break them in the middle instead of breaking them at both ends. Unless you bite them with your teeth, it will be difficult to break them at both ends.

In order to test whether this was the reason that affected the armored rhino's self-sacrifice collision power, he directly asked the mosquito-repellent frog to break the big tree: "Mosquito-repellent frog, break the big tree..."

"Yobo," the mosquito-repellent frog jumped up and punched the tree trunk again.

This time the mosquito-repellent frog did not explode with full force, and the tree quickly broke and fell backwards with a clicking sound.

Then Yuhai asked the mosquito-repellent frog and the armored rhinoceros to bite or break off the branches of the big tree, leaving only a bare trunk broken from the root. This trunk was also ten meters long.

Then he moved the tree trunk in front of two big trees and used the two big trees to block the trunk. Then he shouted to the armored rhinoceros again: "Iron-armored rhinoceros, stay away and rush over. Use rocks to polish it a few more times, and then use your body to crash. Hit this tree trunk with all your strength."

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros looked at the center of the tree trunk illuminated by the flashlight, nodded towards Ukai, turned around and ran to the beach, at least a hundred meters away from the tree trunk.

Seeing this, both Ukai and the mosquito-repellent frog stepped away, leaving only the mark of the flashlight shining on the center of the tree trunk.

As they felt the ground begin to shake, the armored rhinoceros was running. Flashes of light appeared on its surface, and a stream of light yellow air enveloped its entire body, heading straight towards the tree trunk illuminated by the flashlight.

Boom boom boom——

The armored rhinoceros didn't stop at all, it directly broke through the tree trunk, rushed through the tree trunk, and broke a big tree before stopping.

Seeing this scene, Yuhai hurriedly stepped forward to check on the armored rhinoceros. The armored rhinoceros stood up and shook his head, then stuck out his tongue and licked the palm that Yuhai was touching.

Seeing that the Hanhan was fine, Yuhai was relieved. It seemed that his guess was correct. It was the position where the armored rhinoceros hit, which affected the power of the collision, and the speed and running distance were also related.

You must know that the armored rhinoceros is also an elite level elf. Although it is just a new entry, it can be regarded as entering the elite level.

According to the league's rating standards, the Armored Rhino needs level 42 to evolve before it can be considered an elite elf. Is this a bug?

Also, the battlefield is so big, there is no time and distance for the armored rhinoceros to charge up for running. By the time the armored rhinoceros reaches the opponent, the opponent will have already run away.

However, the explosive power brought by the armored rhino's sprint was much stronger than that of the mosquito-repellent frog. It actually broke two large trees, but it was of little use unless the opponent stood still.

If the armored rhinoceros wants to break up a big tree with an instant burst like a mosquito-repellent frog, the armored rhinoceros can only jump up and hit it, or hit it several times, or it can learn an explosive move as the core of its tactics.

"General moves for rock climbing," Yuhai saw this move in the Armored Rhino's move pool.

Rock climbing is very similar to waterfall climbing, but rock climbing is a move used to climb rock walls. It can increase the grip of the limbs, allowing the armored rhinoceros to run on steep rock walls.

This move is very good, but he is interested in another ground-based move, one hundred thousand horsepower, which is also an explosive move.

[One Hundred Thousand Horsepower: Use all your strength to attack the opponent fiercely. 】

[Rock Climbing: Use all your strength to pounce on the opponent to attack, sometimes causing confusion to the opponent. 】

The introduction of these two moves is similar, and they are both explosive moves, but he prefers ground-based moves with 100,000 horsepower.

Because the Armored Rhino has the ground element, using the ground element's explosive moves will give consistent attribute bonuses, and the Armored Rhino's explosive power will be greater.

But... One Hundred Thousand Horsepower is a move from the seventh generation. He is in the Orange Islands. Although this move is in the move pool on the panel, where can he find a teacher for the Armored Rhino to teach the Armored Rhino this move?

There isn't even a Lucario here, and I don't know if there is a CD of this move.

If there is one, you can buy it and study it slowly.

After all, the Armored Rhino has such high potential and strong talent, so he should be able to realize one hundred thousand horsepower on his own!

The bonus is calculated using the following formula: Bonus = Bonus for consistent attributes × Multiplier caused by conflicting attributes × Multiplier for hitting the vital point

Other bonuses refer to the product of characteristic bonuses, prop bonuses, weather and status bonuses, target number bonuses, etc.

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