Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 140, Fossil Helmet

Seeing this, Ukai did not continue to worry about the size of the island, but took out fresh water, elf food, and two rice bowls from his backpack.

Food and water are poured into the rice bowl, and when the big-billed gull has rested, it will eat by itself.

Bang bang bang——

Then Yuhai took out the elf ball and released Badadie, mosquito-repellent frog, round silk spider, and giant crab. He said to the four elves: "Badadie, mosquito-repellent frog, go check out the island, giant crab, and giant crab." Silk Spider, you stay here."

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie looked at the unfamiliar island. After looking around, he flew up to observe the island.

The mosquito-repellent frog explored along the edge of the island and left too.

Yuhai immediately took out the map and the compass in his arms, and was comparing whether he was going in the wrong direction, and it turned out that he was going in the right direction.

But this is not Fula No. 4 Island, it should be the small island between Dachu Island and Fula No. 4 Island.

Next, he needs to continue flying in this direction, find Fula Island No. 4, recalibrate the direction, and fly northeast.

Fula No. 4 Island is in the southeast of Dachun Island, and Hasa Island is in the northeast of Fula No. 4 Island. These are two different directions.

When he put away the map and compass, Baddie and Mosquito-repellent Frog also came back. The two elves shook their heads, saying that there was nothing on this small island.

Seeing this, Ukai took out an inflatable tent from his backpack and a tent moisture-proof mat, and spread it on the gravel ground high up on the island.

Later, he took out a spring-like plastic inflatable cylinder and gave it to the mosquito-repellent frog to inflate the tent.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, inflate the tent. We will spend the night in the tent tonight." Yuhai placed the inflatable tent on the moisture-proof mat and then let the mosquito-repellent repellent frog inflate the tent.

After the tent was inflated, his dinner was ready, which consisted of simple food, including rice, meat, bread, tree fruits, honey, and various seasonings...

The firewood used for cooking was dry firewood picked up on a desert island, and he took some with him.

During lunch, he released the remaining elves, Armored Rhino, Tench, Magikarp, and Slowpoke.

Counting the five mosquito-repellent frogs originally present, there were nine elves, and there was no green onion duck.

When the elves were having dinner, he also took out the honey jar and poured some honey for the big-billed gull, as well as orange fruits to replenish the gull's strength.

I was called to special training two days ago, and the hardest part was the mosquito-repellent frog.

It took him two days to fly, and the Big-billed Gull was the hardest part.

Later at night, the giant claw crab and the orb silk spider will need to keep watch, and these two little guys will have to work hard.

During dinner, the armored rhinoceros wanted to eat the honey from the big-billed gull, but Yuhai knocked him on the head and told the armored rhinoceros to wait until human society became a society before eating. Then there would be more delicious food.

While eating, he also heard bursts of muffled thunder in the dark moonless sky above his head. There should be heavy rain tonight.

After having dinner with the elves, he put out the fire, took the Poke Ball again and recovered the two silly things, as well as the Armored Rhino and Slowpoke.

It would be better for these elves to stay in the elf ball, as well as Big-billed Gull and Bad Butterfly, also staying in the elf ball.

There are only mosquito-repellent frogs, orb silk spiders, and giant claw crabs left outside.

Before going to bed, he prepared to strengthen the tent. He pulled out four ropes from the four corners of the tent and fixed them on huge rocks to prevent the tent from being blown away by strong winds.

After pulling the rope to make sure the binding was strong enough, he got into the tent, followed by the mosquito-repellent frog.

It started to rain lightly at this time, and he originally planned to let the orb silk spider and giant claw crab keep watch outside.

But it started to rain, and he could only let the orb silk spiders and giant claw crabs into the tent.

"Big Claw Crab, Orb Silk Spider, come in and keep watch!"

"Kuo kuo kuo," the giant claw crab was called and crawled into the tent, as did the orb silk spider.

The warning outside the tent was cancelled, the Orb Silk Spider hung upside down in the corner of the tent, the Giant Claw Crab and the Mosquito Frog slept on one side, Ukai himself slept on the other side, and the remaining elves stayed in the Poké Ball.

After all, this inflatable tent is not big and can't accommodate so many elves. It is only enough for three Yukai to sleep. It is already difficult to sleep three elves, and he did not release more elves in the tent.

After saying good night to the elves, he fell asleep. After flying with the big-billed gulls for a day, he was very exhausted, especially the big-billed gulls, who had fallen asleep long ago.

It's better to rest early, we have to go on the road tomorrow.

Try to reach the inhabited island, Hasa Island, before tomorrow evening.

The next day, it was the second day to Hasa Island.

Desert Island Survival is over, and diary keeping can no longer be used to survive on Desert Island.

After the heavy rain last night, the sky cleared up again, and it was another day with beautiful wind and clear sky.

Today they need to continue on their way to find Hasa Island and try to reach Hasa Island today.

Compared to cloudy and rainy weather, he still prefers the scorching sun. Sunny days are always less troublesome than rainy days, and there are not so many troubles. It's just that the big-billed gull has to fly under the scorching sun.

Ukai, who got up early, released the Big-billed Gull from the Poké Ball, and took back the Giant Crab and Orb Silk Spider, leaving only the Mosquito-Repellent Frog.

After getting up, he made three breakfasts at random, one for him, one for the big-billed gull, and one for the mosquito-repellent frog.

The other elves don't have breakfast, and they don't need to exercise anyway. They sleep in the elf ball all day, so they don't need to eat breakfast.

After they had a quick breakfast, he put away the inflatable tent and did not stay on this barren island a few hundred meters in size.

Then they used the Poké Ball to retrieve the mosquito-repellent frog, took out the compass and map, recalibrated the direction, and left the island.

This journey has been smooth sailing, and he hopes to keep going without any mishaps. It is best to arrive at Hasa Island safely. This is why he chose to drive in the daytime under a sunny sky.

Not long after flying this time, they saw a large island that was twenty or thirty times larger than the one they rested on last night.

The resources on the island are also much richer than yesterday's island, and there are actually woods.

"Big-billed gull, fly over and take a look, don't land," Yuhai guessed that this big island should be Fula Island No. 4.

Hearing the instructions, the large-billed gull flew over the big island and hovered over the island without landing.

Ukai also took the opportunity to observe the situation on the island and found no traces of human activities, not even human buildings.

This island is very similar to Dachu Island. They both have an island lake, but there is no grassland beside the lake. It is more appropriate to describe the big lake as a bay.

Seeing this bay, Ukai was sure that this was Fula Island No. 4. They had just set off today, and after flying for just over half an hour, they arrived at Fula No. 4 Island.

This bay should be where Fossil Helmet sleeps.

Finding a foothold in the bay, he let the large-billed gull land on the inside of the bay.

When he was watching anime in his previous life, he remembered that the rock wall in the bay was penetrated by the archaeological team led by Miss Joy, revealing a tunnel, which was the cave where Fossil Helmet rested.

If he wants to go in, there is no need to destroy this rock wall. There should be an undersea tunnel on the seabed of this bay that can lead to the cave where Fossil Helmet sleeps.

"Bah, bah, bah," the big-billed gull suddenly exclaimed at the clear water in the bay, as if it had discovered something interesting.

"That's a fossil helmet? It turns out that there are fossil helmets that are not dormant. No wonder the fossil helmets on the island were discovered." Ukai was attracted by the cry of the big-billed gull. He looked at the clear seabed of the bay and saw a few stones on the seabed. move.

After looking carefully, he recognized that it was a fossil helmet. If he hadn't known that there was a fossil helmet here, he wouldn't have recognized it at first sight. The elves on the seabed were fossil helmets.

The fossil helmet looks very similar to a trilobite. Judging from the outer shell, it is indeed very similar. They are both arthropods.

Even if he saw the fossil helmet, he did not intend to conquer the fossil helmet. Instead, he took out the elf ball, released the mosquito-repellent frog, and told the mosquito-repellent frog: "Mosquito-repellent frog, go to the water to scare away the fossil helmet and see where the fossil helmet disappears." , and then block the entrance..."

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog looked down at the bottom of the water, and also saw a group of moving stones, which should be the fossil helmets that Ukai mentioned.

It jumped into the water with a leap, and the movement it made scared away the fossil helmets under the water. When it saw all the fossil helmets heading towards a rock, it also followed.

It discovered that there was a very wide hole under the seafloor rock. It went to the seafloor and pushed the rock next to the hole. It pushed the rock to block the hole and prevent the fossil helmet inside from coming out. Even if it completed the task assigned by Ukai.

Then the mosquito-repellent frog jumped out of the water and told Ukai that it was done, "Yo-boo, yo-boo..."

"I saw it, mosquito-repellent frog, you come back first," Yuhai used the elf ball to put away the mosquito-repellent frog, took out the map and compass again, calibrated the direction of Hasa Island, sat on the big-mouthed gull and left Fula No. 4 Island.

When they left, they didn't notice that every move they made was watched by a gray-haired old man until they left.

After seeing Ukai leave, the old man came to the place where Ukai landed before and looked at the turbid water below the bay.

He released the agate jellyfish and let them dispel the turbidity on the seabed, only to discover the boulder moved by the mosquito-repellent frog.

He remembered clearly that that was the entrance and exit for Fossil Helmet to leave the cave, but it was now blocked.

"That kid," the old man said when he saw the entrance to the cave being discovered, he knew that the fossil helmet couldn't be hidden.

However, the boy's behavior was very strange. Instead of subduing the fossil helmet, he wanted to hide the fossil helmet.

"That kid knew there was a fossil helmet here, but he didn't feel greedy. What a strange kid..."

The old man thought to himself, wondering whether the young man wanted to recruit people, or whether he wanted to catch all the fossil helmets in one go, seize the fossil helmets and sell them.

No matter what, he will fight to the end, even if it costs him his life, he will protect the fossil helmet here.

If Yuhai knew the old man's lifelong pursuit, he would definitely be very pleased and would not be stingy with his praise. He would definitely praise the old man for helping him guard the fossil helmet.

In the end, the old man did not move away from the hole blocked by Yu Hai, because he felt that this was good and in line with his wishes.

If his elf hadn't been unable to move the stone, he would have blocked the entrance to the cave.

After leaving, Ukai and Big Mouth Ou didn't know what happened next on Fula Island No. 4.

They were now flying northeast toward Hasa Island.

Don't ask him why he flew a triangle instead of taking a straight line and went directly to Hasa Island.

If it hadn't been for the small desert island a few hundred meters away yesterday, they would have fallen into the sea.

Flying six or seven hours a day is still too extreme for the recently evolved large-billed gull.

They were not in a hurry. It was their first time flying over the sea, and they needed to calibrate their direction in real time. There was no need to compress the two-day journey into one day. It would be good to break it into two days.

Compared with the distance from Dachun Island to Fula No. 4 Island, the distance from Fula No. 4 Island to Hasa Island is much shorter, about one-third less than the distance.

The closer he got to Hasa Island, the more small islands he saw. There were more and more small islands of a few hundred meters and several kilometers.

He vaguely remembered that the map called these islands the Hasa Islands and the Fula Island Group No. 4.

As they got closer to Hasa Island, he also saw several fishing boats and a large cruise ship. The humans on board were very enthusiastic.

Seeing them flying in the sky, he waved and greeted them, but they were too far away and he didn't hear clearly what the humans on the boat said.

He didn't dare to let the big-billed gull get close, what if it was a fairy jumping.

Seemingly enthusiastic, wait for him to pass by and then detain them.

Then there are all kinds of extortion, calling the family and asking the family to give money to redeem the person, otherwise they will break up the vote.

He doesn't have many relatives in this world, so it's better to be careful.

This cannot be blamed on him being too suspicious and thinking too darkly about others. He is responsible for himself and the elves.

If you go, you will be irresponsible to yourself and the elves.

Just like children cannot take candies from strangers, there is no reason why they will forget it when they grow up.

Caution is the basic quality of an adult, not to mention that there are strangers everywhere and unfamiliar environments. No matter how cautious you are, you cannot be too cautious.

After staying away from the large cruise ship, Yuhai and Big-billed Ou continued to move forward. After flying for more than four hours today, they saw a large island again.

After arriving here, there were more and more ships, big and small, coming and going. It was inevitable that he would fly over some ships and fly to the island not far ahead.

This side of the island is all reefs, there is no port, and there are no man-made buildings.

In fact, he could also follow the ship and land at the port on the other side of the island.

But he is afraid of society, and this place suits him very well. Before he understands the situation on this island, he is not prepared to come into contact with humans.

Exploring the customs and customs of human society can only wait until tomorrow. After another day of flying today, he and the Big-billed Gull are exhausted and cannot do it without rest.

Don't think that he is not tired just sitting there, but his nerves are tense all day long and it is not uncomfortable at all.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he just wanted to finish dinner quickly and have a good sleep.

Tomorrow I will head to the city to determine whether this is Haza Island and whether I have arrived at the destination I decided on before.

Bang bang bang——

When making dinner, he sent out the elves to guard the surroundings, and soon made dinner.

After a simple dinner, he used the Poké Ball to collect the Armored Rhino, Slowpoke, Tench, and Magikarp. These four guys basically couldn't help him.

There are unfamiliar environments everywhere here, and he doesn't dare to let the armored rhinoceros go. This naughty guy runs around, and it will be very troublesome if he gets into trouble.

The Big-billed Gull and Bad Butterfly were also included in the Poké Ball. Big-billed Gull needed to rest, and Bad Butterfly was curious, so we had to wait for him to take a nap first and wake up.

In the end, there were only three elves left around him, the mosquito-repellent frog, the giant claw crab, and the orb silk spider.

"Mosquito-repellent frogs, giant claw crabs, and orb silk spiders, you just stay by the tent. You are not allowed to go anywhere. If you need anything, wake me up. Do you understand?"

Yuhai looked at the three elves and specifically told the three mosquito-repellent frogs not to run around. The three mosquito-repellent frogs all looked at Yuhai seriously and nodded in unison.

This is also the reason why he only kept these three elves, because these three elves are the most obedient and sensible. They can also endure loneliness. They will guard when they are told and will never run away.

"Okay, let's do this for now, I'm going to sleep," Yuhai got into the tent without closing the door.

It's not raining now, and there are elves guarding the tent outside, so there's no need to close the door.

It was too stuffy with the door closed and he couldn't sleep...

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