Pokemon – All Things Exchange Chapter 567

"Mala! (Lolo! Damn!!)"

In an instant, Lolo's silhouette was enveloped in a cloud of smoke caused by the explosion.

And seeing this scene, Silver, who was out of Rage's eyes, a pair of claws issued a dazzling white radiance, and quickly chopped on the metal pillar of the cage, but, although Silver had already done his best to chop Cut the metal column, but the metal column is still retained unmoved, but there are a few more white scratches!

"Dragon Earth Dragon Land!!"

Excadrill also immediately sent out a concerned Growl, and the body pressed against the wall by the mechanical claw made a struggle, which was also useless, the mechanical claw Still unrelenting.

While Silver and Excadrill were struggling to Struggle, footsteps slowly came over, next moment, a not tall silhouette, with a Klang and a three-in-one magnet Strange, slowly came to this corner.

The person who appeared in front of him was a young boy, about twelve or thirteen years old, with light yellow hair, and a blue frame on his face at a young age Glasses, and wearing a slightly larger white coat, it looks a little funny.

However, after seeing the captured Silver and Excadrill, the little boy's eyes suddenly showed a hint of pride, and then.

"hmph, it's so chaotic outside, I know it won't be peaceful inside. Setting up a few organs is really helpful, but I didn't expect that this time it's just a few Pokemons, eh, But it doesn't matter, don't worry, you have been caught by me, I will not do anything to you, if the Zorua just got caught with a little cooperation, I will not attack it, you guys stay here first Let's take a while, and I'll deal with you when things are settled outside."

Seeing that there were only three Pokemon sneaking into the castle, the little boy was a little surprised, but he didn't stay surprised for a long time, so he threw a few words After speaking, the little boy turned around and took his Pokemon to leave.

But at the moment when the little boy turned around!


In the black smoke that has not yet completely dissipated! Suddenly a Black Dark Pulse accompanied by Growl issued!


Dark Pulse is fired directly at the little boy! But the three-in-one magnet beside the little boy responded quickly! Block the Dark Pulse directly with your own body!

“en? It turns out that you haven’t fallen yet. Hey, it’s so troublesome. My experiment has not been completed yet. In this case, I can only knock you down!”

Being attacked from behind, the little boy was also startled, but after the little boy turned around, he saw Lolo, who was slowly appearing in the black smoke, riddled with scars, and had difficulty even standing, the little boy suddenly Take it easy, then command the Klang three-in-one Magneto to attack!

"Three-in-one Magneto! Klang! Use Discharge!!"

"Zi Liu!"

"Lun Lu~"

The three-in-one Magneto and Klang, who heard the command, quickly rotated their bodies, and then released waves of electricity!


And seeing the electric shock hit, Luo Luo endured the pain and ducked back! But after the injury, Lolo's movements were really affected, and one couldn't dodge! Lolo was hit by two Discharges!

"Tzzzzzzz zi zi!!"


"Mala! (Lolo!!)"

"Dragon Land! (Lolo!!)"


Meanwhile! Just when Lolo was hit by Discharge! On the outside square! Leng Jun, who was already in the upper hand, was suddenly stunned! But then! A burst of rage suddenly climbed onto Leng Jun's face!

Leng Jun's Pokemon, most of them have telepathy with Leng Jun, and some of them are more deeply fettered, Leng Jun can even fuse his feelings with them.

And just now! Lolo's grief spread into Leng Jun's heart! After a moment of pause! Leng Jun understood Lolo's situation at the moment! This is too! The reason why Leng Jun has a strange Rage at this moment!

"Lolo! Lolo! Lolo!! Damn! All (so Pokemon)! Shrink to the center! Zekrom!! Thunder! Indiscriminate attack!!"

". .....Mu roar!!"

With Leng Jun's order! The slightly sluggish Zekrom swooped away from the city wall! Fly into the air! summon a large thundercloud! next moment! Thunder and rain! Countless lightning strikes like normal strikes in various locations throughout the castle!

city wall! square! bridge! castle!

None of these places are spared! All of them have been beaten by countless thunder and lightning baptism at this moment! Large tracts of city wall and Ground were smashed! Even the black stone bridges were broken by lightning strikes!

And those Team Plasma people and Pokemon in the square are even more unbearable, one by one was scared witless by lightning strikes! Dodge the lightning attack! The only safe place in the whole square! It is the central location of Leng Jun's Pokemon concentration!

"Stop it! Stop it! Leng Jun! If we have the ability, we will dignified and fight again! What kind of ability do you have with Black Dragon!"

At this time, Ghetsis, look Seeing this scene like the end of the world, a pair of eyes are already bloodshot! A pair of red eyes stared at the boss! He turned his head and let out a roar of extreme Rage at Leng Jun!

But... Leng Jun turned a deaf ear to the roar of Ghetsis, instead he looked towards the Black Dragon in the air, and then Leng Jun asked in a slightly questioning tone!

"Zekrom! What the hell do you mean!"

Leng Jun pointed to the square below and asked Zekrom.

Although Zekrom's Thunder attack is huge, Leng Jun found that these numerous thunderbolts, without exception, are all strikes on buildings, and none of them hit Team Plasma or Pokemon. !


Black Dragon was silent and did not respond, only slowly ending this time Thunder's attack.

"...Dragon of Unova? Look, I can't bear to attack these people..."

After thinking for a while, Leng Jun said Knowing what Zekrom did, he sighed in his heart.

"hahaha! Black Dragon! Zekrom! Praise you!! Leng Jun! Now even Black Dragon can't help you! What else do you have! Just take it out! hahaha!!"

Ghetsis is obviously a smart person, and also understands the meaning of Zekrom's actions just now, so, knowing that Zekrom is no longer a threat, Ghetsis immediately laughed heartily to Leng Jun taunted!

And when Leng Jun heard Ghetsis's words, he was frowned, and then...

"...although take it out? Okay! This is you You said it!"

With Leng Jun's words, two pink baby balls were held in Leng Jun's hands, and then one left and one right, opened in his hands with a ding!


Deoxys is in the Mew ball on the left, Deoxys appears and floats beside Leng Jun.

As soon as another Mew ball was opened, a rays of light fell directly from the ground to the Ground!


With the sound of a heavy landing!


"roar!! I'm so angry! The consequences are serious! roar!!"

angry roar directly dispersed the smoke! next moment! An ice giant dragon with an angry face! Frozen gas is constantly exuding from the mouth! Roaring out of the pit of the ground!

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