Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 116, mosquito-repellent frog

"Hey, I almost didn't fight, but I'm still too weak," the mosquito tadpole chewed fish meat in its mouth. Seeing that Yuhai was fine, it quietly breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to Yuhai, it would definitely not be able to forgive itself.

What happened today was really too dangerous. Even if they arrived in time and stopped the Megalodon, the five elves worked together to defeat the Megalodon. The Megalodon was really too strong.

When will it become stronger than the Megalodon and protect Ukai!

"Bah, bah, bah," Bada Die is usually heartless. It wasn't until the critical moment that it knew it was so weak.

It has the same idea as the mosquito tadpole. In order to protect Yu Hai, it seems that it can no longer be lazy and must train hard.

As for the goal, it is tentatively determined to be able to defeat such a powerful elf as the Megalodon alone.

"Kuo kuo kuo," the crab's thoughts were relatively simple. It saw that the tadpole brother was in a bad mood and was absent-minded during dinner, so it had no intention to eat.

"Uh-oh," the long-winged gull was quite open-minded, because it knew that this human being was very cunning. Apart from the panic at the beginning, he calmly directed them to fight later.

Regarding commanding them in five battles, the use of moves and the timing of attacks were all quite satisfactory and steady, with no mistakes.

In order to defeat the extremely explosive and fast Megalodon, many opportunities were created.

For example, the attack of giant claw crabs and the attack of electric grid.

In order to avoid close combat and avoid confronting the Megalodon's sharpest weapon, they are all kiting the Megalodon, consuming the Megalodon, and defeating the Megalodon.

In fact, after the elves arrived, their worries were all unnecessary. As long as the megalodon did not attack Ukai, there were five elves in Ukai, and they could kill the megalodon, which was certainly true.

This is the advantage of fighting against wild elves, elves without trainers.

The elves without the command of a trainer don't know who to attack first, which gives Ukai room to play.

If you want to command elves like a trainer, you need to understand everything about elves, their living habits, fighting habits, advantages and disadvantages, especially their moves. This requires elves with super powers.

Among the elves with various attributes, probably only the superpower elves, overlord-level elves, smarter elves, and mythical beasts can command other elves to fight.

"Hey Tuo," the Orb Silk Spider didn't feel too depressed. Instead, it ate very deliciously, and its mouth was full of meat.

It didn't realize at all that Ukai was almost eliminated, and it didn't have as deep a bond with Ukai as a tadpole. It really just regarded Ukai as a meal ticket.

It works for Ukai, obeys Ukai's orders, and Ukai gives it food and sweet honey. It's that simple, their relationship is pure.

Turning off the Crab's proficiency panel, Yuhai saw the elves with different moods.

The orb silk spider ate the fish meat and narrowed its eyes with joy.

The long-winged gull behaved in an orderly manner, slowly pecking at the fish.

Baddie has something on her mind, but she can still eat fish.

The giant claw crab is also eating fish, but its attention is focused on the mosquito tadpoles.

I was also eating mosquito-repellent tadpoles, but I was eating them here and there, my thoughts written all over my face.

"Tadpole, eat well," Yuhai immediately raised his hand and placed it on the tadpole's head, rubbing its little head.

"Yo yo," Mosquito-repellent tadpole drooped his eyelids, looked up at Yu Hai, and then lowered his head.

"Okay, mosquito-repellent tadpole, you're about to evolve, don't be so unhappy." Yuhai also knew the reason why the little tadpole was depressed, so he was going to divert the little tadpole's attention, "Mosquito-repellent tadpole, evolution means becoming stronger, and you can still grow Hands..."

"Hey, really?" The gloom on the tadpole's face was swept away, and he stared at Yuhai happily. It was about to evolve, why didn't it know?

"Tadpole, eat dinner first. I'll tell you after dinner," Yuhai patted the tadpole's head and opened the proficiency panel of the tadpole.

Today's protagonist is the mosquito-repellent tadpole, because the mosquito-repellent tadpole is really going to evolve.

【Mosquito-repellent tadpoles】

[Attribute: Water]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 34.31%]

[Level: 24.89%]

[Characteristics: Moisture/8.13%] [Hidden Characteristics: Traveling freely/3.13%]

[Mastery of moves: (Heart's Eye/7.21%) (Ice Hockey/0.31%) (Renewal/5.11%) (Hypnosis/0.82%) (Serial Slap/10.12%) (Water Gun/18.14%) (Water Play/10.21% )(Bubble Light/1.21%)】

"Come on, come on, we can evolve tonight," Yuhai saw that the tadpole was approaching level 25 experience, and he planned to stay up late tonight without sleeping.

It’s okay to stay up all night for the sake of the evolution of mosquito-repellent tadpoles. After all, the evolution of mosquito-repellent tadpoles is the most important thing.

In addition to experience points, the only remaining changes in the mosquito-repellent frog are...

The humidity has increased by one percent.

The Heart's Eye increased by one percent.

The water gun went up one percent.

The water has risen by one percent.

The number of moves related to moisture perception is steadily increasing.

But these are not the most important things. The most important thing is evolution.

Ukai let the elves eat their dinner. He returned to the tree house and took out the water gem wrapped in rags and the honey bucket.

After the elves finished their dinner, he brought out the honey again, but the elves were already full. Even though the honey was sweet, they needed to rest for a while before they could eat it.

The other elves can rest, but not the tadpoles. Yuhai asks him to eat as much as he can.

"Yo yo," Mosquito-repellent tadpole looked at the honey in front of him, with drool at the corners of his mouth. At Ukai's request, he used the dry rice move again.

After eating a full two kilograms of honey, the mosquito tadpoles stopped and made up for all the fish meat they had not eaten just now.

At this moment, Ukai took out the water gem wrapped in rags. Against the backdrop of the stove, it shone with aqua blue light. The rich water energy emitted by the gem made even the air moist.

"Tadpole, do you want to eat this gem?" Yuhai put the water gem in the palm of his hand, and he could still see the blue liquid flowing in the gem.

The moment the water gem appeared, the eyes of all the water elves present were firmly attracted by the beautiful aqua gem, and they were reluctant to move away.

The long-winged gull had no objection to Ukai's decision. It had already eaten a water gem.

If the water gem was given to the tadpole, the crab would have no problem with it, because it is the tadpole it admires.

The stupid thing really wants the Water Gem, but the Silly Fish has no choice, so it is impossible to get the Water Gem.

The weak tench also wants the water gem, but Yukai will not give it to these two silly fish, because their potential is much higher than that of the mosquito tadpoles.

"Yo yo, yo yo," Mosquito-repellent tadpole was lying on the ground after eating, but when he saw the water gem, he became serious. He stared at the gem for a while, and then looked at Yu Hai's gentle smiling face. .

In fact, it really wants this tadpole-tempting gem. It has wanted it since the first time it saw it. However, the gem was given to Ukai by the long-winged gull, and it can only wait for Ukai's arrangement.

Time had passed so long that it had forgotten about the gem, but it didn't expect that Yuhai would take it out at this time.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, if you eat them, you will evolve..."

"Yo yo," the mosquito tadpole looked up at the bucket. There were two silly fish staring at the gems, a large claw crab lifting its pliers to cheer itself up, and a crab that didn't care and just glanced at it with the corner of its eye. The long-winged gull here.

It also glanced at Badadie who was not paying attention to the gems. Seeing that no one said anything, it came to Yuhai's palm and raised its eyes to look at Yuhai. The smile on Yuhai's face was still there.

Only then did it get closer and smell the gem, then opened its mouth and bit the gem in Yuhai's hand. It felt the taste of the gem in its mouth, which was a bit sweet, and then it swallowed the gem into its belly.

At the moment when the mosquito-repellent tadpole swallowed the gem, a dazzling white light burst out from the surface of the mosquito-repellent tadpole, covering the entire body of the mosquito-repellent tadpole and illuminating the coast like a second bright moon.

Ukai traveled across the deserted island for a month, and the mosquito-repellent tadpole that he spent day and night with for a month finally evolved.

His eyes couldn't stand the strong light, so he raised his hands to block his eyes. Other elves also closed their eyes to block the dazzling light when the mosquito tadpoles evolved and prevent their eyes from being burned.

It wasn't until the white light faded and his eyes adjusted to the light of the stove again that Yuhai could clearly see the new elf in front of him, the mosquito-repellent frog.

The skin of the mosquito-repellent frog is still mainly blue, and the surface of the body is always covered with a layer of sticky, wet liquid.

It has spherical eyes that protrude from the top of its head. The eyes are white and the pupils are black, just like the mosquito tadpole period. There are small nostrils between the two eyes.

There are black counterclockwise threads on its white belly, which is exactly the opposite of what it was before it evolved. The hands looked like they were wearing white mittens, more like boxing gloves, and the feet were round and without toes.

The mosquito-repellent frog is now taller than his thighs. The legs are 1.7 meters long, about 80-85 centimeters. The official height of the mosquito-repellent frog is one meter. It is not surprising that it can reach his waist.

"Yo, boo!" The mosquito-repellent frog looked at the changes in its body curiously. It grew arms and finally had hands.

"Tadpole, you have evolved. Now I should call you frog." Ukai brought a basin of water and asked the frog to look at the reflection in the water and his new form.

"Yo Bo, Yo Bo," the mosquito-repellent frog looked at the reflection in the water, scratched its head with white boxing gloves, and touched its round belly and oval feet.

It turns out that this is the evolution that Ukai mentioned, these are the hands that Ukai mentioned... The mosquito-repellent frog raised its fists and touched them together. It finally had hands.

It can finally help Ukai, help him renovate the tree house, help him cook, help him carry water, help him carry honey, help him do many things, and it can also better protect him...

When Mosquito-Repellent Frog looked at himself, Yuhai was also checking the Mosquito-Repellent Repellent Frog's proficiency panel.

【Mosquito-repellent frog】

[Attribute: Water]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 44.51%]

[Level: 26.19%]

[Characteristics: Moisture/9.13%] [Hidden Characteristics: Traveling freely/4.13%]

[Mastery of moves: (Heart's Eye/8.21%) (Ice Hockey/1.31%) (Refreshed/5.11%) (Serial Slap/10.12%) (Water Gun/20.14%) (Water Play/12.21%) (Waterfall Climbing/2.22% )】

"Potential, potential," Yuhai quickly looked at the potential column of mosquito-repellent tadpoles, and saw the potential of the tadpoles after evolution, reaching forty-four.

Seeing the potential of forty-four, he was relieved, and immediately felt happy. The water gem was useful, and it actually added ten points of potential to the tadpole, which was not bad.

The tadpole's level has also reached level 26, and evolution has increased the tadpole's experience value by one percent.

Moisture characteristics and ease of travel have also increased by one percent.

Heart's Eye and Hockey Puck also increased by one percent.

The proficiency level of water guns and water play has increased by 2%.

Finally, the mosquito-repellent frog also learned a new move, waterfall climbing, a water-type physical attack move with 80 power.

[Waterfall Climb: Pounce on the opponent with astonishing momentum, there will be a 20% chance of making the opponent cower. Use Waterfall Climb outside of combat to climb up or jump down huge waterfalls. 】

Climbing the waterfall is still a contact move, originally called Fish Leaping over the Dragon Gate.

After reading the introduction of this move, Yuhai looked at the mosquito-repellent frog again. This move that the mosquito-repellent frog unexpectedly obtained was not bad. This is the only physical attack and water-based move that the mosquito-repellent frog can learn.

It is also a move of this type that increases explosive power, which is exactly what Mosquito Frog needs.

Moisture sensing has brought mosquito-repellent frogs to automatically lock onto enemies.

The leisurely movement brings double speed to the mosquito-repellent frog.

The enemy lock and dodge stacks are full, but the explosive power is lacking.

Now, the explosive power is coming...

"Mosquito-repellent frog," Yuhai was about to let the mosquito-repellent frog try a new move, but as soon as he looked up, he saw that the mosquito-repellent scented frog was already surrounded.

Big butterflies, long-winged gulls, and giant claw crabs all gathered around the mosquito-repellent frog, chirping, asking questions about the frog, touching here and there, and squeezing the frog's new body.

"Yobo?" The mosquito-repellent frog heard Yuhai's cry and hurriedly squeezed away the surrounding elves and came to Yuhai. As expected, Yuhai did not lie to it. It really grew arms and became stronger.

It can clearly feel that the body contains powerful power, waiting for it to be tapped.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, have you learned a new move, waterfall climbing?" Yuhai asked.

"Hey?" The mosquito-repellent frog raised his hand and scratched his head. This was the first time he had heard of climbing a waterfall.

"Just like this, Orb Silk Spider, you jump up to the tree," Ukai called the Orb Silk Spider and asked the Orb Silk Spider to demonstrate the spider's jumping ability.

"Hey," the orb silk spider didn't know why it jumped to the tree, but it still did it.

After the orb silk spider jumped up the tree, Yuhai looked at the mosquito-repellent frog again and explained: "Just like the orb silk spider, you can try it too. Waterfall climbing is a move to increase explosive power."

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog thought for a while, then raised its head and stared at the branches, its legs were slightly bent, and water gradually seeped out from under its feet. The mosquito-repellent frog jumped over the branches, the crown of the tree, and crossed the big tree.

Then, it fell headlong into the sand at the beach. When the mosquito-repellent frog got up, it even ate a mouthful of sea sand.

"This is the move, mosquito-repellent frog. This is waterfall climbing. Remember this move and we will train again tomorrow." Yuhai rushed over and excitedly picked up the mosquito-repellent frog and spun it around in circles.

After the excitement passed, he calmed down, but when he saw the smile on the mosquito-repellent frog's face, the same smile as his, with his eyes curled into crescents, the mosquito-repellent-repellent frog's mood finally improved.

He put down the mosquito-repellent frog and asked the elves to eat the honey quickly. They were going to prepare to go back to the house to rest.

They thought they would have to stay up late today, but the Water Gem complemented the tadpoles' final evolutionary experience, so they didn't have to stay up late and could go into the house early to sleep.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, big butterfly, giant crab, long-winged gull, orb silk spider, carp king, weak tench, go to bed early, see you tomorrow..."

Today, for the first time, Yu Hai said good night to all the elves, then pulled up the quilt to cover himself, and fell asleep beautifully.

I had a fulfilling day today, I hope tomorrow will be better...




"Uh oh..."




I went back and counted, and more book friends voted for the name of the old version, so I will use the name of the old version in the future.

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