Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 159, circle and charge

The breeding houses on the fourth floor are basically shops selling elf babies and elf eggs, but each store has a different focus.

After arriving on the fourth floor, the place was obviously much more lively. Most of them were adults bringing their children to choose their children's initial elves.

Some choose to buy elf eggs, and if they are blind box elf eggs, they are cheaper.

Some people directly choose to buy elf cubs as their children's first initial elf, which is relatively expensive.

After all, many ordinary elves are conquered in the wild, and they are free elf resources. If they are collected here for a fee, what is this if it is not a rip-off?

Most people would choose to come here instead of wild elves, because the wild elves are difficult to tame.

There is also the running-in period with the children, whether the children will be harmed due to wildness, these are things that parents are very worried about.

In order to prevent their children from being harmed, many parents will choose elf cubs that have been trained by breeders as their children's first initial elf.

These elf pups have been taught by breeders, and the breeders have taught the elf pups how to get along with human pups.

Therefore, when the children get the elf cubs here, they can quickly get along with each other and complete the new trainer's subjugation of the first initial elf.

Among so many breeding houses, the initial elves with the most traffic are grass elf cubs and water elf cubs.

Because water type elves are very common here, and the grass type can restrain the common water type, this is almost the first choice for most parents for their children's initial elves.

There is also a breeding house here that specializes in selling grass-type elf cubs. Most of them are ordinary elves such as walking grass, trumpet buds, eggs, shuttlecock grass, sun seeds, lotus leaf boys, and mushrooms...

Seeing the largest flow of people entering these two shops, Yuhai followed quietly in. The grass-type breeding house's store was very spacious, with grasslands and forests, almost simulating the environment in which grass-type elves lived.

The first thing he passed was the grass-type elf egg area. Most of the elf eggs were eggshells with white background and green patterns. They were undoubtedly grass-type elf eggs.

The Elf Egg area is divided into two parts. Grass Elf Eggs have clearly marked prices, and the type of Grass Elf will be explained.

The elf eggs randomly piled together were elf eggs of unknown grass type, and were sold as blind boxes.

It is said to be a blind box. Although it is not clear what kind of elf egg it is, you can still guess what potential elf egg it is, and the price is much cheaper.

Elf eggs with clearly marked prices range from hundreds of thousands to millions. You can buy one blind box elf egg for 100,000.

Elf eggs are like opening a blind box. You don’t know what the potential of the elf is, and you can only rely on luck.

But most of them have rubbish potential. He doesn't believe in luck, because the elf eggs don't see potential.

However, you can probably tell the potential of an elf egg by looking at who its parents are, what its potential is, what its talent is, and whether it has inherited moves.

The potential of the parents of the elf eggs that were thrown out and randomly selected must not be very good, otherwise how would it be possible to buy elf eggs produced in the breeding house for one hundred thousand.

After entering the breeding house, Yuhai passed by the egg area and followed the flow of people to the first artificial ecological area.

In this ecological zone, you can feed the elves and observe the elves. If you like an elf, you can buy it directly with the elf ball in the store. You can just put it back if you don’t want to.

Most of the grass-type elf cubs here sell for more than one million, especially Eggy with super powers, and Mushroom with fighting-type attributes after evolution.

These two elves can't agree if they don't cost millions. We can talk about the price of other grass-type elves. They can be bought within a million. After all, they are ordinary elves. There are many wild grass-type elves in the forest.

There are also mushrooms that can be sold at a good price. It is also because of the underground fighting arena and the large and small fighting arenas in the city that the fighting type elves sell very well here, almost as good as the electric type elves. .

Ukai used the elf ball to tame four grass elf cubs here. After seeing the panels of the four grass elf cubs, he put the grass elf cubs back. The potential of the four grass elf cubs was They are...

Dandan's potential is at thirty-five, and Mushroom's is at thirty-six. Their moves are all ordinary, there are no special genetic moves, and the price is two to three million.

The potential of Trumpet Bud is at thirty-seven, and the potential of Shuttlecock Grass is at thirty-six. Their moves are also very common, there are no inherited moves, and the price is over one million.

After seeing the potential of the elves and comparing the selling prices, it turns out that the Ukai Secret Path Breeding House is ripping off customers. These elves are all common elves, and they can actually be sold for one to two million.

Apart from selling a service that new trainers can conquer with just a few clicks, he really doesn’t know what kind of services the breeding house provides. The elf cubs are actually worth this price. I guess they really just provide services!

If it were him, he would definitely not spend this wasted money to buy these hot chicken elf babies.

However, the grass elf cubs in the second ecological zone still have some purchase value.

Next, he followed the shopping guide's guidance and came to the second artificial ecological area.

The elves here are still the same grass-type elves, but the difference is that they know some inherited moves and have stronger talent potential.

For example, walking grass will inherit a certain move, such as grass field, parasitic seeds, photosynthesis and other grass-type moves.

Grass-type elves such as trumpet buds and shuttlecock grass are all in similar situations.

Dandan and Mushroom are similar, one depends on telekinesis talent, and the other depends on fighting talent.

The price of elf cubs here is also higher, basically starting from 3 to 4 million, 3 million is for other grass types, and 4 million is for Dandan and Mushroom.

He also used the elf ball to test the potential of the grass-type elf cubs here. Basically, they were all elf cubs with a potential of over 40.

If the grass-type elf cubs with the second stage of evolution are properly cultivated, they can at least be comparable to the master-level elves, and there will be no problem in becoming senior trainers.

It is not impossible to become a quasi-king, it depends on whether the trainer is willing to invest a lot of resources.

Then he came to the third artificial ecological area. There were only a few grass elves here, all of which were the treasures of this breeding house.

There was no need to look at the price. Listening to the comments from the surrounding customers, Yuhai also heard the price, which was seven to eight million alliance coins.

He also looked at the potentials of the grass-type elf cubs, and they were basically above fifty potentials. There was also a Mushroom with a potential of forty-nine, which had more genetic moves than the second ecological zone.

If the first ecozone is a blank slate.

The second ecological area is to know a genetic move.

The third ecological zone has two, three genetic moves, and the parents' talents are also relatively strong. They are all cubs produced by quasi-king parents.

I don’t know which trainer’s elf was taken to the breeding house for breeding.

It seems that the owner of this breeding house knows what he is selling. He has selected all the high-potential grass elf cubs and put them here to attract customers.

If you want to pick it up, you can only go to the second artificial ecological area. The grass-type elf cubs there have a potential of more than 40. There is also a possibility of picking up a grass-type elf cub with a potential of 50.

It is basically impossible to miss the rest, unless you are lucky enough to hatch from the elf egg, or go to the wild to try your luck and catch it yourself.

After walking around the grass-type elf breeding house, Yuhai came to the water-type elf breeding house, which was basically the same layout.

Next door is the forest, and here is the aquarium. The elf egg area at the door is also divided into two parts, and blind box eggs are also sold here.

Unlike next door, the elf eggs here come in a variety of patterns and are cheaper than the grass elf eggs next door. There are also more water elf pups to choose from than the grass elf eggs next door.

After all, in an island environment like the Orange Islands, it is normal for there to be more water elf cubs than grass elf cubs.

There are also three ecological zones here, but the popular elves are different.

The water elves here include Kodak, Mosquito Tadpole, Slowpoke, Little Sea Lion, Big Tongue Clam, Big Crab, Ink Seahorse, Horned Goldfish, Starfish, Carp King, Lulili, Ubo, and Lotus Leaf Child. Zi, lobster soldier, ugly fish...

Among them, the most popular water elf cubs are actually the three elves, Duck, Slowpoke, and Starfish. They are probably more popular because they have super powers.

Followed by, small sea lion, Lu Lili, Wubo, lobster soldier, giant claw crab, ink sea horse, mosquito tadpole, lotus leaf boy.

The remaining water elf cubs, such as the giant tongue clam that needs evolution stones, the relatively weak horned goldfish, the carp king, and the ugly fish...

There are relatively few people buying these water elf cubs, and the evolution of Magikarp and Ugly Fish is even more of a mystery.

Others don't know, but he knows that the evolution of the ugly fish is related to the beauty and the confidence of the ugly fish. This kind of elf is very beautiful after evolution, and you can keep one in the future.

But their role here is only as ornamental fish, and they are not sold to the outside world. After all, no one will buy these three stupid things.

After coming here and walking around, he found that Kodak Duck was so popular, which he didn't expect.

This stupid thing could actually stand on par with Slowpoke and Starfish, which was really beyond his expectation.

Also, the popularity of mosquito-repellent tadpoles was actually not as high as that of Wu Bo and Lobster Soldier. He guessed that it had something to do with the fossils.

Although there are many mosquito-repellent frogs on the street, most of them are mosquito-repellent frogs, not fast-swimming frogs.

He has only seen three fast-swimming frogs, two on the street, and one from the owner of the prop shop.

If Tadpole, Black Sea Horse, and Lotus Leaf Boy hadn't evolved to the second stage, they would probably be in jail, and would be listed as the least popular water elf cubs along with this stupid thing like Magikarp.

If you want to buy your own mosquito-repellent tadpoles, they are also at the lowest price here. You can buy a mosquito-repellent tadpole for only one million.

Converted into the purchasing power of the previous life, that is 50,000 mosquito tadpoles, which is the price of a water elf cub with 30 potential.

Of course, you can also go to the wild to catch free ones. All elves can be captured in the wild. This is just the price of the breeding house.

Just like many free scenic spots in previous lives were enclosed and charged, what if there are really fools willing to pay for them? Anyway, there is no loss in the breeding house, and there is still a profit if it is sold at a low price.

From an overall observation, the price of water-type elf cubs is generally cheaper than that of grass-type elf cubs. It is probably because there are more water-type elves here that the price is not as high as that of grass-type elf cubs.

Only the three most popular elves, the Kodak Duck, can match the prices of the grass-type treasures next door.

If you release your giant claw crab, 59% of its potential can directly crush those water-type treasures.

This potential is already very close to that of a king. As long as it evolves, it will be a king-level elf. If it sells for 10 million, someone will grab it!

According to this calculation, if he holds four quasi-king elf cubs in his hand, then he is not a walking tens of millions cash machine.

However, no one knows that his elf potential is so high. As long as others don't know, he is either a cash machine or safe.

It seems that before you grow up, you can't show too much of the elf's talent, otherwise you will be targeted by interested people.

After secretly remembering this warning, Ukai entered the electric-type breeding house again.

The popularity of the electric elves is not inferior to that of the grass and water types.

Let me tell you here that the positioning of the senior level needs to be changed.

The name remains the same, elite boy, senior adult.

What has changed is that senior level strength = gym leader level strength

Also, some adults who do not have the strength of a senior level will call themselves senior level.

So sometimes, don’t think that senior-level talent is just a matter of qualifications and hard work.

After all, as long as you reach adulthood, you can call yourself a senior...

Not as valuable as library owner-level reference

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