Pokemon – All Things Exchange Chapter 546

After careful calculation, it has been almost five days since Leng Jun left Striaton City. I don't know how Giovanni prepared during this time.


After dialing the communication, there is always a beeping waiting tone in the microphone, and the other party has not responded after waiting for more than ten times.

"en? Strange, is it because it's too late?"

Leng Jun couldn't help because the other party didn't answer the communication. Leng Jun guessed that it might be because it was too late .

"Okay, that's fine, let's call tomorrow..."

After waiting a few more times, it was still the same voice. The helpless Leng Jun decided to Hang up first.

But just when Leng Jun was about to hang up the microphone!


The communicator screen in front of me flickered, and then Giovanni's silhouette appeared on the screen.

Leng Jun: "..."

"Hello? Oh, Little Langdon ah... Hey, it's hard to get some rest early, and you're arguing with me again Wake up, tell me, what happened again..."

Giovanni's tone was a little weak, and the whole person looked like he didn't wake up. When talking to Leng Jun, his eyes were slightly Can't open.

Leng Jun: "..."

At this time, Leng Jun was also speechless, looking at the man on the screen wearing Yellow with Pikachu pattern pajamas, Boss Giovanni, who was wearing a Pikachu-shaped nightcap on his head, felt like ten thousand Pikachus rushing past...

"cough cough, well, I'm going to Loop Town soon, I just want to Ask, has the tracker arrived?"

Forcing the desire to complain, Leng Jun explained the purpose of his contact.

"Oh, the tracker, um... everything is ready, but I remember that the plane is for tomorrow afternoon, and it probably won't arrive at Loop Town until the next morning, haha~ I'm so sleepy, when the time comes you go to the Airport, just use the black hole mask to contact the delivery person..."

Giovanni was already very tired at this time, and he was lying on the table, closed Eyes hit Yawn said.

"Uh... well, I get it, so let's do it this time, you have a good rest."

Knowing the exact time, Leng Jun is not bothering Giovanni either. , hang up the communication after clicking nodded.

"tsk tsk tsk, you can come over the day after tomorrow, well, well, you can take a rest at this time, it's getting late, go back to Rest early."

After finishing the communication, Leng Jun I didn't stay, and quickly returned to the house to prepare for a rest.


second day Early in the morning, in the morning of sun shone brightly, Leng Jun, who was in a sweet dream, was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Who! Do you have any sense of public morality?"

Leng Jun now finally knows how Giovanni was woken up in his sleep last night, with a rather unhappy mood , Leng Jun got up and opened the door, and then...

"Mr. Leng Jun! Good morning!"

The ponytail girl who was already ready to go, faced with a sunny smile. Leng Jun greeted him.

"...Is something wrong with Miss Lan?"

Leng Jun, who was a little helpless, asked weakly.

"hehe ~ I'm here to say goodbye to you, Mr. Leng Jun, and I'll go to my uncle soon."

The ponytail girl said with a little reluctance.

"...Oh, say hello to your uncle on my behalf."

Leng Jun half-squinted a dead fish and said perfunctorily.

"Mr. Leng Jun! We parted this time, and we don't know when we will meet again in the future! So! Hehe!"

"Let's fight!!"


The smiling ponytail girl quickly took out a baby ball in her hand, stepped back in a strange pose, and shouted to Leng Jun fiercely in an imposing manner!


And hearing the ponytail girl's words, Leng Jun slowly opened his eyes full of doubts.


Ten minutes later, when the rescue center opened to the battlefield, Leng Jun and the ponytail girl were already in their command positions.

Xiao N was still sleeping late, so he didn't follow him.

"Ha ah~"

Leng Jun, who was still a little sleepy, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and hit Yawn, showing a lack of interest.

And the ponytail girl on the opposite side is really the opposite, completely be eager to have a try.

"First of all, let's talk about the rules of the battle, because Mr. Leng Jun is a senior, so let me be a little bit."

"We are going to battle this time, and I will prepare all the staff. It is a 5V5 Pokémon battle, Mr. Leng Jun cannot replace Pokemon as a defender."

"But as compensation, this is the first Pokemon to play, so let me come! Go Roselia! It's up to you!"

The ponytail girl talked a lot to herself, and also sent the first Pokemon to play.


Afterwards, as the ponytail girl baby ball was thrown, followed by a white light, it was the hand holding two Rose, and Roselia with a wobbly body.

"Oh, I see, now it's my turn, come out, Heat!"


Leng Jun is here too Take out Volcarona to fight.

"Hey!! Mr. Leng Jun, how can you do this! It's too much to use Volcarona!" Volcarona, who finished defeating her own Roselia, shouted to Leng Jun with a bulging face.

"...Well, I'll change to something else."

Leng Jun was stunned when he heard the ponytail girl's words, and then clicked nodded. Pick up the baby ball and prepare to retrieve the Volcarona.

But at this time...

"Wait a minute! No need! Hmph, I'm a champion! How can I back down just because of a little Attribute restraint! No need It's Mr. Leng Jun! Let's start now!"

The ponytail girl seemed to suddenly have a sense of normal, and loudly stopped Leng Jun's movements.

"...Well then, you can go first."

Leng Jun was stunned again, and finally, he slowly put down his hand and smiled at the girl said.

However, the girl was also rude, and immediately gave Roselia a loud command!

"Then we're welcome! Roselia! Use the strongest Petal Dance directly!"

"ying ying ying ~~"

With the ponytail As soon as the girl's voice fell, Roselia on the field quickly began to spin in place! And along with Roselia's rotation, the large Pink Petal constantly flew out from Roselia's body! Condensed into a storm of petals! Rush quickly towards Volcarona!

"...Heat, use Heat Wave!"

"Fire hu~"

And after seeing the storm of petals, Immediately following Leng Jun's command, a scorching storm suddenly surged out from under Volcarona's wings!

The Heat Wave mixed with fire powder directly meets the petal storm in the air! Almost in an instant, the storm of petals formed by the Petal Dance collapsed under the attack of the Heat Wave! Constantly turning into coke scattered ashes and dispersed smoke! next moment! Heat Wave will break through the obstacles of the petal storm! With the terrified expression on Roselia's face, he quickly attacked Roselia's body!


With the hit of the Heat Wave, Roselia let out a pain and flew out, spinning her body and landing on the Ground. After landing, Roselia was already black. Distance from the combat capability...


The ponytail girl looked at Roselia who was knocked down by a blow with surprise, and only after a moment of stunned did she react. Come and run over quickly.

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