Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 152, is a good person

"Please stop, young trainer. I am Junsha from this city. Please show me your ID..."

After all, Yuhai's legs were no faster than the two wheels of a motorcycle. Before he could get out of the hotel, he was blocked by Miss Junsha.

What he has to do now is to quickly take out his ID instead of running away.

He heard Miss Junsha ask him to show his ID, which is why he couldn't run away.

Once he ran away, it was confirmed that he had a guilty conscience and he must be a criminal suspect with a criminal record.

If he was a good citizen, why would he run away? Why would a good citizen who had done nothing illegal run away?

Miss Junsha was just making a routine inquiry, and she didn't want to investigate him. She was just unwilling to check his ID. There must be something wrong with this kind of person, and there was no need to suspect him at all.

"Yu Hai?" Junsha read out the name on Yu Hai's ID card and looked at Yu Hai's clothes. He was wearing black clothes, black pants, and a hood. There was an orb silk spider lying on his shoulder, and a mosquito-repellent frog followed behind him.

While Miss Junsha looked at Yu Hai, the appearance of a man in black appeared in her mind. He was very similar to the robber who had robbed many children in the past few days.

She had begun to suspect that the guy in front of her was the robbery suspect from the previous two days, but there was no mosquito-repellent frog next to the man in black who robbed him. There was a mosquito-repellent frog here.

However, it is not strange for a trainer to have multiple elves.

She can't catch the wrong bad guy, nor can she wrongly accuse a good guy.

"Young trainer, raise your head and let me see," Miss Junsha saw that Yuhai kept his head down, so she wanted to compare the photo on the ID card to see if it was consistent with her own.

Hearing that he was about to raise his head, Yuhai gritted his teeth, raised his head and looked at Miss Junsha for a few breaths, then looked away.

But it was Ukai who looked away, which aggravated Miss Junsha's suspicion of Ukai.

"Why don't you dare to look at me?" Miss Junsha asked.

Because people with a guilty conscience dare not look directly at law enforcers. This is a required course for them.

"Uh..." Yuhai was immediately stopped by this question. If he couldn't answer the question, he would definitely be imprisoned, but he didn't want to go in, so he replied: "You are very beautiful..."

"What? Are you teasing the police officer?" Miss Junsha thought she heard wrongly and thought Yuhai was changing the subject.

"Gan, does this person have a problem with his head?" Yu Hai did not say this, but complained in his heart, and then immediately corrected the other party's question: "Miss Junsha, I am relatively withdrawn, introverted, and don't like to be with beautiful women. Look at each other for a long time.”

"Miss Junsha, may I ask from which word, which pronunciation, and which sentence that you heard that I am disrespectful to Miss Junsha?"

"Ahem," Miss Junsha didn't dare to look at Yu Hai when she saw him looking at her. She quickly looked away and coughed to cover up her embarrassment.

"Young trainer, I'm sorry, because there have been men in black blocking the road and robbing passers-by these days. If my questioning has caused you trouble, it is my dereliction of duty. You can leave after I verify your identity. ."

Miss Junsha bowed slightly, apologized to Yu Hai, and then started making phone calls to ask colleagues in the bureau to help check whether the personal number on Yu Hai's ID card was true.

Because they had found many fake IDs before, they were all fake IDs that had not been entered into the system. Their personal numbers were all empty and the system could not find this person.

It is also routine to use the system to check Yu Hai's personal ID number.

"Junsha, this number was only entered into the system yesterday. The address is Lucao Orphanage in the west of the city. There is no trainer registration record for this number. There is no record of this person's previous identity information. There is only an orphanage registration record. It’s still a record from ten years ago.”

"Okay, I understand," Miss Junsha hung up the phone. The embarrassment just now disappeared. She instantly became extremely capable and re-examined Yu Hai in front of her, because there were too many doubts on Yu Hai's ID card.

It was only entered into the system yesterday. There is no trainer registration record in the orphanage in the west of the city. Except for the orphanage attendance record, the rest of the records are blank. It is difficult not to make people suspect that the identity of this young man is probably a fake certificate. .

"Young trainer? Why don't you have a trainer registration record?" Miss Junsha immediately launched a fierce offensive and asked Yuhai sternly. As long as Yuhai couldn't answer, she would detain Yuhai as a suspect.

"Me," Yu Hai was confused by the question again. Why was Miss Junsha's questions so tricky? Every one of them hit the point directly, and wrong answers would lead to trouble.

"You are a child who grew up in an orphanage in the west of the city. Don't you know that the trainer cannot take the elf on the street without being registered by the elf center?"

"I... know," when Yuhai heard this, he thought of how to answer Junsha.

"I know, why didn't you go to the elf center to register the elf and take the elf with you?" Miss Junsha pressed closer and asked Yuhai.

"I don't have money. I don't dare to go to the elf center. I'm afraid that others will laugh at me and I won't be able to help but beat them and lose money. I have no money." When Yuhai said this, his head was buried low.

He was just pretending to be pitiful, pretending to be pitiful in front of Miss Junsha. The second time I had no money, he sobbed even more intensely, his shoulders were shaking uncontrollably, his hands were clenched, and tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes.

The character design of the orphanage and the Elf Center reminded him that that place was the Xiaojin Cave.

This is not the place for an orphan like him who came from an orphanage and is an uncertified trainer for newcomers. This is a perfect excuse, and it fits perfectly with being withdrawn and introverted.

"This..." Miss Junsha couldn't answer these words, completely blocking the next question. She could also see that Yuhai's mood was very wrong, he must be crying!

An orphan, helpless, without a father or mother, withdrawn and introverted, with a fragile and sensitive heart. She can only rely on her own elf to survive in this cold city. How can she actually make it difficult for such a young man?

Miss Junsha felt like a big villain, a big bad guy who specialized in bullying orphans without fathers and mothers, a big bully.

What's the difference between her like this and the bullies who laughed at this young man?

Seeing Jun Sha hesitate, this was exactly Yu Hai's purpose. He took advantage of the fact that women are particularly emotional, always rely on their own feelings to do things, and are prone to act impulsively.

Coupled with some miserable life experiences, they can often win the sympathy of women, especially good people like Miss Junsha who have a full sense of justice and are kind-hearted.

"Suck," Miss Junsha cried when she saw Yuhai being bullied by her. She couldn't help but sniff, feeling her nose was sore.

It is really not easy for this child to grow up so big and finally find his elf companion to accompany his lonely self.

She was, she was... unforgivable. If she wronged this poor boy, she couldn't forgive herself. How could she become such a cruel person? She didn't believe that this was something she could do.

However, there are too many doubts about the identity of this young man, and it is impossible not to cross-examine him. This violates the responsibilities of City Junsa.

She still had to ask, but she was no longer as aggressive as before. Instead, she asked the other person softly, trying not to reveal the scars deep in the other person's heart or touch the sad memories deep in the other person's heart.

"Xiao Hai, let me call you this. You just applied for your ID card yesterday. Why is that? You have been in the orphanage for ten years. Why did you just apply for your ID card yesterday?"

Miss Junsha no longer wants to investigate why the other party has no trainer registration record and why the identity record since the age of five is blank. The file is probably always in the orphanage and the identity information has not been updated in the system.

As for the orphanage, that is a corner that the alliance has not yet reached.

After returning this time, she will respond to the above and increase her help to the orphans and widows on the edge of the city.

"I'm leaving, leaving this city, making a lot of money, sending it to my brothers and sisters in the orphanage, and buying them new clothes..."

"I also want to be a strong trainer, a role model for them, and tell them that even if we are orphans, we can do it..."

"We are no worse than others. We can still stand on the battlefield and command our elves to defeat all opponents."

"Those who laugh at us, those who alienate us, they who will be tomorrow will be us today..."

"Okay Xiao Hai, stop talking about Xiao Hai, I already know it, you go, you go," Miss Junsha couldn't help it after being told by Yu Hai, she waved her hands and turned away.

Because she couldn't bear it any longer, she hurriedly took out two tissues from her pocket and wiped away the tears that had flowed from her nostrils.

Hearing that Miss Junsha let him go and handed him his ID card, when he took the ID card, he secretly glanced at Miss Junsha and saw that Miss Junsha was so moved that she kept wiping away tears. , he thanked him and said, "Thank you, I'll leave first..."

"Let's go, let's go," Miss Junsha had no shame in looking at Yu Hai. She just waved her hand and asked Yu Hai to leave.

In Junsha's mind, how could such a polite child be a robber! She did not believe that the other party was a robber.

Seeing this, Yuhai lowered his head, raised his hand to wipe his tears, and walked past Miss Junsha.

After all, it was all a show, and he couldn't get carried away at the last moment just because he deceived Junsha, exposing his flaws and being arrested by Miss Junsha.

Many great villains overturned at this step. Veterans who have read countless films will not make such stupid mistakes.

"By the way, Xiaohai..."

Hearing Miss Junsha's shout, Yuhai's body suddenly stopped, stiffened, and then relaxed instantly. He turned around and asked Miss Junsha, "Miss Junsha, is there anything else?"

It was absolutely impossible for Miss Junsha to see through him, absolutely impossible, because he didn't show any flaws at all, so how could she see through him.

"Only elves registered at the Elf Center can be taken with you. Since you are leaving, you must go to the Elf Center to register the elves before you can take them with you on the street."

"I understand, Miss Junsha, thank you for reminding me, I will go to the elf center right away," Yuhai bowed to Miss Junsha sincerely to express his gratitude.

If someone could see his eyes, all they could see at this moment was clear and pure, with just some sand in them.

After bowing and thanking him, Yuhai turned around and called Frog and left, "Frog, let's go to the Elf Center first."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Mosquito-repellent frog bumped his fist, feeling that the Ukai just now was so strange, not like Ukai at all, but still Ukai.

No matter what Ukai becomes, it will always be Ukai’s elf, and it will always be, "Yobo..."

Miss Junsha saw that Yuhai and Mosquito-repellent Frog were trustworthy partners. They should have a deep bond!

Just like she and her Katy dog, and this boy, "is still a very gentle person! Right! Katy dog..."

"Woof, woof, woof," the Kati dog nodded and wagged its tail, acknowledging Junsha's statement.

However, little did Junsha know that she had let go of Yu Hai, who felt withdrawn, introverted, hard-working, strong, gentle and a good person.

She actually let the robber go with her own hands. In fact, she didn't let him go, but the robber's superb acting skills deceived Junsha and slipped away under Junsha's nose.

It is enough to show that this robber is very cunning, very insidious and cunning. He knows how to take advantage of the loopholes in people's hearts and perform a show of surviving from a desperate situation and turning danger into safety.

I also got an important piece of information, that is, the fake ID has been entered into the alliance system, and the identity records still start from the age of five.

The old man in the tavern didn't lie to him. This ID card looked like a fake one. As long as he wanted to prove the fake ID card, then the ID card would be real and it couldn't be fake.

But there is a condition, that is, you must go to the orphanage listed on your ID card, completely confirm this identity, go to the orphanage director to become familiar with him, let the director remember you, and personally admit that you are the orphanage director. Big kids.

Suddenly, he thought of the message on the note. It turned out that the old man's reminder was not aimless, but was paving the way for him to get his identity card.

However, even without the old man's reminder, he would have gone to the orphanage.

After all, the bullshit had been blown out, and he didn't have to go to the orphanage even if he didn't want to, he had to go.

But before going to the orphanage, they have to go to the Elf Center to register as a new trainer.

This trainer is not a new trainer certified by the alliance.

Rather, they are between wild trainers and newbie trainers certified by the alliance, and are ordinary, uncertified newbie trainers.

You can now complete points tasks in the Elf Center...

There will be a patch later. Why don’t the elf hunters steal the simpler newcomer Yu Sanjia, but instead steal the riskier Bidiao cub...

I did the math, 10 million is only 500,000 RMB, so special.

This business is not easy to do. If you are kicked out by the Alliance or Bi Diao for 500,000, you will be kicked out.

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